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Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Trainers

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The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. The trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100. The table is sorted alphabetically, but clicking on the icon at the top of any column will resort the table. So, for example, to see the Armorer trainers, click on the Armorer column.

Trainer Location MW-icon-skill-Acrobatics.jpg MW-icon-skill-Alchemy.jpg MW-icon-skill-Alteration.jpg MW-icon-skill-Armorer.jpg MW-icon-skill-Athletics.jpg MW-icon-skill-Axe.jpg MW-icon-skill-Block.jpg MW-icon-skill-Blunt Weapon.jpg MW-icon-skill-Conjuration.jpg MW-icon-skill-Destruction.jpg MW-icon-skill-Enchant.jpg MW-icon-skill-Hand-to-hand.jpg MW-icon-skill-Heavy Armor.jpg MW-icon-skill-Illusion.jpg MW-icon-skill-Light Armor.jpg MW-icon-skill-Long Blade.jpg MW-icon-skill-Marksman.jpg MW-icon-skill-Medium Armor.jpg MW-icon-skill-Mercantile.jpg MW-icon-skill-Mysticism.jpg MW-icon-skill-Restoration.jpg MW-icon-skill-Security.jpg MW-icon-skill-Short Blade.jpg MW-icon-skill-Sneak.jpg MW-icon-skill-Spear.jpg MW-icon-skill-Speechcraft.jpg MW-icon-skill-Unarmored.jpg
Aynoc Haimtir, Great Hallowhall 48 42 42
Bornach Oscenna 54 48 48
Dalanor Karthwasten 56 57 56
Deran Karthwasten, Guild of Fighters 55 50 50
Eranthos Dragonstar West, Guild of Mages 73 78 78
Eumand Brilwald Karthwasten, Red Palace 70 64 65
Geod Entoriane Karthwasten, Guild of Fighters 71 71 71
Gorelius Dragonstar, Census and Excise Office 46 46 46
Harelia Dragonstar West, Guild of Mages 56 56 56
Inor Karthwasten, Red Palace, Barracks 72 72 72
Iuleus Vancor Karthwasten 50 50 55
Ji'Tavarad Karthwasten, Guild of Mages 58 58 58
Jidah Karthwasten, Red Palace 42 48 42
Kenba Karthwasten, Kenba's House 43 53 43
Landok Karthwasten, Dancing Saber: Tavern 50 50 50
Leofric Karthwasten, Red Palace, Upper Floor 75 75 70
Ordolf Bear-Bane Blood Paw Lodge 82 93 86
Rekir Dragonstar East, Arena 58 63 58
Rulat gra-Khagim Karthwasten, Guild of Mages 42 42 42
Ties-The-Bark Karthwasten, Red Palace, Dining Hall 71 71 61
Yeonor Karthwasten, Dancing Saber: Tavern 55 60 55