Tamriel Rebuilt:Art of the Deal
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak to Cano in the Old Ebonheart East Empire Company: Offices about stay quiet about us.
- Either:
- (If Sarrugi Sentishi lives) Speak to Aetia Nemesia about five-thousand-drake ransom.
- (Optional) Travel to Rilsoan and ask about Yontus Kushummu.
- Enter Massanud and either:
- (If Sarrugi was already dead) Search the bodies.
- (If Sarrugi was alive) Negotiate with Sarrugi Sentishi and either:
- Pay the demanded 5,000.
- Try to work something out (requires 80+ disposition, 3,000 gold).
- Diminish the importance of the prisoners (requires 50+ disposition, 50+ Mercantile, 2,000 gold)
- (If Sarrugi was alive) Kill the bandits inside.
- (If Yontus Kushummu is alive) Speak to him.
- (If Yak gro-Yam is alive) Speak to him about stay quiet about us and either:
- Kill him.
- Pay him 2,000 gold.
- Obtain Sarrugi's Scepter from Sarrugi Sentishi and give it to Yak gro-Yam.
- Travel to just north of Roa Dyr and talk to Mamaea Banapli about stay quiet about us.
- Either:
- Kill her (reduces financial reward to 1,000 gold).
- Pay her 500 gold (requires 30+ disposition to get the option).
- Speak to Deldor Arethi, just south of Mamaea, about stay quiet about us and either:
- Kill him (reduces financial reward to 1,000 gold).
- Give him a copy of 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 27 (requires 55+ disposition to get the option).
- Give him six Small Kwama Eggs (requires 55+ disposition to get the option).
- (Optional) Give Mamaea Banapli 1x Coda Flower and 5 gold for the six Small Kwama Eggs.
- Return to Cano (rewards 2,000 gold, or 1,000 if Mamaea and/or Deldor died).
- Or:
- Enter Roa Dyr's Crossing of Lamps.
- (If not a House Hlaalu member) Speak to Diranya about the Priority Shipping Act with either:
- 50+ disposition.
- 30+ disposition and Initiate or higher rank in the Tribunal Temple.
- 30+ disposition and membership of House Indoril.
- Speak to Indoril Ilvi in Roa Dyr's Warriors' Hall about the Priority Shipping Act and either:
- Offer a trade agreement while...
- ...having 30+ disposition and either...
- ...Factor rank in the East Empire Company.
- ...50+ Speechcraft and Negotiator or higher rank in the East Empire Company.
- ...60+ Personality and 50+ Speechcraft.
- With 70+ disposition, offer a cut of the glass and ebony trade.
- Name your price as either:
- Free passage (requires 50+ disposition).
- Free passage and limited trade rights (requires 60+ disposition, 60+ Mercantile).
- Free passage and full trade rights (requires 80+ disposition, 80+ Mercantile).
- ...having 30+ disposition and either...
- Or:
- Deny any EEC-Hlaalu Alliance (requires 80+ disposition).
- Explain the East Empire Company's activity in Ilvi's lands (requires 80+ Speechcraft).
- Offer a trade agreement while...
- Return to Cano (rewards 5,000-7,000 gold, possibly Bullish and/or Bearish).
- (Optional) Offer living clients the chance to join the East Empire Company.
- Either:
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Suspicions of a Conspiracy[edit]
On returning from Briricca Bank with the Briricca EEC Update, you will find Cano in a state of some distress. He has a final assignment for you - ensuring that East Empire Company (EEC) clients you have met previously stay quiet about us. This paranoia has apparently arisen following news that Indoril Ilvi has opened an investigation into recent EEC activity in his lands. Cano believes that a recent agreement between the company and House Hlaalu (in the form of a Priority Shipping Act) and the activities of Marki the Shark have aroused Indoril Ilvi's suspicions that the company is conspiring with the Hlaalu. Cano asks that you find recent contacts of Marki, including Mamaea Banapli, Deldor Arethi, and Yontus Kushummu - and ensure their silence. For once, this isn't a euphemism. Cano just wants to make sure that the three lie low, or at the very least, don't change sides - and if do you choose the lethal route for any of these clients, he'll be very upset - as he puts it, "this isn't House Hlaalu".
Cano has made arrangements for Yontus to meet you at Rilsoan, and believes that both Deldor and Mamaea will be found near or in Roa Dyr.
Ensuring Their Silence[edit]
The Five-Thousand-Drake Ransom[edit]
(This section only applies if Sarrugi Sentishi was left alive in Follow the Money)
Assuming that you leave the building using your feet, you will be accosted by the East Empire Company receptionist, Ma'Shavir, on leaving. He says that you are urgently wanted upstairs. Ascend, and speak to the company factor, Aetia Nemesia. She has received a note claiming that somebody has captured an EEC merchant, and has named you as the courier for the demanded 5,000 gold. Aetia will only spare 2,000, and tells you to figure something out.
As you will likely guess on reading the note, the kidnapper is Sarrugi Sentishi, the smuggler leader who resides in Massanud, near Rilsoan. Traveling to Rilsoan and conversing with the residents there about Yontus Kushummu will confirm that Yontus has been kidnapped by the Massanud band.
Walk the path leading southeast out of Rilsoan, all the way to Massanud. You will find Eorric the Knight outside the cavern entrance. Apparently Quilmaro was concerned for your wellbeing, and so sent him to provide fighting support if you need it. If you wish to enlist Eorric, ask him to travel together, but note that entering Massanud with him will turn all the smugglers in the cave hostile.
If entering without Eorric, go to the end of the cave and speak to Sarrugi Sentishi. It seems that he is keeping both Yontus Kushummu and his Orc attendant, Yak gro-Yam, captive. Yontus did not betray your identity, but Yak gro-Yam has. Sarrugi demands 5,000 drakes for the return of both. You can respond in a couple of ways: pay the full 5,000, or negotiate to pay 2,000 only. This latter option requires that you either ask to "work something out" while at 80+ disposition with Sarrugi, in which case, he will lower the demanded price to 3,000 gold, or that (with 50+ disposition and 50+ Mercantile) you note that the two individuals are customers, not merchants themselves - in which case only 2,000 gold is needed.
Negotiations complete, you will be supplied with the keys to the prisoners' bracers - Sarrugi will note that Yak gro-Yam was already a slave, perhaps explaining his willingness to involve you. You now need to actually ensure Yontus and Yak gro-Yam's silence. Yontus Kushummu's has been secured by default - his captor has removed his tongue. Yak gro-Yam meanwhile has seen much of Yontus's dealings with the East Empire Company, and requires 2,000 gold for the promise of his silence, or alternatively, Sarrugi's Scepter. This latter item isn't something that Sarrugi will give up willingly, so you will need to kill him and his bandits (recovering the gold you've paid him in the process). You can bring in Eorric to help with this, or otherwise kill Yak gro-Yam (which will reduce your faction reputation gain, but not otherwise affect your reward).
Yontus Kushummu and Yak gro-Yam[edit]
(This section only applies if Sarrugi Sentishi was killed in Follow the Money)
Enquiring about Yontus Kushummu in Rilsoan, the arranged meeting place, will reveal that he was kidnapped by the smugglers of Massanud. As you have likely killed all of those smugglers to reach this point, you may be surprised to hear it. However, entering Massanud reveals that a bandit had indeed survived. This Vroge Late-Arriver is hostile, and has also apparently killed both Yontus and his orc servant, Yak gro-Yam. Search Yontus' body to receive a journal update - the silence of these two has been assured.
There is a slightly reduced faction reputation gain when turning in this quest for a reward (+3 instead of +8), but otherwise the deaths of these two have no bearing on your final reward.
Deldor Arethi[edit]
You can find Deldor Arethi immediately north of Roa Dyr, below the northern watchtower. Ask him about the stay quiet about us topic. At less than 55 disposition, he'll refuse to lie low. At higher than this, he'll request a favour in return - specifically, a copy of the 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 27, or the six small kwama eggs that he needs to give the nearby trader, Andilu Ornovl, for such a copy. You can either buy the copy from Andilu on his behalf, substitute your own, or obtain six Small Kwama Eggs.
Mamaea can trade you the six small kwama eggs you need in exchange for five gold and a Coda Flower (ask her about the Deldor Arethi topic to unlock this). The coda flower is also in Andilu's stock, so buy one if you need it, and bring it to Mamaea, who is a little way up the road. Then return with the kwama eggs to Deldor.
Mamaea Banapli[edit]
Mamaea stands by a gourd harp on the road running north from Roa Dyr towards Vhul, being only a short walk up that road from Deldor. She'll sympathise with your situation, but with 30+ disposition still requests 500 gold to lay low for a while. There's no way around this, so you'll need to pay up (or kill her - but this reduces your ultimate reward by 1,000 gold).
The Return to Old Ebonheart[edit]
Once you have secured the silence of Yontus, Yak gro-Yam, Deldor and Mamaea, you can return to Cano in the East Empire Company office to report your success. He'll reward you with 2,000 gold for your efforts, or 1,000 if either Mamaea or Deldor died.
The Lord of Roa Dyr (Alternate Route)[edit]
(This route is impossible if you are a member of House Hlaalu, even if you have been expelled from that faction)
If Cano's assessment of the situation is accurate, Indoril Ilvi believes the East Empire Company to be in league with one of his enemies, House Hlaalu. If you are able to convince him otherwise, it could be very lucrative, and getting him to call off his investigation will mean that none of your clients need to lie low.
To pursue this route, travel to Roa Dyr. Indoril Ilvi will not receive you, but if you speak to his steward, Diranya, you can negotiate an audience with him. Diranya is an Altmer who can be found in the Crossing of Lamps building. You'll need 50+ disposition with her, or else have 30+ disposition while being a member of either the Tribunal Temple (Initiate rank or higher) or of House Indoril itself. She will absolutely refuse to arrange a meeting if you are a member of House Hlaalu, locking you out of this route.
With Diranya on side, go to the Warriors' Hall in Roa Dyr to speak to Indoril Ilvi himself. Begin by choosing the Priority Shipping Act topic. He'll ask you to explain how his concerns about an East Empire Company-Hlaalu arrangement are unjustified. You'll have three options to respond with.
Trade Offer Received[edit]
If you choose to state that the EEC was only scouting Indoril Ilvi's lands in order to prepare for an offer of a trade agreement, you'll need 30+ disposition just for Indoril Ilvi not to show you the door. In addition, you need either the actual authority to negotiate a trade agreement (by being Factor of the East Empire Company), said authority and a great deal of charm (by having 50+ Speechcraft and being at least Negotiator rank in the EEC), or confidence enough to fake that authority (in this instance, you require 60+ Personality and 50+ Speechcraft).
Indoril Ilvi's first question being answered to his satisfaction, he will then ask why he should drop his lineage's ancient policy of embargo. The correct answer is the one that offers to help him get a slice of Vvardenfell's ebony and glass trade, currently dominated by Ilvi's despised Hlaalu. With 70+ disposition, he will accept this argument, and ask what the East Empire Company will want in return. The more you can get here, the greater your ultimate reward - but you will need a very high Mercantile skill to get the top offer.
Asking for free passage alone requires 50+ disposition, and will net you 5,000 gold from Cano, in addition to 10 faction reputation and 2 general reputation. Negotiating both free passage and the right to trade with Ilvi's tollmer will require 60+ Mercantile, and 60 disposition. Cano will reward you with 5,000 gold and the rapier, Bullish, for this option. You will additionally receive 15 faction reputation and 3 general reputation.
The most audacious demand from Ilvi's perspective is the request for free passage for EEC agents and the right to trade with all in his lands. This goes against his traditions, and yet you can secure his agreement with 80+ Mercantile and 80+ disposition. Succeeding will see you showered in riches, with Cano providing a reward of 7,000 gold, both Bullish and the shield Bearish, 15 faction reputation and 4 general reputation.
Denying the EEC-Hlaalu Alliance[edit]
Persuading Indoril Ilvi that the East Empire Company has no interest in helping the Hlaalu seize Indoril lands is an alternative option to negotiating a trade agreement that requires high Speechcraft. If you pick this option, you'll need 80+ disposition to convince him that the Hlaalu are no allies of the Empire. You'll then need to reveal that, despite his understanding of affairs, the East Empire Company has already been managing to conduct trade in his lands. Your Speechcraft must be 80+ or over to convince him that there is nothing more to the EEC's activities in his lands. If convinced, he will demand that the EEC oversteps no further, but will otherwise turn a blind eye to its trading activities. You may return to Cano for a reward - in this case, 5,000 gold, the shield Bearish, in addition to 10 faction reputation, and 2 general reputation.
A More Formal Employment[edit]
After you have reported to Cano that a deal with Ilvi has been struck, you do have the option of returning to some of the East Empire Company's clients who are, in the wake of the deal, now no longer needed by the company. If you do so and inform them of the deal with Ilvi, you will unlock an option to invite them to join the East Empire Company. This offer can be extended to Aren Tano and Varuso Veloth (who will always refuse), Deldor Arethi and Mamaea Banapli (who will both accept with 50+ disposition), and Yak gro-Yam (who will accept with 70+ disposition and 500 gold). Any who have been given and accepted job offers will move to new positions as East Empire Company employees, with Mamaea appearing in the East Empire Company building in Old Ebonheart and Deldor in Almas Thirr.
Quest Stages[edit]
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Prev: Bank Run | Up: East Empire Company Quests | Next: Letter of the Law |