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Skyrim talk:Pilgrimage

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Quest reward bug[edit]

When I turn in the quest to Alessandra, she says "Here, take this as a token of my appreciation for your selfless action." and then she doesn't give me anything. No gold, no item. It seems I'm not the only one: any thoughts? What is the item supposed to be? Is there a console command to get it? 23:34, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

Confirmed (on PC). Krag 13:10, 8 December 2011 (GMT)
The guide says the intended reward is a leveled Restoration Spell Tome. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:50 on 16 December 2011 (GMT)
I have done this quest on several characters and seen both outcomes. Ideally she should give you several powerful restoration spells; on my mage I received three of four including Close Wounds and Greater Ward. Huge reward. On a stealth character I received nothing as described here. The major difference between the two characters is that my thief does not have a single perk invested in Restoration. As an experiment I am loaded my save before turning the quest in and will wait until I have more points in restoration before turning it in to see if there is any connection. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:53 on 17 December 2011 (GMT)
I've confirmed receiving the same quest reward with two separate characters (Xbox 360); my tentative conclusion is the bug may be related to Restoration skill level, not perks, character level, or completion of any other quest line. First character already had high Restoration when I did the quest (char. lvl. ~ 36, rest. lvl. ~ 50) and received the reward (didn't know quest was bugged, either). With second char. I did the quest at char. lvl. 10 or so and got nothing, which led me to check out UESP quest page and realized quest is def. bugged. Reloaded from previous save, avoided completion by not talking with Alessandra and played 50+ hours performing other quests; once in a while I would speak to Alessandra to see if I got the reward and each time rcvd nothing. Now my char. lvl. is 44 and I've tested it again: saved, trained Restoration from 36 to 45, then tried talking to Alessandra again and received five tomes:
Turn Undead
Repel Lesser Undead
Heal Other
Greater Ward
Close Wounds
To confirm no other factors were affecting the outcome, I reloaded from save when Rest. skill lvl. was 36, talked to Alessandra, rcvd nothing. Reloaded, trained Restoration to exactly 40, talked to Alessandra, rcvd the 5 tomes named above.
TL;DR - Restoration skill of 40 may be required to receive quest reward (Xbox360) Stoic 00:35, 31 December 2011 (UTC)

Continued observation from the previous paragraph -[edit]

I repeated the the quest turn in with the same thief character, this time having used the addperk console command to grant myself Novice Restoration. She still did not want to give me any reward - though, as observed, she is clearly meant to. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:59 on 17 December 2011 (GMT)

Recieved 5 Adept tier restoration spell tomes @ skill 72[edit]

Just did the quest, I'm mostly a thief/assassin, but have Restoration at 72. I got 5 tier 3 (Adept) level Restoration spells from her as a reward. I didn't have any of them yet, so this was one the better rewards I've seen in the game so far. And for a very trivial, quick quest.

However, I came here to check about a different bug: the quest didn't end when I gave the news - she said the right stuff, and rewarded me, but quest didn't update, she still has the quest marker on her, etc. I'll just console it to completion. Perko 06:01, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

Unable to change quest stage using ID FreeformRiften13[edit]

I just tried to fix the non-completion of this quest using the command "setstage FreeformRiften13 30", as well as 200, 250, or changing it back to 10. Nothing changes the quest log. I've used this command successfully before on other quests, so I'm wondering if the listed ID for this might be wrong? How to check that? Perko 06:09, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

Console Workaround[edit]

Use "incPCS restoration" in the console to get your character restoration skill level up to 40 before talking to Allesandra to get your reward. (Note: this command only levels up once, so put the command in how ever many times it takes to advance to the appropriate level. Downside is that I am unaware of any way to reset your old level afterwards.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:53 on 25 July 2013

A better attempt would be the use of player.setav restoration 40, which will immidiately level up your skill to 40, followed by a player.setav restoration XX after the quest's completion, where XX is your prevous restoration value. -- SarthesArai Talk 10:40, 25 July 2013 (GMT)
Tried that, didn't work. I went to 45, then tried 100, and in both cases it didn't help. No reward. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:21 on 21 January 2014 (GMT)


The page says that the reward is "several Restoration spell tomes". That leaves a lot of possibilities. When I did the quest at level 41 with a Restoration skill of 41, I got five adept Restoration spell tomes: namely Close Wounds, Greater Ward, Heal Other, Repel Lesser Undead, and Turn Undead, which were the same ones listed by Stoic. Unless it's possible to get expert or master level Restoration spell tomes if your Restoration skill is higher, then the specific spell tomes should be listed, and this quest should be marked as a guaranteed way to get those spell tomes. Yes, you have to have your Restoration skill high enough for it to work, but that's within the player's control, and there aren't many guaranteed sources for spell tomes.Valeria (talk) 04:26, 30 March 2020 (GMT)

I had a character on a different account that already had Restoration to 66 and who knew Equilibrium. After some power leveling, I tested the reward with a Restoration skill of 82 and again with a Restoration skill of 100 and all Restoration perks purchased. I got the exact same five adept spell tomes each time. I have updated the article to reflect the actual spell tomes. Valeria (talk) 03:00, 31 March 2020 (GMT)
I was trying to update the pages for the five spell tomes that are given as a reward for this quest, but it looks like this information should go into the tables, and I don't know the proper way to format them. Would someone else please add that information to those pages? Valeria (talk) 03:09, 31 March 2020 (GMT)