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Tamriel Rebuilt:Hand-to-hand Trainers

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For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.


  • The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.

MW-icon-skill-Hand-to-hand.jpg Hand-to-hand Trainers[edit]

Level Trainer Location Other Skills Notes
90 Sover Dothril Vyr-Moran Lookout Block (48) Medium Armor (48)
75 Greedy Hofmund Helnim, Falkoth: Clothier Light Armor (75) Short Blade (75) Thieves Guild Service
66 Saryn Arns Sailen, Temple Unarmored (70) Blunt Weapon (69)
64 Dadas Almas Thirr, Bloodstone Shrine Sneak (64) Acrobatics (64)
Illene Teloth Almas Thirr, Office of Intercession Sneak (64) Acrobatics (64)
61 Bradas Grothilas Hlersis, Temple Sneak (61) Acrobatics (61)
Do'Mashirr Old Ebonheart, Guild of Fighters: Basement Acrobatics (71) Sneak (61)
60 Lloris Dalan Almas Thirr, Temple Restoration (65) Unarmored (60)
53 Borynil Althranis Andothren, Morag Tong Guild Sneak (53) Acrobatics (53)
48 Llavam Saldro Almas Thirr, Morag Tong Guildhall Sneak (48) Acrobatics (48)
47 Maladas Helas Monastery of St. Felms, Tower of Contemplation Sneak (47) Acrobatics (47)
46 Lloris Serin Akamora, Lloris Serin's Shack Sneak (46) Acrobatics (46)