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Skyrim:Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls

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Unique Item: Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls (00040002)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Editor ID EnchSteelBattleaxeFierySouls
Damage Damage 18
Damage Damage 18 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
Weight Weight 21 Value Value 320
Quality Tempering Steel Ingot
Quality Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
If target dies within 5 seconds, fills a soul gem:
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/11=90
The Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls
The throne in Ironbind Barrow

The Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls is a unique steel battleaxe located on the back of Warlord Gathrik's throne in Ironbind Barrow. Its unique enchantment does ten points of fire damage over one second, and soul traps the target for five seconds. Tempering this weapon requires a steel ingot as well as the Arcane Blacksmith perk. Improvements to the weapon are doubled if the Steel Smithing perk is also unlocked.

Like other weapons with fire enchantments, this battleaxe benefits from the Augmented Flames perk and will inflict 15 points of fire damage at the 2nd level.


  • This is the only weapon in the game that grants you the Fiery Soul Trap effect when disenchanted.