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Tamriel Rebuilt:Feldril Sathis

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Feldril Sathis (TR_m7_Feldril Sathis)
Home City Hlan Oek
Location Governor's Mansion
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 11 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 113 Magicka 96
Alarm 40 Fight 20
Faction(s) Great House Hlaalu 6(House Brother)
Feldril Sathis

Feldril Sathis is a Dunmer noble of House Hlaalu and the appointed governor of Hlan Oek. He lives with his wife, Badami, in a manor in town.

Feldril's preferred methodology seems to be espionage and covert action. He is not above blackmailing Larienna Strabo into securing him a cut of Imperial taxation if given the opportunity during Strabo's Book Problem, nor lying to his Hlaalu superior, Councilor Atran Oran, during Stolen Battle Axe. Many of his House Hlaalu quests also concern the monitoring and sabotage of Indoril interests both within Almas Thirr and on the east bank of the river. He expresses both faint distrust of the Tribunal Temple, who he believes favor the Indoril, and of Indoril Ilvi specifically, who he considers "a warlike zealot" and a rallying figure for Indoril resistance to Hlaalu expansionism.

However wide-ranging Feldril's interests are however, he seems resolute in ignoring problems closer to home. In particular he expresses total disinterest in interfering with the activities of the Camonna Tong, which use Hlan Oek as a nexus for the illegal trade in skooma, stating only "I prefer not to intervene." Whether this stance stems from complicity, or a pragmatic decision not to rock the boat, is unclear.

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]


Thieves Guild[edit]