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Skyrim talk:The Jagged Crown (Stormcloaks)

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If someone on PC could console command the jagged crown onto Ulfric and then screenshot it, that would be a good picture for this page. (Eddie The Head 09:37, 11 December 2011 (UTC))

It would be a good picture but it also would be wrong because he never wears that crown. I think the pictures should be like the information always correct. --Quozar 10:04, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

Get the crown[edit]

Is there any way to get the crown after you give it to Ulfric because 1 its really strong better then my helmet and 2 it is a lot of money is there a way to pickpocket him?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:13 on 20 December 2011

nah sorry, not unless you use PC, for now ive been postponing the quest so i can use it, so you could postpone this quest until you get a better helmet. (Eddie The Head 03:22, 21 December 2011 (UTC))
Meh it ain't all that if you use light armor. Oddly enough when I put it on with Krosis on it dropped my armor rating 19 points. — Unsigned comment by Artemis Enterei (talkcontribs) at 18:22 on 30 December 2011 (GMT)
derp, most likely thats cos u got light armor improved with 25% when u wear all light armor, since the crown is heavy armor, u lose the 25% bonus — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:22 on 17 January 2012 (GMT)

GREAT training opportunity[edit]

As long as you can tolerate Galmar calling you "Unblooded" every 3 seconds, this is a *perfect* place to train any battle-related skill- Galmar can be attacked at any point in the dungeon to train whatever you attack him with (one handed, two handed, destruction, etc.). After taking a few hits, he will start attacking you, which allows you to train restoration, heavy armor, light armor, and block. What makes this work is the curious fact that, once taken down to zero health, even though Galmar simply takes a knee for a second like any vital NPC would, the game treats it as if he died by removing the 40 bounty you get for assaulting him. When he "wakes up," he's forgotten the attack and you can repeat the cycle until you've had your fill. What's especially weird is that this worked despite the presence of the other Stormcloaks- while they occasionally said a word of protest, none of them lifted a finger while I was hacking away at Galmar. I *did* have him become permanently hostile one time, but I just reloaded and tried again with much success. Alternatively, you can just perform Sneak Attacks, as these don't *ever* cause him to become hostile- you can *easily* train Sneak to 100 here. It was also quite ironic to be called "unblooded" by someone I had just hacked to pieces over and over and over again :-P 01:07, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

Get the healing hands spell, then after sneak attacking him you can use it to heal him up to attack him again...and improve your restoration at the same time. -- 09:10, 29 May 2014 (GMT)


If you have both "The Jagged Crown (Stormcloaks)" and "Season Unending" active at the same time, you cannot advance through Season Unending with the crown in your inventory. Once you sit in the chair to negotiate a peace treaty, nothing happens.

I'm now stuck because of needing to sit at the chair for season unending and needing to return the crown to Ulfric for the jagged crown... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:48 on 7 June 2013

If you're on PC, use the console commands to advance the quest. Otherwise, your best bet is to reload an old save.--Ratwar (talk) 13:35, 9 June 2013 (GMT)

Keeping Jagged Crown[edit]

It's been reported and confirmed by 2 IP editors that you can keep the Crown by reverse-pickpocketing it into Ralof or Hadvar's inventory before you turn in the quest, but I just tried it and was prevented from doing so by it being a quest item. Can someone actually report here that they were able to do this, because it shouldn't be possible, unless the quest item tag is bugged for some people. --Xyzzy Talk 06:59, 26 February 2014 (GMT)

Lol, never mind. Just realized I was trying to reverse-pickpocket it to Galmar. It worked fine with Ralof, even though it said I had 0% chance of success. --Xyzzy Talk 07:04, 26 February 2014 (GMT)