Skyrim talk:No One Escapes Cidhna Mine/Archive 1
This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:No One Escapes Cidhna Mine discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
- 1 Reward
- 2 maybe bugged?
- 3 The Reach will be ours again!
- 4 Guards stay, a notice.
- 5 Both ring and armor.
- 6 Killing the guy with the shiv
- 7 Found a Bug
- 8 No control
- 9 Another bug
- 10 Able to bring a quest weapon into the mine...
- 11 Broken quest
- 12 I Second That
- 13 Perpetual Bounty Bug Fix Found (PC)
- 14 Fix: Cant get No one escapes to start.
- 15 Automatic Murder Count / Intended or Bug ?
- 16 Permanently Stuck in the Cidhna Mine
- 17 Paycrime gold bug
- 18 Same Speech pattern
- 19 through the front door.....
- 20 Bug: All Quest Items gone after getting items back
- 21 Major bug: Stuck in Mine - No gaming process possible
- 22 Can't be arrested after "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine"
- 23 Get Rid Of The Guards At The Shrine Of Talos
- 24 dwemer sphere
- 25 Unable to do anything in the city
- 26 the Cidhna Mine help plz
- 27 Strange glitch
- 28 PS3 trapped forever?
- 29 Bug: Can't finish the quest despite exiting the mine
- 30 Possible fix for bounty glitch on Xbox 360, might work for ps3
- 31 Bug - Xbox 360 - Trapped forever
Not sure how to add rewards and stuff, so: Killing Madanach within the Mine (if you have it, Werewolf's Beast Form comes in really handy in the mines as you and the other inmates are half-naked) will yield the Silver-Blood Family Ring as a reward:
Name | ID | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Enchantment |
Silver-Blood Family Ring | 00024cff | 0.25 | 0 |
Fortify Smithing 15 pts |
Elvaron 20:35, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
maybe bugged?
I am walking into the temple of talos after doing my investigations, there is a new gaurd in there who says he recognises me OR I should join the legion, depending on my status, but the dude is dead and there is no going forward with this mission — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:46 on 15 November 2011
The Reach will be ours again!
Followed the Forsworn after they killed all the guards. They ran straight to Draudach Redoubt. None of the Forsworn there attacked me (haven't checked other Forsworn encampments yet). So, this means; free beds, tanning rack, anvil/forge, wood chopping block, grindstone, potato farm, grain mill, a light armor skill book (The Rear Guard), a decent loot chest, and a table with an enchanted dagger and a map you can take. All of it is free to take with no repercussions. The map adds what looks like all the other Forsworn camps in The Reach (are there any in other holds?) to your map, which includes; Hag Rock Redoubt, Karthspire, Red Eagle Redoubt, Serpent's Bluff Redoubt, Rebel's Cairn, Broken Tower Redoubt, Sundered Towers, Bruca's Leap Redoubt, Dragon Bridge Overlook, Deepwood Redoubt, and Lost Valley Redoubt.
Seems like a bad idea to leave that map laying around, though, since the Forsworn from other camps attack me on site. Derp. Personally, I'm hoping their the focus of some DLC content in the future, they seem pretty legit to me. /mytwocents -- 07:00, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
- After you complete the mission (with all the Forsworn getting out), the Forsworn in Druadach Redoubt do stop being aggressive. I fired two arrows into a Forsworn Pillager and all he did is stop, look at me, and say, "What are you doing?" before walking right on by.
- Unfortunately, the miscellaneous quest I received from Lisbet in Markarth (recover Dibella statue from a given Forsworn camp and kill the leader there) now becomes problematic, since when the quest was issued the assigned location was Druadach Redoubt. This quest must randomly choose a Forsworn camp from the list of nearby camps; the page on Lisbet states that the statue can be found in Broken Tower Redoubt, but in my quest list it is definitely Druadach Redoubt, so there must be some randomness involved. I got the quest from Lisbet before starting No One Escapes Cidhna Mine, which might have made a difference; I don't know if Druadach Redoubt is an available option in the list after the completion of No One Escapes Cidhna Mine.
- Ninetails 03:21, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
- I got this location too. Luckily, all I had to do was walk in, go to a chest, grab the statue, and return to Lisbet. The quest only requires obtaining the object, not killing any Forsworn. -TheThirdWilliam 22:34, 1 December 2011 (UTC)
- If you do kill any of these Forsworn, even though they aren't aggressive, you might want to note that they do not count as murders in your crime log. 21:46, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
Guards stay, a notice.
Guards stayed at the Shrine of Talos for me aswell. The quest is finished, but the guards will say the same they did before, and if i tell them "I'll come quietly they enter combat. Also i did a quest for the old man next to Markath's jarl after this and he wanted em to kill a forsworn located in the cave The leader and friends ran off to. It was easy as even the target was not hostile and a sneak attack kept any others from entering combat.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:22 on 16 November 2011
Both ring and armor.
way to get both armor and ring although its a bit of a bug but it works. let the forsworn out and then once he gives you all the armor by the door quickly go into sneak mode and backstab him take the note and the key, read the note, and then go outside. You should quickly engage the convo with silver-blood and he give you the ring. Problem is all the forsworn will be after you, if you're a sneaky type you can just run away and pick each of them off one at a time with backstab otherwise you can just run away and let them escape. I have managed to get it so no one but the forsworn die, it just takes a bit of effort and a lot of sneak. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:04 on 19 November 2011
Killing the guy with the shiv
After Madanach told me to kill the guy with the shiv, I stealth killed him without talking to him first. This was seen as an act of aggression and the other prisoners ganged up on me. After reloading, I made sure I spoke to him first (which you don't normally with assassination targets!) and all was fine. Snorkel.maiden 13:07, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Found a Bug
I completed "The Forsword Conspiracy: and was sent to jail. When I got there, however, I never recieved the quest "No One escapes Cidhna Mine". I was still able to obtain a Shiv, but was never able to advance the quest past the Orc, and never had any directions appear in my jouurnal.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:37 on 19 November 2011
- Most likely a bug but try to talk to everybody and if that doesn't work you could try to attack them and then yield. You could also try to pickpocket the key from the orc guarding the gate. If all else fails reload the to the part where you get arrested and see if anything seems bugged that could interfere with the next quest.RIM 15:43, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
- When escaping the mine after beating madanach to death with a pickaxe, thonar approached me as usual and gave me my stuff back. Then he attacked me and i killed him, whereas here it says you can't kill him. My bounty was cleared and i didn't have the guards after me.
- Later, while doing the thieves guild questline in Markath, one of the guards approached me (while i was sneaking behind him, even!) and tried to arrest me as if i'd resisted the arrest in the talos shrine, despite having completed that quest! (The first time i resisted arrest in the shrine)
- When being framed, i decided to break into jail and kill madanach rather than get arrested, but the doors need a key, and the chains outside don't actually open the doors. Eventually i decided to get arrested, and upon arriving in jail, i went to stare out of the gate. The mercenary guards proceeded to try and attack me, firing arrows which bounced off the gate. It was funny for a minute.--Bonabopn 21:03, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
- I am having the same problum. I completed "The FOrsworn Conspiracy" and when i went to jail i never recieved the quest, i tried all of the above and cant get to Madanach, and all of my saves are after im in jail. Has anyone had the same problum and found a soulution, other then forgetting about the quest? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:57 on 19 February 2012
No control
After letting myself be arrested I get into jail. In jail, tohugh, I can't interct with any objects or NPC's. Cant talk to the prisoner. I reloaded an older save before this quest was started and the same thing happens when I choose 'go to jail' after stealing a cabbage in plain sight. No way to pick up a pickaxe, pick a lock, raise my fists. Does anybody have an idea how this came to be, and more importantly how to solve it? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:12 on 25 November 2011
- Hi, I had the same issue, and since I'm playing on the pc, I entered "enableplayercontrols" into the console without the quotations. It has worked and I have continued with the quest! Hope this helped! --Jarzek Arevol 05:56, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
- If you're playing on a console, clearing the cache works too.--RumblePen 22:04, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
Another bug
When I recieved my equipment back at the end of the quest, All of my undroppable quest items were missing. I have not verified a second time. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:58 on 29 November 2011
- I tried the two different endings of the quest (I'm not the guy above).
- The first time, I helped Madanach to escape and when he gave me back my items, the quest-related ones were missing.
- The second time, I killed him and escaped. When Thonar gave me my objects, he gave me the quest-related ones, too.
- If you think about it, this bug can become useful on PS3 and Xbox to get rid of unremovable and useless quest items. Cridus 23:02, 4 December 2011 (UTC)
Able to bring a quest weapon into the mine...
Before I yielded to the guards to be arrested I equipped Red Eagles Fury(quest related undroppable sword) and when I woke up in the prison I still had it equipped. It's not in my inventory and it doesn't even show I have any weapon equipped in my inventory but when switched to 3rd person view then you can see it's equipped. Also, when you unsheathe your weapon then it will still be equipped even when showing nothing in your inventory. If you want to use then just make sure not to equip any other weapons because you can't re-equip it once you equip a different weapon. Anyone else get this bug too? — Unsigned comment by Djdelirius (talk • contribs)
- Happens with all quest items, since they can't be removed from your inventory to stop you from losing them, they just get hidden in your inventory. (Eddie The Head 12:03, 2 December 2011 (UTC))
- If it just hides quest items, then will it matter if my gauldur amulet fragment is hidden when I get the other two, since theoretically it's still in my inventory, I just can't see it? 03:38, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
Broken quest
I killed Madanach after I got my gear back from one of the Forsworn, now when I leave the mines everyone turns hostile and I can't finish the quest, is there a console command to complete the quest and be able to leave without being attacked.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:44 on 2 December 2011
I Second That
Same here, I got my gear back, I killed Madanach, and now I got an unclearable bounty in Markarth. Every time I show up the guards want to arrest me for the murders, no option to pay the bounty, and telling them to send me to jail results in the speech option ' ... ' which when selected starts the dialog options over again. Even after I typed "Setstage ms02 250" which is suppose to clear the bounty and make you a free person. So Markarth is now out of bounds for me, any quests there I can't do. :( — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:44 on 5 December 2011
- Update: I reloaded from before the Talos Shrine part of the Forsworn Conspiracy, surrendered with out fighting (that was a cluster *censor!* since 2 guards joined in with the three in the temple on the previous attempt. ) , killed Madanach right off though dialog, and escaped alone. Everything got cleared, but the Temple of Talos is off limits. The three soldiers are still there and will try to arrest you again and reset the bounty on you. :( So long story short, accept arrest and kill Madanach right off, even if you have to cheat to get out of the undercity alone, at least it won't bug out at the end. :P — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:38 on 5 December 2011
Perpetual Bounty Bug Fix Found (PC)
For those that have already completed "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine" but are still confronted by the guards, and no way to dismiss them, here's a fix. Travel to Markarth and wait for a guard to stop you, without selecting any options, open the console and click on the guard to target them. Then type "paycrimegold" and hit enter. You will be transported to a random spot in Markarth with the guards still hostile. Run up to one of them, then unsheathe and sheathe your weapon. They will no longer be hostile and will no longer bother you. 09:47, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
- This bug has affected me on the PS3, and there is no console so I can't fix it that way. Any suggestions? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:15 on 13 December 2011
- I have the same problem on 360, this is very annoying as i would say 30% of the game revolves around this hold — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:52 on 13 January 2012
Fix: Cant get No one escapes to start.
If you are having the same problem with the guard just attacking you and not startingyo the dialoged do this: save your game before you enter the shrine. Tell your partner to head home. Switch to sneak. Enter the shrine of talos. Use an invisibility potion and slowly sneak towards guard. The dialoge starts if the guard. doesn't detect you and you get close enough. Hope this helps I was frustrated and this worked for me. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:23 on 7 December 2011
Automatic Murder Count / Intended or Bug ?
Just before I was sent to Cidha Mine I checked my crime stats, murder count was 0. Resisted arrest inside the Temple of Talos, but surrendered to the guards when I walked out the door. As soon as I'm in the mines I checked again, it was showing 1. Is that because they pin the murder on me or simply a bug ?
I tested this again. Only 1 of the 3 guards is considered as a murder when killed (I checked the stat screen one by one). I guess if it it was intented all 3 guards would be flagged as murder. It must be a bug. Can be avoided by killing off the the guard counts as murder via console command. --Heartseeker 19:59, 8 December 2011 (UTC)
Permanently Stuck in the Cidhna Mine
It is possible in the middle of the quest, to get stuck in this prison for good. If you get sent to jail before the quest, and end up killing everybody inside the cell, and then you serve your time, when you reach the part of the quest where you must be sent to jail, every NPC that you have killed would have disappeared, thus making it impossible for you to get the key and finish the quest. Just a warning to everybody out there playing, as if you kill these NPCs early on in the game before the quest, you may have to reset your entire game to get out of the prison (since you are trapped there for life). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:08 on 11 December 2011
Paycrime gold bug
I've noticed in the posts above me they say to just click the guard and type paycrime gold, if you don't list the value then it will not work. My bounty was 875 gold, I had to type paycrimegold 875 and then it finally worked at 5 tries with just paycrimegold. I hope that fixes whatever issues people were having with this command.
-Kize (08:06, 12 December 2011)
Same Speech pattern
I am on PS3 and I was going to do liberate the reach but when I get to markarth the guards come up to me and say what they would for the quest. I can't pay gold and when I say take me to jail the guard would say none escapes cihdna mine and the speech options return to either whats the problem or I've been framed all I can do is kill them and I can't talk to the Jarl. Is there a way to fix this without going back a few saves. — Unsigned comment by Jamz slack (talk • contribs) at 05:36 on 15 December 2011
- I managed to fix this glitch on 360; I killed all the guards on the streets of Markarth, then went to the Shrine of Talos and saved. From here, I kept loading until I got them to glitch into their "we killed Eltrys" dialogue, and opted to go to jail. However, they just attacked me afterward; so I killed them. After that, I headed to the palace and surrendered, and was able to pay my fine (18,000 gold). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:43 on 20 December 2011
through the front door.....
I'm doing the quest again now, after killing madanach and the rest, i opened his cell door and experienced and all to familiar glitch with TES, i fell through the floor, as usual i reapeared after a while, but i was on the guards side of the door, the guards acted like if i was just visiting, and the named guard just told me that she said to get down there. i found all my belongings in the chests, and as i approached the exit, my companian appeared next to me. My bounty was gone, the quest was still half complete, guards just ignored me and commented on arrows to knees and then Thanar found me and gave me his ring, unfortunatley he did not duplicate my items, the quest then finished and i can't think of anything that would bug out and make me want to actually escape, can anyone relate to this? (Eddie The Head 11:41, 16 December 2011 (UTC))
I then attacked a guard to see what happens if i go back, and he acts like the quest isnt over — theres no option to pay the fine, just to go to jail, tell him im innocent or resist arrest. Standing there until the dialogue ends gets him to leave me alone, but talking to him again causes another loop, so its not that exploitable (Eddie The Head 11:52, 16 December 2011 (UTC))
Bug: All Quest Items gone after getting items back
Warning: check you inventorys after getting you items back from the forsworn girl.
When I got mine back, all quest items were gone. That included 11 stones of barenziah, the amulet of mara needed for the "The book of love" quest and the attunement sphere. unwanted bugged quest items like the bard's college instruments were also removed, granted. Still VERY alarming bug, because now my inventory is bugged, and I cant even pick up another amulet of mara without it vanishing instantly. Cheat codes also won't work. when I use the code to add an amulet of mara, it says "amulet of mara added" but it never shows up in my inventory or carry weight.
(Please help. I would very much appreciate if someone could tell me an solution for this problem, loading an earlier save isn't really helping because I realized it only many hours after the forsworn quest) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:31 on 23 December 2011
- (I'm not the guy above) I finished the quest two times. when I helped Madanach, my quest items were missing. When I killed him, they were in my inventory. If you still have it, load a save in which you still have to exit from the dwemer ruins, even if you helped Madanach. kill him and get out. Thonar should give you your items.
- I also read that the quest items are not missing, but only invisible. That's why, when you add a copy of one of them, it doesn't appear. Cridus 00:29, 24 December 2011 (UTC)
- This happened to me, too. I helped Madanach and all my quest items were never returned. When I exited the cave immediately after it said quest completed on the screen, I waited one hour. A couple of the Forsworn were still there, so I waited another hour. This prevented the carnage(even though the townspeople still acted like everyone in town was slaughtered). But it also caused my quest items to reappear. I read somewhere else that talking to Thonar fixes it. If you wait before the fighting starts Thonar is still alive, and while he doesn't have any dialog options you can still talk to him in the Silver-Blood treasury. I did this before I checked on my quest items, so this might have fixed it. 03:08, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- killing madanach will return your quest items to you. as far as i know, killing him after this quest is completed has no adverse effects on the rest of the game so go ahead and murder him to get your stuff back. jan. 21/12 on ps3 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:10 on 21 January 2012
Major bug: Stuck in Mine - No gaming process possible
I have been jailed in Cidhna before and already talked to some prisoners but did not kill any. Whenever I start the quest in Talos' Shrine and go to jail, I cannot do anything here. This means I can't activate things/doors/npc (simply doing anything). Even the names of the npc vanish. I still can open inventory and quest log. Marking/unmarking quest, setting next quest stage via console and reloading game won't work, the problem stays the same. When I used TCL it appeared that in the "outside" world any actions are impossible as well so I always have to reset the game.
However, being jailed in Cidhna without having started the quest earlier everything just works fine even when several times being jailed here before. 17:34, 30 December 2011 (UTC) Nelrene
- as someone wrote above, use the command "enableplayercontrols". Cridus 21:36, 30 December 2011 (UTC)
- thanks, it works now — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:40 on 1 January 2012 (UTC)
Can't be arrested after "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine"
When I'm caught by a guard pickpocketing or lockpicking I tell the guard that I'm going to prison, then he says that I'm going to Cidhna Mine. After that, instead of going to Cihdna Mine, I just hit TAB and the conversation ends, the guards goes away like nothing had happened. I want to know if this is a bug or a "reward" of the Cidhna Mine mission. I'm very happy with this bug or reward, because I can do anything and don't get arrested. Did that happen to someone? It seems this only happens in the city of Markath. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:56 on 4 January 2012
Get Rid Of The Guards At The Shrine Of Talos
I finished No One Escapes Cidhna Mine and was still plagued by guards at the Shrine of Talos. Even after going through a de-glitch process whereby I payed my bounty, the next time I went there they still attacked me. Killing them will put another murder on your record and add another 1000 fine. I don't want anymore murders on my record so I needed a better solution. Luckily I am on the PC so I did this First - Entire the Shrine of Talos but stand still - do not advance into the shrine Second - Open the console and type the command tfc 1. This will allow you to move the camera but freezes time. Third - Move the camera down closer to the altar and in position to see all three guards. They are still waiting for you and havent aggroed yet. Fourth - Select a guard to get his ID#. Type console command markfordelete ID#. Do this for all three guards. Fifth - Close the console and do a Save and a Load Sixth - reopen the console and type tfc. When you close the console the camera will spring back to you standing at the door That's that. No funny dialogue. No taking a risk dying. No paying for a crime you didn't commit. Guards are gone. Please note that you must delete them before they aggro. If they aggro you will not be able to fast travel. ThaneAquidneck 21:54, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
- Well this bug goes pretty deep. I still can't get the guards to behave normally. I punch a guard and that adds 40 to my bounty but I'm never given the opportunity to pay it off. Instead I can agree to go to jail and then TAB out of the conversation and the guard walks away. Not a big deal since this particular character arc is not a crook but I hope Bethesda fixes this in the next patch.ThaneAquidneck 22:28, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
- I solved the guards not acting normally. I used the console to setcrimegold 1000 2816c. This bumped up my lifetime bounty and set an active bounty. I approached a guard and talked to him. He recognized me and accused me of conspiracy. However the dialogue choices get derailed and an ellipsis (...) appears. Click that to restart the dialogue. Open the console and click on the guard. type paycrimegold 1000. This is covered in many of the above posts but a key step is actually having a bounty to pay off without committing any new crimes. Now I am clear in Markoth.ThaneAquidneck 00:21, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
- Try this. When you report in the mission to the Shrine of Talos, scout around to make sure no guards are in the nearest two blocks. And when they accuse you, kill them. As you have already scouted around, there should not be any guard coming in for reinforcement. Then you can surrender after leaving the Shrine. Also, do it at night where the street contains the least people to avoid complications. --Joshua.yathin.yu 04:33, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
- It is important to note, that some (Like myself) are not only faced with killing three guards, but also an Imperial officer that's marked as an essential as well..
- @ThaneAquidneck, This fix worked perfectly without adding bounty to me for murdering the guards. Thanks! These guys have been bugging me forever. If only I could get the townspeople to stop mentioning how many people died as a result of my actions I'd be able to walk around Markarth with my head held high. It should be noted that, if you aren't sure you put in the bugged guards at Talos shrine correctly, after step four and before step five you can reselect each guard and they should have a [D] next to their npc ID to show they have been marked for deletion. They will be deleted when your save reloads in step five. 22:06, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
- Using your method, will they respawn when the Reach resets? --Joshua.yathin.yu 06:36, 15 January 2012 (UTC)
dwemer sphere
they can be killed shoot a destruction spell at sphere run to spiders animate spider attack with shiv or pick axe. only regular spheres master spheres are to strong also mine all the silver before you kill Madanach pick axe works fine76.30.39.243 20:55, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
Unable to do anything in the city
After completing the Cidhna mine quest, and getting the Jarl's pardon, all the guards in the city still come up to me and say "You're under arrest for murder and conspiracy against..." yada yada yada, and when I tell them to take me to the mine, it just restarts the dialogue, and when I exit the dialog, they just attack me. Are there any fixes for the Xbox? or is Skyrim the buggiest game of all time? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:38 on 7 January 2012
the Cidhna Mine help plz
i just went to jail and i cant talk or do anything even fight some one i dont now why can some one help — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:39 on 12 January 2012
- Is it so difficult to read the other discussions??? The answer is there, search for it. Cridus 18:25, 12 January 2012 (UTC)
Strange glitch
After talking to Madanach saying I want revenge I used wolf form and went on killing al the other prisoners who were hostile except for the orc who said something about me being naked and apperently didn't notice that i was a wolf. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:40 on 20 January 2012
PS3 trapped forever?
Haven't seen my particular PS3 glitch listed yet. After getting to Madanach and selecting the "revenge" dialogue, he turned hostile and attacked. I killed him by pick axe, then read his note, took his key and escaped Cindha through his tunnel. On the outside, there was no one to return my inventory items. I visited the nearby village at Left Hand Mines and picked a house lock but immediately ran into guard troubles. Outrunning them led to death by dragon with no weapons. Reloading and accepting jail respawned me back in the mines, where now other prisoners and the Orc were instantly hostile. I've since killed them all, mined all remaining ore, even killed the female Orc guard and three Silverblood guards outside the main gate with ranged flame bursts. But even after outlasting and killing them all, I remain stuck in Cindha with no way back into the escape tunnel. Journal keeps saying search Madanach but his body is now empty with no respawn of his note and key. Is this now as utterly buggy and hopeless as it seems? I reached Level 21 Redguard with a nice inventory, and cannot believe I have no option but to restart from the beginning. Any help, please??? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:23 on 23 January 2012
Bug: Can't finish the quest despite exiting the mine
I chose to side with Madanach, but when I exited the mine, he did nothing at all. Whenever I walk up to him, he either tells me that the Reach will belong to the Forsworn, or tells me that I'm about to get my items back (which I've already done). Silver-blood just stands there looking angry, but I don't have a bounty either. Not game-breaking, but slightly annoying. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:41 on 23 January 2012
- Try reloading a previous save point, before you killed him.— Unsigned comment by Oldxschoolxsnipe (talk • contribs) at 15:55 on 18 February 2012
Possible fix for bounty glitch on Xbox 360, might work for ps3
What i did was i killed every guard outside Markarth and near the stables, if there is a dragon, kill that too. Once in Markarth, (make sure it is at night otherwise you might get seen by a random guard that finds it's way outside understone keep) Then, go to the shrine of talos, at maybe midnight or after midnight, no later than 6 am because guards might show up in the city. Once your in the shrine, don't move at all. Don't even sneak or take out your weapon. Don't even have your weapon equipped. The guard will try to arrest you. Make sure you tap a for "i submit take me to jail and "what is the problem". After that, you should see something like this "..." Tap a on that, then ask why they killed Eltyrs. Then instead of I submit, take me to jail, it should say something similar to that. But it still takes you to jail. After that, serve your sentence and voila, your bounty is cleared. Make sure you do this in a quick manner, and once your in the city walls, go straight to the shrine. There shouldn't be any guards in the city at night. Only in the keep and the shrine. Hope i helped somebody with this glitch. Iv'e had it for a couple of days now but i just got rid of it today.— Unsigned comment by ImperialBloodBrother (talk • contribs) at 13:13 on 27 January 2012
Bug - Xbox 360 - Trapped forever
Help me I am pretty sure i completed the quest just fine BUT now everytime i try to go back to Markarth the guard will always find me and i have only 2 options I will go to jail OR No i would rather die Now the problem is when i do go to Cidhna mine i cannot escape because there is no one there and i cant unlock the doors? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:48 on 26 February 2012
- Yeah I just had this and had to deleted 40min of autosaves and will need to reload. Appears to be caused by having either A. Entered Cidhna Mine from the entrance and talking to the named guard, and/or killing all the generic Silver-blood guards or B. killing all the forsworn agents IE Nepos' household and the 2 in the Treasury House before getting told to investigate them. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 01:41, 11 March 2013 (GMT)
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