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Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Clothing

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Skyrim: Home of the Nords adds a selection of new types of clothing to the game, these can be found here.


Name ID(s) Weight Value Enchant Comments
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky3.png Hex Charm Sky_En_Hex_Charm 1 31 1.5 Cast when used: Damage Luck Damage Luck 1-20 pts for 1 secs on touch
Found in the Vaults of the Red Palace in Karthwasten.
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Necklace.png Ironbite Necklace Sky_iRe_aldkcave06_necklacebite 1 120 11 Cast when used: Disintegrate Weapon Disintegrate Weapon 5-12 pts for 0 secs on target
Carried by Lorhaic in Lorhaic's Den.
TD3-icon-clothing-Extravagant Amulet Sky1.png High King's Favor Sky_iRe_DH_HighKingsFavor 1 500 60 Constant effect: Resist Normal Weapons Resist Normal Weapons 30 pts

Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 30 pts

Found in Herlundsval Barrow, Lower Level.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Amulet Sky2.png Asuul's Pendant Sky_iRe_DSE_AsuulsPendant 1.5 1200 4 Cast when used: Command Creature Command Creature 10 pts for 30 secs on target
Command Humanoid Command Humanoid 10 pts for 30 secs on target
Found in a cupboard in Malrec's bookstore in Dragonstar East.
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky1.png Giradda's Amulet Sky_iRe_DSE_FG_GiraddaAm 1 700 3 Cast when used: Fortify Short Blade Fortify Short Blade 10 pts for 20 secs on self
Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 10 pts for 20 secs on self
Found on the corpse of Giradda in the Guild of Fighters in Dragonstar East.
TD3-icon-clothing-Amber Necklace.png Corrharaich Sky_iRe_FH_Corrharaich 1 3650 1 Constant effect: Fortify Short Blade Fortify Short Blade 10 pts

Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 50 pts

Found in Oscenna.
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky1.png Amulet of Akatosh Sky_iRe_kw28_amuletakatosh 1 400 38 Cast when used: Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 5 pts for 30 secs on self

Fortify Mysticism Fortify Mysticism 5 pts for 30 secs on self
Fortify Restoration Fortify Restoration 5 pts for 30 secs on self
Fortify Enchant Fortify Enchant 5-6 pts for 30 secs on self

Found in a chest in the Imperial Cult Chapel in Karthwasten.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 03.png Amulet of Dibella Sky_iRe_kw43_amuletdibella 1 200 20 Cast when used: Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 10 pts for 120 secs on self

Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 5-10 pts for 120 secs on self

Found in the Imperial Cult Chapel in Karthwasten.
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Necklace.png Honeysong Amulet Sky_iRe_kw53_amulethoneysong 1 80 12.5 Cast when used: Charm Charm 3-5 pts for 10 secs on touch
Found in Cravvoka's house in Karthwasten.
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky1.png Amulet of Stamina Sky_iRe_kw70_amuletstamina 1 70 8 Cast when used: Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 1-20 pts for 10 secs on self

Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 2-5 pts for 10 secs on self

Found in the Dancing Saber Tavern Den in Karthwasten.
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky2.png Amulet of Good Beast Sky_qRe-VF1_calmingamulet 1 120 2.8 Cast when used: Calm Creature Calm Creature 10 pts for 5 secs on target
Given by Nelisse during Curses and Horses
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Amulet.png Karra's Token Sky_qRe_BAI01_Token 1 88 10 Cast when used: Cure Poison Cure Poison 1 pts for 1 secs on self

Restore Health Restore Health 2 pts for 5 secs on self

Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Amulet.png Teeth of the Chosen Sky_qRe_BM05_AmuletCho 1 200 20 Cast when used: Absorb Health Absorb Health 5 pts for 5 secs on touch

Absorb Strength Absorb Strength 5 pts for 15 secs on touch

Side with Malthorc during Between a Hag and a Boar
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Amulet 02.png Druabith's Charm Sky_qRe_BM05_Charm 2 72 40
Given by Druabith, the Sun Mother during Between a Hag and a Boar
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Amulet Sky2.png Agnr's Charm Sky_qRe_DSE01_AgnrsCharm 2 60 15 Cast when used: Fortify Armorer Fortify Armorer 10 pts for 5 secs on self

Resist Fire Resist Fire 10 pts for 5 secs on self

Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Amulet 03.png Reachman Amulet T_Rea_Ep_AmuletWood_01 2 150 10
Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky1.png Bonecaller Amulet Sky_qRe_HA1_Amulet 1 175 4.5 Cast when used: Summon Skeletal Minion Summon Skeletal Minion 60 secs on self
Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Amulet Sky2.png Torc of Illumination Sky_qRe_KG4_Amulet 1 100 6 Cast when used: Light Light 20 pts for 60 secs on self
Quest reward for A Forlorn Barrow
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Necklace.png Conall's Lucky Charm Sky_qRe_MAI02_LuckyCharm 1 100 2.5 Cast when used: Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 1-3 pts for 45 secs on self

Sanctuary Sanctuary 10 pts for 45 secs on self

Receive from Conall during the Reaching For Love quest.
TD3-icon-clothing-Amber Necklace.png Mother Caoimhe's Ward Sky_qRe_NAR02_Alovach_Amulet 1 600 1 Cast when used: Shield Shield 5 pts for 10 secs on self
Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Amulet Sky2.png Amulet of Trinimac's Grace Sky_qRE_VF3_Amulet_01 1 350 1.5 Cast when used: Sanctuary Sanctuary 20 pts for 15 secs on self

Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 20 pts for 15 secs on self

Quest reward for Misguided Kin
TD3-icon-clothing-Extravagant Amulet Sky2.png Owls Flight Sky_Reach_kw_thievesG_a01 1 410 60 Cast when used: Invisibility Invisibility 20 secs on self

Levitate Levitate 10 pts for 20 secs on self

Found in a closet in the Thieves Guild Hideout in the Karthwasten Caves.
TD3-icon-clothing-Amber Necklace.png Spirit Necklace Sky_xRe_DSW_SpiritNecklace 1 58 15 Cast when used: Damage Health Damage Health 1-20 pts for 1 secs on touch
Found in Dragonstar West on a wooden tray behind Ywelac.
TD3-icon-clothing-Stone Amulet 02.png Greenery Stone Sky_xRe_VF_Amulet_Green 1 286 20 Cast when used: Cure Common Disease Cure Common Disease on self

Cure Poison Cure Poison on self

Found on the Spriggan Hawyleth in the Vorndgad Forest Region.


Name ID(s) Weight Value Enchant Comments
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt Sky1.png Belt of the Restful Hunter Sky_qRe_KW03_Belt 1 235 5 Restore Health Restore Health 5-10 pts for 10 secs on self

Detect Animal Detect Animal 50 pts for 30 secs on self

Location unknown.


Name ID(s) Weight Value Enchant Comments
MW-icon-clothing-Black Glove.png Glove of Blood Sky_iRe_aldkcave06_glovebloodL 1 70 9 Cast when used: Absorb Health Absorb Health 5-11 pts for 0 secs on touch
Carried by Lorhaic in Lorhaic's Den.
MW-icon-clothing-Black Glove.png Glove of Water Sky_iRe_aldkcave06_glovebloodR 1 70 9 Cast when used: Restore Health Restore Health 5-11 pts for 0 secs on self
Carried by Lorhaic in Lorhaic's Den.
BM-Icon-Common Nordic02 Hand.png Elongated Grasp Sky_Reach_kw_thievesG_g01 1 95 2 Cast when used: Fortify Sneak Fortify Sneak 15 pts for 20 secs on self

Telekinesis Telekinesis 10 pts for 20 secs on self

Found in a closet in the Thieves Guild Hideout in the Karthwasten Caves.
BM-Icon-Common Nordic01 Hand.png Jewelers Fingers Sky_Reach_kw_thievesG_g02 1 70 2 Cast when used: Fortify Security Fortify Security 20 pts for 20 secs on self
Found in a closet in the Thieves Guild Hideout in the Karthwasten Caves.


Name ID(s) Weight Value Enchant Comments
TD3-icon-clothing-Nordic Ring.png Ring of Invigorated Lungs Sky_iRe_aldkcave05_ringlungs 0.1 168 3.5 Cast when used: Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 1-10 pts for 10 secs on self
Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 5-20 pts for 10 secs on self
Found in Bjagherd Cave, Hideout.
TD3-icon-clothing-Nordic Ring.png Iron Eater Ring Sky_iRe_DH_scampmesa02_ring 0.1 89 2.7 Cast when used: Disintegrate Armor Disintegrate Armor 5-10 pts for 0 secs on touch
Found in Jhorcian's Tradehouse in Haimtir.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring Sky4.png Ring of Dementia Sky_iRe_KWCaves_RingOfDementia 0.1 2000 15 Constant effect: Drain Personality Drain Personality 50 pts

Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 15 pts
Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 20

Carried by Gilderay in the Tarnwasel Palace Ruins in the Karthwasten Caves.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring Sky5.png Ring of Meridian Rejuvenation Sky_iRe_KWCaves_RingOfRejuvenat 0.1 270 15 Cast when used: Light Light 20 pts for 15 secs on self

Restore Magicka Restore Magicka 3 pts for 15 secs on self

Found on a corpse in the Tarnwasel Palace Ruins in the Karthwasten Caves.
TD3-icon-clothing-Nordic Ring 02.png Trusty Whaler's Ring Sky_qRe_Ald1_ring 0.15 2500 1 Constant effect: Water Walking Water Walking

Feather Feather 20 pts

Carried by Wilbur in Wilbur's House.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 01.png DSE Arena Handler Sky_qRe_DSE_Ar_Handler 0.1 2 1 This item handles scripts, there is no legitimate way to obtain it and it may break stuff.
This item is unobtainable.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 01.png DSMG Davanna Mover Sky_qRe_DSMG04_Move 0.1 2 1 This item handles scripts, there is no legitimate way to obtain it and it may break stuff.
This item is unobtainable
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring Sky2.png Wing of the Khulari Sky_qRe_KG4a_BathRing 0.1 1000 15 Cast when used: Night Eye Night Eye 20 pts for 60 secs on self

Teleports the player to Bathmvall Barrow

Receive from Tamarik Khulari as reward for the Clan Khulari: Cattle Rustling quest.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring Sky2.png Chain of the Khulari Sky_qRe_KG4a_QstRing 0.1 50 15 Constant effect: Drain Willpower Drain Willpower 30 pts

This ring cannot be equipped by the player and is used in the quest: Clan Khulari: Cattle Rustling

Receive from Tamarik Khulari during the Clan Khulari: Cattle Rustling quest.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring Sky6.png Engraved Ring Sky_qRe_KW04_Ring 0.1 30 15
Unknown location.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 01.png KW_MG06 Journal Updater Sky_qRe_KW_MG06_RuariJournal 0.1 2 1 This item handles scripts, there is no legitimate way to obtain it and it may break stuff.
This item is unobtainable
TD3-icon-clothing-Common Ring PCCol3.png Ring of the Double-Edged Torch Sky_qRe_KWFG04_Ring 0.1 1000 1 Constant effect: Fortify Heavy Armor Fortify Heavy Armor 10 pts
Quest reward for Geod's Vendetta
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring PCCol (red).png Caponicus' Ring Sky_qRE_KwTG01_Ring 0.1 100 15 Used in Thieves Guild quest: A Dancing Distraction
Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring PCCol (white).png Expensive Ring Sky_qRe_KWTG01_RingFill 0.1 125 15
Location unknown.
TD3-icon-clothing-Expensive Ring Sky3.png Ring of Lucky Leaps Sky_qRE_KWTG06_Reward 0.1 110 15 Cast when used: Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 10 pts for 15 secs on self

Fortify Acrobatics Fortify Acrobatics 15 pts for 15 secs on self

Location unknown.


Name ID(s) Weight Value Enchant Comments
TD3-icon-clothing-Reachmen Shirt.png Shirt of Beast Smell Sky_iRe_kw19_shirtofbeast 2 65 5 Cast when used: Detect Animal Detect Animal 20 pts for 10 secs on self
Found in Eancor's Enchanter in Karthwasten.