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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Palagrius Vinicius

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Palagrius Vinicius (PC_m1_PalagriusVinicius)
Home City Anvil
Location Guild of Fighters: Master's Office
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 25 Class Master-at-Arms
Training Hand-to-hand (100)
Blunt Weapon (76)
Long Blade (76)
Other Information
Health 243 Magicka 118
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Cyrodiil Fighters Guild 9(Master)
Palagrius Vinicius

Palagrius Vinicius is an Imperial Master-at-Arms. He is at once the Master of the Anvil chapter of the Fighters Guild, while also having oversight of its chapter in Sutch. He can be found in the Master's Office of the guildhall.

A humane character, Palagrius exhibits both an appetite for a challenge, compassion for subordinates, and an expectation that guild members show "true dedication to a fighter's duty". He believes firmly that a warrior must be tested by battle, and is not shy to send you out to clear the roads of both beasts and bandits. He also has a very moralistic outlook, viewing the Abecette as "the shame of Anvil, a place of debauchery and hedonism", and treats collecting debt for the Abecette as dirty work. Fighters Guild characters will reference multiple sons if asked about a little secret. The eldest, Rufrius Vinicius, is whom he hopes to pass down stewardship of the guild to, as it was once passed down to him. Rufrius can be found in the guildhall, and Palagrius will send you with him on a test of his mettle in the quest Growing Up. Other relatives can be found in the nearby Vinicius Manor, including his wife Ada Vinicius, and unspecified relation Thullius Vinicius.

Palagrius is a Master Trainer in the Hand-to-hand skill, and will share his knowledge for a fee provided that your rank in the Fighters Guild is Warder or higher.

Starts Quests[edit]

Fighters Guild[edit]