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Tamriel Rebuilt:Aurelia Draconis

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Aurelia Draconis (TR_m3_Aurelia Draconis)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Aurelia Draconis' House
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 8 Class Savant
Other Information
Health 74 Magicka 126
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Aurelia Draconis

Aurelia Draconis is a wealthy Imperial savant who resides alone on the eastern side of Old Ebonheart. By the time of the events of the game, she has lost the greater part of her sanity, and frequently finds cause to engage the Fighters Guild on a number of irritating tasks. Due to her wealth, she is not ignored, but her frequent correspondence causes Foedus Locutius, who receives the request, considerable annoyance.

During the events of the Fighters Guild questline, it becomes clear that Aurelia has an extreme fondness for velk nectar in her drinks, claiming it to be a fine sweetener. She has engaged a punavit smuggler, Ginur Dolvi in Vhul, to assist her in acquiring this strictly-guarded substance of the Indoril. She has even managed to secure a velk, which she calls 'Winne', and keeps in her quarters.

The sweetness of velk nectar is only a side-effect to its main purpose however - for use by the Indoril for communing with their dead. One such, an accidentally summoned Ancestor Ghost, notes Aurelia's skill at channelling, and requests that she be delivered to Indoril Ilvi, where she may find some use. It is on her journey to the lands of Indoril Ilvi that Aurelia encounters the ghost of her famous ancestor, Constantius, who points her towards the cave of Manumnabi, and it is this spectral event that drives the next section of the Fighters Guild questline in Old Ebonheart.

She wears an expensive shirt, an extravagant skirt, and a pair of expensive shoes. She wields a silver dagger, and carries 2 quill pens and 5 gold.

Aside from her natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, she knows no spells.

On the second floor, there is a copy of The Warrior's Charge on the bookshelf. On the desk are two unique books: Aurelia Draconis' History Book and Unfinished History Book that shows the extent of her descent into madness and channeling with Indoril ancestors. Behind the locked door (20) opposite the desk is her bedroom, where there are 2 bottles of flin and a bottle of Telvanni bug musk on the chest of drawers.

Related Quests[edit]

Fighters Guild[edit]


  • Greeting:
"I'm sorry, do I know you? You must excuse me, I believe I've left my tea boiling far too long."
  • Background:
"I am %Name. My husband and I have had a few temporary setbacks, but they're nothing that cannot be overcome by perseverance."

Fighters Guild: More Rats?[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Have you come here to deal with the rats, my dear?"
"Please, %PCName, do something to make those rats disappear."
"Are you here about the rats again?"
"Why are you here again, %PCName?"
  • rat:
"Come in out of the snow, my dearest, I wouldn't want you to catch another cold! The last time that happened you laid in bed perfectly still for weeks! Augh! There's that noise again! Those rats in my walls have been causing such a racket that my nephew in Anvil sent me a letter complaining about the noise! Is that why you've come to visit?"
  • Yes.:
"Splendid! You'll find the door downstairs unlocked. Yes, I still remember my old spells. You remember the "Unlock Distant Door" spell, right? Do they still teach that in the academy? I must have that book around here somewhere..."
  • Uh, sure?:
"Splendid! You'll find the door downstairs unlocked. Yes, I still remember my old spells. You remember the "Unlock Distant Door" spell, right? Do they still teach that in the academy? I must have that book around here somewhere..."
  • Sorry, I'm not.:
"Well that's much too bad. I was hoping someone could clear my crawlspace of kagouti. It was kagouti, wasn't it?"
"I still hear that damned scratching in my walls! Please make it go away! They're probably all over my ash yams..."
"Don't tell me it's been Winne this whole time! Winne is the large black webby fellow that lives in my back room, I think they called her a velk or something like that. Has she been making all that noise? She's been nice enough to sweeten up my tea with her nectar whenever I ask. If that scrib of a man Ginur Dolvi hadn't raised his prices, I wouldn't have to keep Winne at all!"
  • Can I pay you to get rid of the velk?:
"Pay me? I suppose I could switch to sugar, but those import taxes are outrageous. Why, you'd have to have at least five hundred gold to pay for that much sugar. Especially when you drink as much tea as I do."
  • Here's 500 gold.:
"Be free, Winne! I've got all the sugar in the world, thanks to %PCName. Go tell that old Foedus you've done well. Between you and me, I don't think he's all there anymore mentally." (Removed 500 gold from your inventory)
(If you don't have the gold):
"Sorry dearie, no more loans from Aunt Aurelia. You'll have to come up with the gold on your own terms. Have you considered restarting your freshly squeezed greef stand?"
  • Nevermind.:
"Hm. I suspected you for a coward, you always took after your brother Vedam."
  • Where does Ginur Dolvi live?:
"Ginur Dolvi lives in Vhul, the town southeast of here. Ginur lives near the brewer's hall, but he usually skulks around outside. If you see that dirty shalk, tell him Aurelia is done with him now that I have Winne! Can you believe he charged me three ebony bricks for a half jar of nectar? The nerve!"
"Has that rat Ginur Dolvi agreed to pay up? Or have you come to pay tribute?"
  • I have the 500 gold.: (See "Be free, Winne!..." and "Sorry dearie..." responses above)
  • I should go see Ginur Dolvi.:
"Ginur Dolvi? That guar-for-brains? Tell him ol Aurelia doesn't need him anymore thanks to my friend Winne!"
"Finally, my tea and I can be alone! Are you still here, %PCName?"
(If you killed Winne):
"Get out! Get out! Get out! Don't touch anything, you ravenous beast! Have you no shame in what you've done?" Goodbye

Fighters Guild: And Ghosts, Too![edit]

  • Greetings:
"You've come here just in time, %PCName. Do you see the ghost here in my house?"
(These lines have a random chance of appearing when escorting her to Dondril):
"Dondril, Tondril, Gondor, which one was it again?" Goodbye
"So many wispy women, or men, or actually how can you tell? Can anyone tell?" Goodbye
"I'm not sure I even like the taste of velk tea. I'm not sure why I bothered buying it. Netch leather tea tastes just fine." Goodbye
"This place has far too much orange for my taste. I remember when everything around here was green!" Goodbye
"Am I bothering you, %PCName? I don't want to be a pest, I just never get many visitors." Goodbye
(After being brought to Dondril):
"Well, I've finally made it. Constantius, how nice of you to show up! %PCName, this is my great great... I don't know how many greats, great uncle Constantius. He was a great warrior, you know. He's trying to tell me something about Manumnabi but I haven't a clue what that means. Oh, he's leaving already, and to think we just met! Thank you for bringing me here, %PCName, I'm sure they'll treat me just fine." Goodbye
"Thank you for bringing me here, %PCName, I'm sure they'll treat me just fine. Now how does that song go? Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red..."
  • ghost:
"Do you see him, %PCName? That wispy Dunmer fellow in the corner, I never got his name but he arrived shortly after I had my last bit of nectar and he's refusing to leave. Remind him this isn't a tavern, I've got no room for guests. He doesn't seem to want to talk to me."
"Well? What did that spirit fellow have to say?"
  • You're coming with me to Dondril.:
"Dondril? Oh I've always wanted to visit there. My great great great uncle Constantius fought a great battle there. Dondril is in Hammerfell, right? [Aurelia Draconis is now following you.]" Goodbye
  • Nothing, I'll be back later.:
"Yes, I'm sure it's nothing. Are you sure it's gone for good?"
(When escorting her to Dondril):
"Ghost? What ghost?"