Online:Zymel Ipaezeth

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Zymel Ipaezeth
Location Elinhir
Species Storm Atronach
Health 127,470 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Zymel Ipaezeth

Zymel Ipaezeth is an unique storm atronach found in the southern section of Elinhir. Zymel Ipaezeth is involved in a small event where it is attacked by a group of spellfiends. They will make short work of the atronach as its attacks barely inflict any damage on them.

Zymel Ipaezeth uses the same attacks as standard storm atronachs, but it has less health and deals more damage than the other storm atronachs found in Elinhir.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
Impending Storm
Zymel Ipaezeth overcharges before releasing five shock storms going out in all directions from itself, indicated by red cicles, dealing moderate shock damage each. This can be interrupted to stagger Zymel Ipaezeth.
Storm Bound
Zymel Ipaezeth slams the ground, conjuring and sending a homing electric orb at tis target. On contact, it morphs into a shocking field around them, indicated by a red circle, and tracks their movement. The field deals continuous moderate shock damage and applies a constant snare on the target. Blocking or dodge rolling won't escape the field, so the damage must be endured or the initial orb must be avoided with dodge roll (blocking the orb doesn't prevent the effects from being applied).