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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Bluepox

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Research and cure a rare disease.
Quest Giver: Runs-Towards-Time
Location(s): Anvil, Little Arenthia, Hostel of Saint Rosunius
Prerequisite Quest: Alms for the Hostel of Saint Rosunius
Next Quest: Persarine Contract
Reward: 1x Quality Spell Absorption and 1x Quality Fortify Willpower potions
OR the above and 2x Standard Rising Force Potion
OR the above and Robe of Pure Body
Disposition: +10 or +20 or +40 (Runs-Towards-Time)
Reputation Gain: +5 or +7 (Order of Itinerant Priests)
ID: PC_m1_IP_Run2

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Runs-Towards-Time about works and Bluepox.
  2. Cure the five Shipworks workers.
  3. (Optional) Return to Runs-Towards-Time (ends quest, rewards 2x potions).
  4. Ask Hosni in the Shipworks about Bluepox and corrosive slime.
  5. (Optional) Return to Runs-Towards-Time (ends quest, rewards 4x potions).
  6. Speak to Adraria Lethris about corrosive slime (requires 80+ disposition).
  7. (If you haven't already completed Improbable Cause):
    1. Talk to Unsolyo in Fort Telodrach's East Tower about Sea Elf, Bluepox and unjustly imprisoned.
    2. Ask the guards of the fort about unjustly imprisoned.
    3. Either:
      • Speak to Tiledorus Cadmerius in the fort's Navarch's Tower about unjustly imprisoned and either:
        • Ask that he reconsider (requires Commander or higher rank in the West Navy).
        • Note that he's getting nowhere (requires 90+ disposition).
      • Speak to Hasi at Goldstone about unjustly imprisoned and:
        • Note that questioning hasn't yielded results (requires 30+ disposition or Commander or higher rank in the West Navy).
  8. Go to Unsolyo's Clothier store in the Marina quarter and talk to Unsolyo about Bluepox.
  9. Bring the Notes on Bluepox to Runs-Towards-Time (ends quest, rewards 4x potions, Robe of Pure Body).

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Spreading Plague[edit]

Having collected alms for the poor, speak to Runs-Towards-Time about more works. He wants you to look into a Bluepox outbreak in Anvil's Shipworks, and to cure the infected. He'll give you 5x Potions of Cure Common Disease with which to achieve this.

Go to the Shipworks in the Port Quarter, next to the Chapel of the Tranquil Sky. Speak with the five workers inside (excluding Adraria Lethris) about Bluepox, and you will have the option to give them a potion. There's a worker on the ship, one inside the ship, and three in the hall around the ship.

Once you've cured all five, you can return to Runs-Towards-Time to complete the quest and receive two potions (alongside +10 disposition and +5 faction reputation). It's worth investigating the pox's origins however. To do, talk to one of the cured workers - Hosni, who was the first infected. He reports a corrosive slime that he had to clean off the ship currently held in the Shipworks, the TEM Brinerunner, and says that when he reported it to Adraria, she just shrugged it off.

You may still choose to end your investigations here - news of the corrosive slime by itself is enough to receive a greater reward from Runs-Towards-Time (two additional potions, +20 disposition and +7 faction reputation). But there's more to unearth if you wish to dig. If that is the case, speak to Adraria in the office on the Shipworks' upper floor about the corrosive slime. You'll need 80+ disposition for her to open up about it. She believes that the recent arrest of the Sea Elf Unsolyo is connected to the damage that the Brinerunner suffered prior to being hauled into the works.

You may have already completed Improbable Cause, in which case you will find Unsolyo in his store in Anvil's Marina quarter, and he will be very helpful (skip to Unsolyo's Notes below). If not, you're going to need to complete that quest before Unsolyo will tell you anything.

Unjustly Imprisoned[edit]

You'll find Unsolyo in a cell in Fort Telodrach's East Tower. He's standoffish at first, but ask him about the Sea Elf topic and he will claim to be unjustly imprisoned. The Imperial Navy apparently believe that he had some involvement in a recent attack on their ships - presumably the TEM Brinerunner. Unsolyo protests his innocence. Say you believe him, and he'll ask you to convince the guards to release him. Asking guards about unjustly imprisoned with 30+ disposition will see you referred to the only individual that (they believe) has the authority to release the Sea Elf. That is the Navarch, Tiledorus Cadmerius, although Admiral Hasi in Goldstone castle is also referenced.

You can go to either. Hasi's the longer walk (with Goldstone being at the other end of the city), but requires only 30+ disposition or Commander rank in the West Navy to convince. You can find him in the Great Hall area of the castle. Tiledorus Cadmerius is more stubborn, but will reconsider the imprisonment if asked provided that you have Commander or higher rank in the West Navy. Otherwise, you're going to need to insist that he's getting nowhere with 90+ disposition in order to get Unsolyo released.

Either way, once either Hasi or Tiledorus have given the release order, go to Unsolyo's clothier store in the Marina quarter (opposite the Imperial Geographical Society building) to claim a reward for your help.

Unsolyo's Notes[edit]

Freed from prison, Unsolyo proves much more talkative. Ask him about the Bluepox topic and he will give you his Notes on Bluepox - it's a disease that's apparently common in his native land of Pyandonea. With these notes in hand, return to Runs-Towards-Time to report your findings. He'll reward you with a number of potions and the Robe of Pure Body for your efforts. Additionally, you'll receive +7 faction reputation and a +40 disposition boost.


  • If you have already cured the workers of the Shipworks of Bluepox, then Runs-Towards-Time will remark as much when giving you this quest, and will ask you to return to investigate the likely cause. However, he gives the wrong responses to your answer options there - expressing disappointment if you offer to help, and thanking you if you refuse (tested in Abecean Shores release).

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Bluepox (PC_m1_IP_Run2)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Runs-Towards-Time asked me to cure the victims of Bluepox, a disease that's been spreading through the Shipworks. There have been five cases identified. He also wants me to learn more about the disease if possible.
20 I have cured all the Bluepox victims.
25 Runs-Towards-Time was pleased that I had already cured the victims of Bluepox in the Shipworks. He asked me to return there and see if I could learn anything about the disease's origin.
100 Finishes quest☑ Runs-Towards-Time rewarded me with some potions for curing the Bluepox victims.
101 Finishes quest☑ Runs-Towards-Time was interested in the corrosive slime's potential connection to the Bluepox outbreak. As thanks for telling him and curing the victims, he gave me some potions.
102 Finishes quest☑ Runs-Towards-Time was very pleased to receive Unsolyo's notes on Bluepox. As thanks for telling him and curing the victims, he gave me an enchanted robe and some potions.
103 Finishes quest☑ Runs-Towards-Time was enraged that I would harm the Bluepox victims. He has no more tasks for me.
Bluepox (PC_m1_IP_Run2UO)
10 Hosni believes that the outbreak of Bluepox could've been caused by corrosive slime found on the ship docked in the Shipworks.
20 I learned that a Sea Elf was arrested shortly after the Brinerunner returned to Anvil. He's likely being held in Fort Telodrach.
25 I learned that a Sea Elf was arrested shortly after the Brinerunner returned to Anvil. He's since been released and is likely back in his clothing store in the Marina.
30 I spoke to Unsolyo, the Sea Elf imprisoned in Fort Telodrach. He said he could provide information about Bluepox, but he wanted me to help him get out of prison first.
40 As thanks for getting him out of prison, Unsolyo gave me his notes on Bluepox.