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(RefID: xx018FD0)
Added by Dragonborn
Home Town Skaal Village
House Greathall
Race Elder Gender Male
Level 1 Class Dremora Class
RefID xx018FD0 BaseID xx018FC8
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Stamina 50
Perks Light Foot
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Voice Type MaleOldKindly
Faction(s) DLC2PillarBuilderFaction; DLC2SV01TombFaction; DLC2SkaalVillageCitizenFaction; DLC2SVGreathallFaction
Tharstan studying a Word Wall within Vahlok's Tomb

Tharstan is an elderly historian and author currently residing in Skaal Village on Solstheim. He wrote the book Children of the All-Maker and is currently working on the definitive history of the Skaal. He used to reside in Solitude.

He will spend most of his day wandering around Skaal Village and observing the daily activities of local people. At night, he will stay in the Greathall.

Tharstan wears a set of fine clothes and a pair of fine boots, and is equipped with an iron dagger. He carries a copy of his book, Children of the All-Maker, and a selection of common items and gold.

Related Quests[edit]


His greetings:

"I do enjoy sharing stories of my travels in Tamriel with young Nikulas."
"I came here to study the history of Solstheim, but it's the Skaal who intrigue me the most."
"I've tried to interest the villagers in reading and history, but I haven't had much luck."

When spoken to:

You're not one of the Skaal?
"Oh no, most certainly not. I'm a historian. I'm here to learn about the history of Solstheim. Solstheim is a fascinating place, but we know so little about its past. There are many mysteries that remain unsolved."
What did you make of that stone structure everyone was building?
"Yes, that was a most disturbing experience. But to answer your question, the architecture was strange, almost otherworldly. Given that, and the considerable power it must have taken to affect our minds so completely, it would suggest the work of a powerful mage. Either that, or perhaps a daedra. If so, then may the nine protect us."
How long have you been studying the Skaal?
"Well, let me think... I suppose it's been nearly a year now. My goodness, how the time has flown!"
And the Skaal don't mind being studied?
"Well, not so far. They think I'm a bit strange, but they seem to tolerate me. In fact, they've been very accommodating. Hospitable, even. They seem happy to talk about their traditions and history."


Inside the Greathall, Tharstan might engage in conversation with Skaal Chieftain Fanari Strong-Voice:

Fanari: "I have a favor to ask of you, Tharstan."
Tharstan: "Hm? What do you need?"
Fanari: "When you visit the ruins again, will you bring back some blue mountain flowers?"
Tharstan: "My dear chieftain, I will bring you back a whole bouquet if you wish."
Fanari: "I don't need so many, but thank you, Tharstan. You are as sweet as honey from the comb."

Tharstan: "Is it just me, or is it colder than usual today? By the Nine, I feel as if my bones have turned to ice."
Fanari: "And you want to put more logs on the fire?"
Tharstan: "Just a few."
Fanari: "Then take an axe and find a dead tree to cut. We keep only what we need in the village, you know that."
Tharstan: "I'm not setting foot out that door unless it's absolutely necessary. If I do that, I'll be even colder than I am now!"

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Lost Legacy[edit]

"I heard from Deor how you went in search of Baldor. That was very brave, and in fact, that's just the kind of courage I'm looking for."
Let me guess, you need me to do something dangerous.
"Quite right! Quite right! This, however, is paying work. Allow me to explain."
I helped a man in need, that's all.
"Modest as well as brave. Most admirable! I can see why the Skaal think highly of you. Yes, I think you're just the adventurous sort I need. I have a job offer for you."
"As a scholar of history, I've always found Solstheim to be most intriguing. I've made many forays into the ancient ruins that cover the island. I've come to know those ruins so well, I could draw you a map from memory. That's why I noticed the new passage the moment I laid eyes on it."
A new passage to what?
"An old tomb, I think. It must have been opened by an earthquake that accompanied one of the Red Mountain's eruptions. I'd love to have a closer look, but those old ruins can be dangerous and I'm no adventurer. I'll pay you to watch my back down there. I'll be heading back there soon. If you're interested, meet me at the ruins and we'll see what we can find. Now I'm off to pack for the expedition!"

In Vahlok's Tomb:

"Remarkable, isn't it? This tomb has been hidden for... well, who knows how long. Many centuries, I would think. There are some sealed doors up ahead. Perhaps you can figure out how to get them open. Lead the way, then! I'll follow along behind."

He will then guide you down a set of stairs and keep talking:

"I've had a look around and the only interesting thing I've found is this inscription here, and a switch below it."

When he arrives at the inscription and the switch he will continue:

"Now, I'm not sure if you can read the dragon language, but this seems to be a riddle of some sort. 'A sacrifice will bring you closer to that which you seek.' I wonder what it means. Mind your step. There seem to be some corpses strewn about on the floor here. I wonder if this fire pit has anything to do with the riddle. You go ahead and see what you can figure out. I'll look around and see if I can find anything of use."

If spoken to:

Could you repeat that inscription?
"Yes, of course. It is "A sacrifice will bring you closer to that which you seek.""
Do you have any insights to share about this puzzle?
"Hmm... Perhaps something is meant to go into the fire?"

After getting a corpse into the fire pit:

"Well done! It looks like we can head in either direction. Since you seem to know what you're doing, why don't you lead the way?"

In the southern chamber:

"Hm... three pillars. Other than that plaque, there doesn't seem to be anything else worthy of note. Let's see what the inscription says. 'All men must die, often by their own means.' Sounds rather grim, if you ask me. They also have glowing stones of some kind at the top. They look vaguely similar to drawings I've seen of objects called Impact Stones. Well, see what you can figure out. I'm going to inspect these pillars further to see if I've missed something."

After the battle, Tharstan will come rushing in and start to study the chamber, saying:

"These runes have faded a bit, but I believe I can translate the inscription. The writing describes a guardian who defeated someone named Miraak. In fact, if I'm reading this correctly, it says that Miraak was a traitor. Most interesting."

In the northern room:

"I expect there's another riddle in here, along with a puzzle. "Continue along the path, don't tread where you've been.." Interesting... Well, I'm pretty sure about two things. One, the riddle is most likely referring to these flat square stones. And two, I'm not going anywhere near them."

After killing the draugr:

"Let's have a closer look at these runes. More of the dragon-tongue. The runes have faded a bit, but I believe I can translate the inscription. This writing refers to a guardian who inspired both men and dragons. I wonder if the guardian was himself a man or a dragon? It looks like a secret entrance opened up along the wall. You lead the way."

Placing the claw:

"Alright, let's see what we have next. Here's another riddle. "Stay your course. To idle is to die." Well, at least it's straightforward. There appears to be a switch of some kind here. I'll just stand over here while you flip that switch. I'm sure everything will be fine."

After flipping the switch:

"By the nine! I've never seen anything like this. They appear to be platforms made entirely of magical force. Absolutely remarkable! Keep moving, and don't look down! Well... other than to see where you're going, of course."

After crossing the platforms:

"Ah, splendid! I had no doubt you'd make it across. Let's see what awaits us ahead."

Entering the flooded room:

"That looks like quite a drop! Is there something moving down there?"

After flipping the first switch:

"Is it just me, or are these platforms moving a little faster?"

After crossing the first set of platforms:

"I'm glad these platforms appear once you finish them. I don't want to find out what's down in the water."

After flipping the second switch:

"These platforms are definitely moving more quickly. Can you keep up with them?"

After crossing the second set of platforms:

"I'm guessing this one will be even faster. Just remember to stay focused, and most importantly, run!"

In the Hall of Stories:

"Ah, the Hall of Stories. These are found in many ancient Nord tombs. There must be hundreds of years of history etched in these walls. Too bad they seem to be too damaged to read. Hmm... looks like it needs some sort of key. Maybe those half claws you found would fit in here if you put them together? It seems these rings can be moved. Perhaps there's enough undamaged text in these etchings to tell us the combination. Ah, yes, here's something. The first one has to do with a breeze, or maybe it's wind. The second one mentions the the night sky, and the moon. And the third has something to do with fire. It also seems to mention scales. That's all I can make out of this etching. I'll check the rest and see if there's anything else. You keep trying out the combinations."

Near the Word Wall:

"Aha! Here's another of those dragon language inscriptions! I wonder what it says. Just let me study these runes for a moment... Hmm, here's another mention of the guardian. I can only assume that this is the guardian's tomb we are standing in now. It says that he was loyal, and his reward was an honorable death. Quite fascinating."

He must then be spoken to:

"How amazing! A real Dragon Priest! In all my years as a historian, I never thought I'd see anything like that. I suppose that was Vahlok. He must have had this entire place built for him so that he could maintain his vigil, even beyond death."
He must have been someone important.
"Indeed. I knew that the Dragon Priests were thought to have been powerful men of great will, but I had no idea. Well, I suppose I've seen everything I came for, and you kept up your end of the bargain. I promised payment, and here it is. Now I think I'll spend some more time studying this word wall. What a book this will make!"


  • According to game data, he is Fanari Strong-Voice's husband.
  • Tharstan was also supposed to converse with Morwen when she visited the Greathall, something she doesn't do in the final game:
Morwen: "How much longer will you stay in the village, Tharstan?"
Tharstan: "To tell the truth, Morwen, I thought it would only be a year or two. However, I have come to be very fond of the village and of all of you."
Morwen: "Then you should stay. What does the world beyond our lands have to offer that we do not?"
Tharstan: "It's hard to explain, but as much as I have come to think of Skaal Village as a second home, I do still miss Skyrim."
Morwen: "I understand. Know that you are welcome here for as long as you wish to be."
Tharstan: "I thank you, Morwen. It means very much to me to hear you say so."