Skyrim talk:Summon Durnehviir

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I can't say the last word?[edit]

I unlocked all words of the shout for Durnehviir but I can't seem to say "-viir" when using the shout. The shout simply cancels. I can't summon him with just the first two words either. 04:10, 17 August 2012 (UTC)

Make sure you actually have enough room to summon him. Unlike Call Dragon, you have to actually be pointing the cursor at the ground with enough space for Durnehviir to occupy. 13:37, 20 August 2012 (UTC)

While locked out of the Soul Cairn (Xbox 360)[edit]

While locked out of the Soul Cairn due to initially entering it as a Vampire but afterwards becomming a Werewolf, then A) when spending a dragon soul to learn the first word of the Summon Durnehviir shout, the journal entry for it was not updated, and B) Durnehviir would not respond to the shout. I was trying this in the open area just outside of the front door of Lakeview Manor which should have been a large enough area for him to land and was looking straight down at the ground and again just a short distance away from me when attempting the shout. If this can be verified, please add a note/bug entry to this page. 02:48, 6 November 2012 (GMT) NightShift56

i agree i´ve had the same problem and i think it should be added to the bug section. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:06 on 8 December 2012
i have the same problem on PS3 i was also still vampire the journal didnt update after learning the first word and durnehviir never comes as the shout never finishes even though all words are unlocked -- 18:46, 6 March 2013 (GMT)
I believe that the journal update is referring to the shout the durnehviir teaches you when you summon him, not the shout that actually does the summoning. that said, I also cannot shout "viir". after the first two sylables, the shout just fizzles. it doesnt activate the cooldown either. in this case, I am trying to summon him in forgotten vale. I am certain I managed to summon him here with a different character. the only real difference is that this character is a vampire. also, when durnehviir taught me the shout to summon him, the display only listed the first two parts, although in the menu it shows all three. playing on the 360 with all patches and DLC. Ivan the Vandal (talk) 00:03, 17 April 2013 (GMT)

Summoning Durnehviir[edit]

I had the same problem with summoning Durnehviir but I've managed to discover something I did not know. To perform a complete shout, the player has to push and hold the shout button until the PC performs the whole shout. After that I had no problem with summoning Durnehviir. I realised that I'v never used my shouts to their full extent as I've never held the button to complete any of them. Now I watch with delight when my foes fly away when struck with Unrelenting force :D — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:57 on 22 February 2013 (GMT)

That's hilarious. - 02:16, 23 February 2013 (GMT)

Outside Skyrim?[edit]

Can you summon Durnehviir while you are in Solstheim? 00:54, 7 March 2013 (GMT)

Good question! Apparently, we can't. I have all DLCs to date, all unofficial patches and the official 1.8 patch. Trying to summon Durnehviir while on Solstheim has the character utter the first syllable and suddenly stopping, the shout has no effect and no cooldown is applied. I haven't finished Dragonborn's main questline, though, I don't know if it has anything to do but just to keep it in mind. -- 03:56, 9 March 2013 (GMT)
You absolutely can summon him while in soltstheim, sounds to me like you weren't summoning him properly, you have to aim at the ground just like a conjuration spell, so also don't aim too far away on the ground either.-- 00:06, 14 March 2013 (GMT)


I've learnt all 3 words of his shout yet the journal still says learn first word?.

Also I have 15 daedric items and the trophy will not appear?

Any ideas please — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:20 on 5 April 2013 (GMT)

Can't summon Durnehvir at Apocrypha (Black Book:Waking Dreams, At the summit of Apocrypha)[edit]

I can summon him in other Black books of Apocrypha, but Durnehviir doesn't appear here. Yes I know basics of summoning him. I used three words, pointed on a large area, made sure I had no spell absorption. It even triggered the violet screen effect and the long cool down. Is anyone experiencing the same problem? I tried it with no mods other than the unofficial patches, and I tried it on a new game with absolutely no mods. I can't summon the d*** rotting dragon there. Just when I thought that Miraak and I could have ourselves a Nice 3v3.. 1v1 dragonborn and 2v2 dragons..Sumthingsup (talk) 19:30, 16 April 2013 (GMT)

There are numerous summoning issues with that particular right. Try conjuring something, it'll only actually take when targeting very specific ground locations. So, it may simply be linked to that particular issue. Although I do realize summoning a dragon is not the same as conjuring a skeleton, dremora lord or whatever, the issue could still come from the same basic problem with that particular area. -Kharay (talk) 19:34, 16 April 2013 (GMT)
It's probably not the basic problem. Have you tried it? I know when a summon should have pulled through because the cast animation and cast effects along with the cooldown (long 300sec cooldown) were all triggered.Sumthingsup (talk) 21:20, 16 April 2013 (GMT)
No, I have not tried summoning a dragon at that particular location but I usually am forced to resort to using Dremora Lords for that particular fight as my own damage far exceeds Miraak's total health pool, which in and of itself is a major glitch. As the fight is scripted and will lock when he is one-shotted. Regardless, I have lost countless Dremora Lords to... nothingness simply because they do not correctly spawn. Even though the spell is successfully cast, the Magicka is spent and the spell completes. Anyhow... as I said, it may be connected. Then again, it also may not. In either case, it is quite a buggy location. ;) -Kharay (talk) 21:23, 16 April 2013 (GMT)
Ok. could it be because you had some form of spell absorption? no, would have regained the magicka then.. I guess that place is just buggy.. Thanks anyway..I was looking forward for a 3v3 match with miraak..Sumthingsup (talk) 21:39, 16 April 2013 (GMT)

Forgotten Vale Bug[edit]

Trying to use the shout for the first, second, and third times while in the Forgotten Vale resulted in the animation completing properly, but Durnehviir didn't appear on the ground. However, after a slight delay, the relevant word of Soul Tear was added anyway, and Durnehviir appeared in the sky, much like Odahviing does when you use his shout. --TrogdorCronus27 (talk) 18:25, 17 May 2013 (GMT)

I cant seem to figure this out. I only have the first word and cant obtain the others.[edit]

Im not sure what I am doing wrong. I went out into the swamps by my house and tried to summons him using the shout. Nothing happens?? I have spent one soul on the one word I have after initially meeting him in the SC. Any thoughts? Do you have to be engaged in battle for him to show up and teach you the other words ? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:28 on 6 June 2013

try it this way
this happened to me as well, the first time i tried it nothing happened, i got frustrated naturally then i looked at the ground tried it again and BAM here comes my pet dragon — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:32 on 11 June 2013

What causes Durnehviir to unsummon?[edit]

This is happening every time.

v.s. Ice Wyrm Durnehviir engages the Ice Wyrm. He summons his minions. Then shortly after, even with 1600+hp left, he unsummons.

v.s. Frost Troll Durnehviir engages the Frost Troll. He summons his minions. Then shortly after, even with 1600+hp left, he unsummons.

Why is he unsummoning? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:16 on 22 July 2019 (UTC)