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Skyrim talk:Roggvir

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Save Roggvir[edit]

Is it impossible to save this man? I fired off a high level pacify spell, causing all the guards to lose interest in attacking him.

20 seconds later he falls over dead without a blade touching him.

No, his death is scripted. "He has to die", so to say. --Arkhon 21:55, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
I don't think his death is scripted, actually. I kept him alive and now he's just wandering around town, but the note on the page is contradictory, saying "If you keep him alive, he won't acknowledge it, but it's impossible to keep him alive". Kitkat TalkContribE-mail 13:38, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
I was a vampire (in the final stage) when I first went to Solitude. all the people around the execution attacked me and Roggvir just stood there. I fled town and came back later and Roggvir was still standing in place but after a few seconds his neck exploded as if he was being executed so perhaps his death is scripted, just not very well.RIM 13:46, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
I managed to save him once, he just acts like a NPC with no unique dialogue and everyone thinks he's dead. however for some reason the headsmans axe disapeared, which was the whole reason i was saving him for. (Eddie The Head 13:51, 27 November 2011 (UTC))
I got really confused by this because his niece told me he was dead and I had seen him running around earlier, so I went looking for him and found him standing in the middle of town. Maybe it's a bug? Kitkat TalkContribE-mail 13:56, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
Probably. The Elder Scrolls isn't exactly known for it's smooth scripted effetcs:)RIM 14:02, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

face not moving[edit]

I noticed his face is frozen even when he's supposedly proclaiming his innocence. Kinda strange. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:35 on 26 November 2011

warn about picking the amulet instead of promoting the idea[edit]

This: "After the execution has taken place, an Amulet of Talos can be looted from Roggvir's corpse, which can be used in a quest related to his death." is bad advice, cause if you pick the amulet before you get the quest, you won't be able to complete it later on. 19:08, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Agreed, I added a couple of lines explaining it. Tested on 360 Patch 1.2. --Chiliflamingo 22:17, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Voice of the Emperor[edit]

I used that power and Captain Aldis was then shown as red dot, raised his weapon at me, but didn't attacked, weird. Edit: I waited for him to attack for at least 10 seconds, then ran up, and he started to attacked my follower. Edit 2: I tried again. First went up there to get the guards be hostile, then use Voice of the Emperor, Roggvir still died (of natural cause?), and somewhere emerged a guard far away that was hostile to me... 05:59, 18 December 2011 (UTC)

Has this been fixed?[edit]

I walked in to solitude and saw the execution about to take place and decided to stop it. Captain Aldis rushed roggvir and ran him through the moment I stepped on the top of the platform, then he attacked me. I lopped off his head and yeilded to the guards. paid my bounty and then returned to the scene. One of the guards looted Aldis' keys before I got to his corpse :( but no matter I took the amulet off of Roggvir. At that point I was saddled with it. Roggvir's neice would not offer me the quest for her mother (wich i had no idea about anyway) So i wandered anround for about 3 in game weeks as is my style untill i became frusterated about the amulet wich led me here. I saw this was a known glitch, however I decided to test my luck played tag with the children and paid the neice a gold peice. the moment i did that she offered me the quest. I completed the quest with her mother but the amulet remained in my inventory no reward no nothing out of desperation i tried to drop it in front of her and bingo! it worked the mother asked if she could have it and then ran to her house to hide it i guess. so has this been fixed ? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:57 on 17 March 2012

I'm not aware of it being fixed in an official patch, but I believe it has been fixed in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. --Gaebrial 07:40, 5 April 2012 (UTC)

'saving Roggvir' part[edit]

Does anyone know, is it possible, for example, to complete the Civil War quest for the Stormcloaks without entering Solitude till the final battle? Will Roggvir be executed then? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:16 on 1 September 2012

Has someone tried playing through the whole Stormcloaks questline before entering Solitude the first time to start his execution? Had a Stormcloak guard say something along the lines of "Had we just been here before Roggvir was executed." -- 23:10, 12 February 2014 (GMT)
I just did it and Roggvir's execution doesn't happen. However, everybody still talks as if it had occurred. I spoke to Svari, and I was able to get her quest to talk to her mother Greta as if Roggvir had been executed, and the new Stormcloak city guards still say the line about wishing they could have been there before he was executed. Looks like he dies whether or not you're there to witness it. Using player.moveto a3bdc took me to the test cell where I found his dead body among a pile of other bodies, including the recently slain Tullius and Rikke. --Xyzzy Talk 05:39, 7 March 2014 (GMT)


When I first arrived at Solitude and saw the execution about to take place, I tried to create a distraction and save him without getting a bounty on my head (I didn't know his death was scripted). I ducked into a shadowy corner where no one could see me, transformed into a werewolf, and sprinted off into the night with all the guards and the townspeople on my tail. When I returned as a human the next morning, there was no body on the execution block, so I thought I'd saved him, but soon I found him lying dead in another part of town. Does this mean he ran off and dropped dead anyway, or did the guards get him? Has anyone else tried to save him this way? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:12 on 3 October 2012‎

Not this way, no, but killing everyone who tried to execute him - yes. The townfolks told he was executed, his body was nowhere, and a coffin with his stuff was in the hall of dead when that quest about his sisters temple visiting was started. it's a big script. But werewolf transformation does bring a lot of bugs into the game. --Mr.Killjoy (talk) 10:43, 3 October 2012 (GMT)

No Execution????[edit]

I just visited Solitude the first time with my new Character, and instead of Roggvirs execution everyone is talking about the burning of King Olaf ("Burn the King!") and the execution doesn't happen at all. Roggvir and the headsman are just standing on the tribune and do nothing and many People wait at the Bards College near the King Olaf Dummy. I have o clue why this happened, maybe because i entered through the Back entrance, or because i had open Cities installed and uninstalled it because I had compatibility issues with Hearthfire. really confusing bug... — Unsigned comment by Holzi (talkcontribs) at 12:09 on 6 November 2012

In my game, for some weird reason, Roggvir is marked as essential so he automatically survives the execution. This leads to weird things happening, as the people taking part in the execution in any way behave as if the execution was still running, and if I enter the execution area OR do anything to roggvir or the people committing the kill they will all three attack Roggvir, with the two guards but not the headsman showing up as enemies in the compass, along with the civilians retreating to the street behind them and yelling the usual comments on a fight. Haven't tested what happens if I turn him into a mortal before the execution.
I have the latest official patch, along with the latest unofficial patch from the workshop. I also have a variety of mods, none of them modify Roggvir though. --SuggestedBowl (talk) 14:46, 12 November 2012 (GMT)
I'm guessing both these issues are mod-related. Even if it doesn't seem like a mod would affect certain parts of the game, it can. Try disabling all mods and loading a clean save, then check to see if the issue still exists. — ABCface 05:51, 3 December 2012 (GMT)

weird new bug in (PC)[edit]

Since the latest update, Roggvir is alive again and working at the grindstone near the execution place forever.. He's not too talkative, though. WooShell (talk) 20:18, 18 March 2013 (GMT)

Catching Executuion[edit]

As of patch, I entered Solitude through the side (south-eastern) gate for the first time, and clearly heard the words spoken by the actors involved in the execution. Upon immediate access to the execution area, it was easy to find a position of eye-witness to Roggvir's final words. Lmstearn (talk) 01:50, 7 April 2013 (GMT)

I've altered the wording to say that one may miss the execution. Vely►t►e 16:28, 7 April 2013 (GMT)

Rogvir's Coffin[edit]

From what I can tell his coffin isn't actually named his coffin in game but only as such in the game files. I didn't know if this was true for all coffins. Also, the article says it is "near the entrance". Which one? On my game it is near the exterior door, not near the door to the Hall of the Dead.Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 01:12, 1 September 2015 (UTC)