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Skyrim:Haafingar Stormcloak Camp

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SR-mapicon-Stormcloak Camp.png
Stormcloak Camp:
Haafingar Stormcloak Camp
(view on map)
Dungeon Yes
Respawn Time 10 days
Istar Cairn-Breaker, Stormcloak Quartermaster, Stormcloak Soldiers
Console Location Code(s)
Northeast of Dragon Bridge
South of the Statue to Meridia
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 1
# of Workbenches 1
# of Cooking Pots/Spits 1
# of Wood Chopping Blocks 1
Haafingar Stormcloak Camp

Haafingar Stormcloak Camp is a Stormcloak camp in Haafingar, located northeast of Dragon Bridge and south of the Statue to Meridia.

The camp is normally commanded by Istar Cairn-Breaker, except during the related quests, at which point Galmar Stone-Fist will assume command.


Istar Cairn-Breaker (commander)
Stormcloak Quartermaster
Stormcloak Soldiers
Galmar Stone-Fist (commander)
This person only resides here during the related quests.

Related Quests[edit]

Haafingar Stormcloak Camp[edit]

It is a typical Stormcloak camp, consisting of a central campfire with a cooking spit hanging over it, around which the rest of the camp is arranged. To the south of the campfire are three small tents containing unowned hay piles. To the southwest is the command tent, containing a dresser and a large table covered with a map of Skyrim showing the progress of the civil war and the various forts and cities held by each side. This is where the commander spends most of their time. To the right of the command tent are some barrels. To the south is the commander's tent, containing an owned bedroll, an unlocked chest, and an end table. To the north of the campfire is another small tent containing an unowned hay pile, with a thistle plant behind the tent. Farther to the north is the hospital tent, which contains three hay piles occupied by wounded soldiers and a low table holding a random potion of health and a random potion of healing. To the left of the hospital tent is a table with a built-in alchemy lab, next to an unlocked chest containing various items to treat the sick, including potions of cure poison, potions of cure disease, and leather strips. To the right of the hospital tent is another small tent containing an unowned hay pile. Beyond the small tent are two picketed horses. They are owned, and taking them is considered stealing. In front of the hospital tent is a wood chopping block. To the south is the workstation for the Stormcloak quartermaster, consisting of an anvil, a grindstone, and a workbench. A long wooden table and a crate hold various iron and steel weapons and armor. There are many torchbugs near the camp at night, and during the day several butterflies can be found near the picketed horses.

Any time Haafingar is controlled by the Stormcloaks, this camp will not be present. As long as you haven't completed Joining the Legion, you are free to sleep in the small tents and trade with the quartermaster.


  • The camp may not be properly disbanded while Haafinger is under Stormcloak control, leaving the soldiers and commanding officer present. ?
    • This bug might only affect Special Edition.