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Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Mesa Medicine

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Pick up a Reachman secret.
Quest Giver: Harelia in the Dragonstar Guild of Mages
Location(s): Dragonstar
Prerequisite Quest: Regulated Research
Next Quest: An Acolyte in the Arena
Reward: 2 Quality Fortify Willpower potions, De Rerum Dirennis
Disposition: +5 (Harelia) If you gave her the Sample
-10 (Harelia) If you drank the Sample
ID: Sky_qRe_DSMG2_Journal
The flower of the dead

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Harelia for duties.
  2. Travel to Haimtir and speak with Aynoc.
  3. Travel to Criaglorc and talk to Aeinu.
  4. Find Criagachsaide to the north of Criaglorc and pick a Widow Kiss flower.
  5. Return to Aeinu to get the Reachman Alchemy Sample.
  6. Bring the Reachman Alchemy Sample back to Harelia, unless you drank it, then go tell Harelia about how awesome you are.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


When you talk to Harelia again for duties she'll ask you to pick up a Reachman Alchemy Sample in Haimtir. Aynoc in the Great Hallowhall in Haimtir owes Harelia a favor so she thinks you'll have no trouble picking it up.

To Haimtir[edit]

Haimtir is located on the mesa south of Dragonstar, the easiest way to get there is by going to the Taurus Hall and using a levitate or jump spell to get up on the mesa south of it and then just continue south until you reach Haimtir. If you don't know any of these spell, the road will be long, exit Taurus Hall through the eastern gate en keep following the road until you get to a cobble road. On the cobble road, go north and keep following the road again until you see a signpost and a dead tree in front of you. Go south east here on the mud path and keep following it, you'll soon pass Hoarbeld, and a little while after that you'll get to a little water stream and some broken pillars. Keep going along the path until you reach Mirilstern. Exit Mirilstern through the west gate and follow the path until you are in Haimtir. Now enter the Great Hallowhall, the great yurt like structure, and inside speak with Aynoc who will tell you to go to Criaglorc and talk to Aeinu.

To Criaglorc[edit]

Head back to Mirilstern, Criaglorc is located just to the south of the ruins, it lies a little lower that Mirilstern so you'll need to drop from a small cliff. When you arrive you should go to Braignainesaide, a cave in the southwest of the village. Head down in the cave and talk to Aeinu, she'll tell you she needs a Widow Kiss Powder to make the Alchemy Sample, and that you can find the ingredient in Criagachsaide around the bodies of the dead.

Getting the Widow's Kiss[edit]

To get to Criagachsaide, exit Criaglorc north and pass the natural arch and the path that leads under the mesa, keep the mesa as close to your left as possible and keep walking until you see a cave, you don't have to enter the cave as the Widow Kiss grows on top of it, they are the small purple flowers. Pick one of the flowers and return the same way you came to Criaglorc. Give the Widow Kiss Powder to Aeinu and she'll give you the Reachman Alchemy Sample in return.

Return the sample, or drink it...[edit]

Now return to the Guild of Mages and give Harelia the Alchemy Sample, she'll give you the book De Rerum Dirennis and 2 Quality Fortify Willpower potions. If you decide to drink the Reachman Alchemy Sample, Harelia will be surprised you are still standing but she won't be happy. Her disposition will drop by 10 points and you won't get a reward.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Mesa Medicine (Sky_qRe_DSMG2_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Harelia instructed me to travel to Haimtir's Great Hallowhall and get a Reachman alchemy sample from Aynoc.
20 Aynoc told me to ask Aeinu, the shaman of Criaglorc, for the Reachman alchemy sample. She's likely to be found in Braignainesaide.
30 Aeinu will give me the Reachman alchemy sample if I source craichebann -- Widow Kiss Powder -- for her.
40 I gave Aeinu the powder and was given the Reachman alchemy sample.
100 I drank the Reachman alchemy sample. Maybe Harelia will be impressed?
110 Finishes quest☑ Harelia rewarded me for bringing her the sample.
120 Finishes quest☑ Harelia was not impressed I'd drunk her alchemy sample but was amazed I was still alive.