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Tamriel Rebuilt:Delivery for Dagmund

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An uplifting tale in farflung Nivalis.
Quest Giver: Halan Macrinus
Location(s): Firewatch
Prerequisite Quest: Lady's Mantle
Next Quest: The Ring of Ineptitude
Reward: 50 gold, 2x Scroll of Windform
ID: TR_m1_FW_MG02
Nivalis, a frostbitten Imperial outpost.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Halan Macrinus in Firewatch's Guild of Mages.
  2. Deliver Halan's potions to Dagmund Wind-Whisker at Icebreaker Keep, Nivalis.
  3. Find Claudine Hesault in her house in Nivalis.
  4. Use a Dispel spell or potion to bring Claudine down.
  5. Speak to Claudine for 2x Scrolls of Windform.
  6. Speak to Dagmund to receive a report.
  7. Talk to Halan Macrinus for your 50 gold reward.
  8. Deliver Dagmund's report to Banvira Auctoria.


  • Claudine can get stuck on the rafters after the Dispel effect is applied, and you'll need to push her off before continuing.
  • You can purchase a Dispel Other spell from Ainssa in the Firewatch Guild of Mages.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Delivery for Dagmund (TR_m1_FW_MG02)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Halan Macrinus asked me to make a supply run to Dagmund Wind-Whisker, who operates the Guild's outpost at Nivalis. I am to deliver three potions, then return for payment.
20 Dagmund Wind-Whisker thanked me for delivering the potions to him, and asked me to do him a favor before I depart Nivalis. Dagmund would like me to investigate the disappearance of his apprentice.
30 Dagmund's apprentice, Claudine Hesault, is apparently struggling with the basics of magic, and has not returned for her lessons in several days. Dagmund would like me to check up on her at her house.
40 I found Claudine Hesault stuck in her rafters, apparently trapped by some kind of uncontrollable levitation spell.
50 I helped Claudine Hesault dispel her unwanted levitation spell. She thanked me with her spare scrolls of levitation.
60 Claudine was grateful for my assistance dispelling her problematic levitation spell. She rewarded me with a scroll of levitation for my help. Dagmund will no doubt be relieved to hear she is safe.
70 Dagmund Wind-Whisker thanked me for helping Claudine, and gave me a note to send back to Banvira Auctoria at the Firewatch guildhall.
100 Finishes quest☑ I delivered Dagmund's sealed message to Banvira Auctoria.

Prev: Lady's Mantle Up: Mages Guild Quests Next: The Ring of Ineptitude