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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bidsi Vidryon

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Bidsi Vidryon (TR_m1_Bidsi_Vidryon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Firewatch
Location Brazen Maiden
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 6 Class Merchant
Other Information
Health 68 Magicka 116
Alarm 50 Fight 30
Bidsi Vidryon

Bidsi Vidryon is a Dark Elf merchant and the captain of the Brazen Maiden. She can be found on the deck of the ship itself, it having lately come to moor in Firewatch.

Bidsi has recently come into conflict with Senillos Tulnus, the head of the knightly Order of Firewatch. She claims that her vessel was damaged after the Drakelight Beacon, which the Order are tasked with keeping lit, went out. Senillos is desperate to preserve the Order's reputation, even in light of Bidsi's legal case brought against it by the barrister, Goren Daranith.

Bidsi's fate therefore depends in part on how thoroughly you choose to investigate in the Order's defense. It is possible to abandon Senillos and his knights to their dishonor, but a thorough investigation will see The Brazen Maiden (whether with Bidsi's knowledge or not) revealed to be hauling smuggled goods, dooming her case to fail.

She wears a common shirt with matching skirt and shoes. She wields a chitin longsword, and carries 43 gold, a Standard Fortify Personality potion, and a key to the Brazen Maiden's cabin.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

In her cabin, there is a yellow plate with a diamond, a turquoise, and an amethyst sitting on top of a barrel. There is also a bottle of goya on the table.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Out of Order: Address a legal case against a knightly order.


  • Greeting:
"You're on the Brazen Maiden, outlander. She's my ship."
  • Background:
"%Name, captain of the Brazen Maiden. I've been sailing the Inner Sea for nigh on half a century."
  • Bidsi Vidryon:
"That's me. I'm captain of the Brazen Maiden, ship I'm letting you stand on for the moment."
  • Brazen Maiden:
"That's my ship. By rights she'd be riding the wind south by now, but with the damage done to her I fear we'll be spending some more nights in dock. I'm furious about it. Only thing keeping me from taking on the Duchess herself is the knowledge that I've got the Empire, and its stooge Senillos Tulnus, by the kwama eggs. Drakes will be coming my way, soon enough, and I'll be clear of this port and glad to have it at my back."
  • Drakelight Beacon:
"It's that big pile of stones with a fire on top over there, can't miss it. Big name for a lighthouse, don't you think? Think they'd take better care of it with a big name like that."

Out of Order[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Stop right there, outlander. What's your business on the Brazen Maiden?"
  • I want to have a look around.:
"You do, do you? Well unless you're warranted by the Census & Excise Office, you've got no business poking around my ship. Now I suggest you put your feet on dry land before I put your head underwater." Goodbye
If you have a search warrant:
  • I have a warrant.:
"Let me see that... [She glances over the warrant.] This looks about right. Sera, I have nothing to hide. Take my key and go where you please." (Removed Search Warrant: Brazen Maiden from your inventory, and you receive Bidsi Vidryon's Key)
  • I want to ask you some questions.:
"When's this town going to offer me something other than questions? I've had about enough of 'em!"
  • Nothing in particular.:
"Then there's nothing in particular to interest you on my ship, so I suggest you go find what you aren't looking for elsewhere." Goodbye
"Well? Did you find anything?"
  • I found dwemer artifacts. That's contraband.:
"What!? That's not possible! I run a clean ship, I'm an honest merchant. I'm no smuggler! I'm telling you right now, sera, that I had nothing to do with this. I trust my men, enough to give them a little responsibility and a little freedom. Maybe I trusted them too much."
  • Not yet.:
"Take all the time you need, You won't find anything."
  • Brazen Maiden:
"She's been my girl for a long time. Not a board or peg on her is the same as when she first touched water with that name, but her soul hasn't changed a whit. Taken me from Blacklight to Vivec and up to Althoa more times than I can count. She's sailed the Sea of Ghosts, even, around to Winterhold, though I wouldn't take her again. Reckon she could sail the Padomaic had I a mind to steer her to the Isles, but I don't. Inner Sea's where we belong."

If you lied to Senillos Tulnus that there was no contraband:

"Repairs are underway and they're stacking coins for me over in Ember Keep as we speak."

If you told Senillos Tulnus about the contraband:

"Repairs are underway. She'll be glad to leave this port, and gladder to never return."

If you didn't find the contraband:

"Repairs are underway. And it turns out my first mate, curse his soul, was smuggling contraband right under my nose! I'm lucky these outlanders didn't catch wind of that."
  • Daranith & Daranith:
"Never met a lawyer before. I've seen their board enough times, though. Knew where I was going next when I hit those shoals, and marched straight there soon as my feet touched dry land. Office is over by the East Gate if you've a mind to do as I did."
  • Drakelight Beacon:
"That blasted pile of stones? Ahh, I shouldn't be so hard on it. It's guided me through this stretch enough times... I suppose that's what's got me peeved. Coming into the straight and seeing nothing where I expected light. Would've thought I'd steered us wrong if I didn't know these waters like I do. Knowing wasn't enough, though; the light's the only thing that'll get you through the rocks north of here if you're sailing the night."
  • hauling contraband:
"Dwemer artifacts? Not on my ship! If Udrasi's been hauling contraband under my nose, I'll keel-haul the fetcher!"
  • Senillos Tulnus:
"I don't have a problem with him. Just wish he'd kept his vessel in better order so I could have kept mine in better shape."
"He's the Empire man who'll be hearing my petition. Never had to lean on Empire justice before; I hope it's as just as they claim."