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Skyrim talk:Valthume

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Can someone please give a more specific location as to where Valthume is? It only says that the place is located in the Reach; that's not very specific. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:30 on 24 November 2011

I got a different shout here[edit]

I got whisper after I did this dungeon, and this dungeon did not give me hunt. I went back and I still dont have hunt... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:26 on 8 December 2011

valthume iron door bug.[edit]

door keyhole works but the rings surrounding keyhole do nothing. anyone have the same problem? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:51 on 9 December 2011

Is this a door with symbols on it? They are often bugged. It usually gets fixed if you leashes the area and come back. Chris3145 19:53, 9 December 2011 (UTC)
Xbox360 Solution: Set door symbols incorrectly so that you can press each one 1 time for it to be correct. Exit to previous area. Save through start menu. Return to dashboard without turning off xbox, clear system cache. Restart game. Redownload update. Continue game, walk to door, running may cause issues in functionality, set each symbol as fast as you can and insert claw. This worked for with just one attempt. I hoped this helps I spent hours researching to no avail. Good Luck! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:11 on 11 January 2012
The key (no pun intended) seems to be setting the rings as fast as you can to the correct combination by setting each ring to the symbol before the correct one, then immediately activating each ring one after the other to make all three rings slide into position at nearly the same time, then, while the rings are sliding into the correct position, activating the keyhole over and over until the key gets inserted (and hopefully turns). It worked for me the first time after screwing with it for an hour. -- 02:12, 1 March 2012 (UTC)
A further solution for Xbox 360 users is to back-track to where the exit from the catacombs leads. Although it says the door is barred from the other side, it opens and the bar can simply be jumped over which allows you to circumvent the Iron Claw door altogether. 12:08, 30 March 2012 (UTC) > Leaving and reentering the Catacombs worked for me. --SamiteAlchemist (talk) 16:18, 15 September 2012 (GMT) > Didn't work for me, door stays closed. On XBox with Dawnguard expansion. --SamiteAlchemist (talk) 16:31, 15 September 2012 (GMT)
[@] Thank you for solving this for me, worked great — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:02 on 12 December 2012
Go to the barred door, use a wooden rectangular plate, and use whirlwind sprint through it. In other words, drop the plate, hold it up to the door and run into it, make sure the plate is still on the door when you "shout." it took me a few tries but I got it to work.

Interesting glitch[edit]

From the Greybeards I got the location to go to Valthume and collect the word of power. However instead of immeidatly going there I went to Northwind Summit to collect part of the word. It then said I completed Valthume. And when I get to Valthume the door is glitched and won't open after I do the correct combination. I'm going to try to reload an earlier save and go through all that hard work again. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:07 on 17 December 2011

Can't get to vessel[edit]

I believe its the second vessel, fell behind the stone table behind the pillar. Only way to get to it is to jump over the table and retrieve it behind the pillar but doing so causes you to be stuck there and not be able to jump back out. Any ideas? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:02 on 26 December 2011

The same thing happened to me, I was a mage so I used telekinesis after hopping on the alter to pull it out. Hope that helps. Gquad 07:01, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
I appreciate all the advice folks - i finally leveled up my guy to obtain telekinesis and was able to pull it out. Whew! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:01 on 30 January 2012
I stood on top of the table and used Unrelenting Force (with all three words) to get it away from the wall. Did the same thing for the first vessel which i could not select, maybe because vegetation was in the way. --SamiteAlchemist (talk) 16:49, 15 September 2012 (GMT)

Valthume Stuck[edit]

As far as getting stuck behind the pedestal at the second vessel, you can jump out, its really tricky though as you have to be in the right position, helps if you unequip your weapon, and if your armor doesn't restrict your weight. i spent 15 minutes, refusing not to restart the dungeon, and it may help to use relentless sprint towards the right crack between pillar and pedestal, its a pain in the butt, but you can get out. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:00 on 14 January 2012 (UTC)

Content of Word Wall Chest[edit]

The page currently states "the books in the chest". For me, there were no books only standard boss level loot 11:51, 28 January 2012 (UTC) StuWade

Valthume Word of Power sound but no word[edit]

I stand infront of the word of power here the sound but no word. I have tried reloading saves. Tried getting it from the back of the wall, crouch, jump, unloaded all mods still didnt work. Anyone have a fix for this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6 May 2012

The only current fix is to reload from the start of the dungeon. Sorry. The Silencer has spokenTalk 04:11, 7 May 2012 (UTC)
"The Silencer" may have spoken, but they seem to be wrong; reloaded from save point outside dungeon 4x and still have this glitch! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:21 on 13 September 2013

Getting Word of Power without fighting boss[edit]

Tried both ways described on the main page, neither worked.

1) Skipped the vessel that is hard to get to so one by Wall was second. Bars did not open.

2) Standing to the side of the Wall and getting as close as i can gives the 'flowing' animation but no word. On XBox with Dawnguard expansion --SamiteAlchemist (talk) 16:36, 15 September 2012 (GMT)

3) Take the vessel off of the pedestal, then jump on the pedestal. Worked on PS3 --Dovahreid 20:34, 10 February 2012 (GMT)

Chest on low ledge[edit]

"Early in the dungeon, you will enter a room with several rows of benches and a trap door leading to a spider pit. In this room, there is a high ledge that you can reach by using the Whirlwind Sprint shout from a walkway along the northern wall. This high ledge leads to a leveled piece of armor and a chest." You don't need Whirlwind Sprint, jumping works fine. 12:04, 16 January 2013 (GMT)

Fungi Location[edit]

"This open to reveal a tunnel that leads to a naturally lit room with an upright sarcophagus opposite and the first of the opaque vessels required on a pedestal to the left. The sarcophagus will burst to reveal a leveled draugr. In the northeast corner is a growth of blisterwort fungi." the blisterwort fungi is in the northwest corner, alongwith an iron dagger and a ring. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:45 on 3 June 2014

Getting the word without fighting the boss[edit]

The vessel by the word wall was the first one I picked up and it raised the bars, the book I was retrieving for the college was there and the bars raised. The first vial got knocked off the pedestal during combat and I forgot to pick it up. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:06 on 23 June 2014 (GMT)

Word Wall trick[edit]

I think the reason it might not work is because the pressure plate doesn't work. What I did is I jumped on it then got off and it worked!!! 12:54, 4 July 2014 (GMT)

Word wall glitch: How to fix[edit]

Just keep jumping on to the pressure plate. It worked for me after like 10 tries, i guess the game had to catch up with it's self. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:38 on 12 May 2016 (UTC)

Solution to word wall glitch:[edit]

1. Get away from the wall.

2. Look at how many words of Aura Whisper shout you have.

3. Open the console and write: set WWAuraWhisper to (number of words from #2 without ) signs)

4. Get back to the wall, the word should be there in full blue light.

— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:12 on 20 June 2016 (UTC)