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Tamriel Rebuilt:Indoril Beroth

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Indoril Beroth (TR_m3_Indoril Beroth)
Location Roa Dyr
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 21 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 154 Magicka 144
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Indoril 6(Lay Elder)
Indoril Beroth, ruler of the chapel of Nanaav

Indoril Beroth is a Dunmer noble currently visiting the ruler of Roa Dyr, Indoril Ilvi. While of a slightly lower rank than he, she stills has substantive holdings, and would normally govern from the Indoril chapel of Nanaav. The settlements under her rule also include Aimrah on Lake Andaram, Balathren and the large town of Othrensis. Given her visit to Roa Dyr, and the presence of Indoril Ilvi's ship, Diligent Faith in Aimrah, it seems that the two seek to work together.

She can be found in the Statesmen's Hall, and carries an Adamantium Wakizashi. She includes among her retinue one Inera Therethi, who can provide costly sculpting to you during the events of The Statue - with Indoril Beroth's permission, of course.

Indoril Beroth is also the author of a book, On the Definition of Heresy, which has seemingly found favor among Tribunal Temple members - in Spreading the Word, you will be sent to Indoril Beroth to try and expand its distribution range into Hlaalu lands.

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