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Unique Item: Hoarfrost (xx0179c9)
Type Pickaxe
Added by Dragonborn
Editor ID DLC2dunKolbjornRalisPickaxe
Damage Damage 5
Damage Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 946
Quality Tempering Not possible
Quality Tempering Not possible Perk
Targets take 15 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina, and have a small chance of being frozen solid.
Charge/Cost = Uses 1500/32=46

Hoarfrost is an ancient Nordic pickaxe carried by Ralis Sedarys, who can be found in Kolbjorn Barrow. It is in all ways identical to a normal ancient Nordic pickaxe, and can be used to mine Stalhrim in place of one. Its enchantment deals 15 points of frost damage, slows the target by fifty percent for three seconds, and has a 2% chance to freeze the target for 5 seconds. Hoarfrost can be obtained by either killing Ralis at the end of the related quest, or by sparing his life, hiring him as a follower, and then taking the pickaxe from his inventory. It can also be obtained by pickpocketing.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Hoarfrost has no tempering recipes and cannot be improved at grindstones.
  • It is possible to get two Hoarfrosts by making Ralis Sedarys your follower, taking Hoarfrost, and sacrificing him at the Shrine of Boethiah. Another copy of Hoarfrost can be found when looting his corpse.