High Isle

Online:Tower Full of Trouble

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Quick Summary: written by Anonymous, checked by Kallykat

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: written by Anonymous, checked by Kallykat
ON-qico-Companion.png Help restore order to Tor Draioch.
Zone: High Isle
Objective: Tor Draioch
Quest Giver: Ember or Ladlow Menant
Location(s): High Isle, Tor Draioch, Tor Draioch Cave
Next Quest: Cold Trail
Reward: (?) Leveled Gold
Recruit Ember (Companion)
ID: 6771
Tower Full of Trouble
Strange magic is causing chaos around Tor Draioch. I need to investigate it and put a stop to it before it hurts anyone.


I met a panicked local on the road who said he had been chased by magical motes and seen other strange things at the nearby home of a wizard, Tor Draioch. He thinks that the wizard's assistant, Ember, may need some help. I should investigate.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Ember (optional: talk to Ladlow Menant first)
  2. Reset wards
  3. Look inside tower
  4. Set traps
  5. Help livestock
  6. Enter Arcane Library
  7. Assist Ember at Ritual Circle
  8. Talk to Magister Irin

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

The Meadow Ward

You can begin this quest in one of three ways: by speaking with Ladlow Menant near the Tor Draioch Wayshrine, by speaking directly to Ember on the path east of Tor Draioch, or by equipping Ember into an Allies quickslot and attempting to summon her. Either way, you'll end up heading to Tor Draioch.

Ladlow Menant (optional quest starter)[edit]

(optional) Talk to Ladlow Menant, who can be found near the Tor Draioch Wayshrine, along the road southwest from the shrine, or on the road north from the shrine.

When you approach him, he'll be saying:

Ladlow Menant : "Get away from me, stupid thing!"
Ladlow Menant : "I-is it gone?"

When spoken with, he'll say:

"Steer clear of Tor Draioch, stranger! Those strange motes are everywhere! I saw one of them turn a cow into a person!
I'm getting out of here before one of them gets me! I'm not spending the rest of my days as a farm animal."
What's wrong?
"I don't know! I was just trying to cut through the area around the old wizard's tower there when I spotted those strange … motes. It was chaos. Unnatural things started happening and then one of the motes started chasing me!"
Do things like that happen at Tor Draioch often?
"No, not that I've ever seen! And I take that shortcut almost every day. The magister who lives there and his Khajiit assistant, Ember, are nice enough. I hope they're all right. But I'm not crazy enough to go back. You look brave. Maybe you could?"
I'll go see what's going on at Tor Draioch.

Resetting the Wards[edit]

Whether or not you started the quest with Ladlow, you can find Ember near Tor Draoich. When first approached you will see her blasting a mote:

Ember: "Get back here you stupid thing!"
Ember: "Watch yourself, stranger. There's some errant magic out here."

When spoken to:

"I hope you don't mind me saying so, but you look like someone who's good at cleaning up messes. I've got a big one for you, if you're up for it. I'd pay you for your time.
But I need someone quick on their feet. This mess is turning into a crisis."
What's going on?
"I was experimenting with a spell while my mentor, Magister Irin, was away. But the magic went … awry. If it doesn't get dealt with, it's going to spread beyond this area and harm a bunch of innocent people. I can't fix it on my own, so I need help."
How can I help?
"I need to develop a counterspell. But first, the protective wards around the area need to be restored by someone other than myself so I don't taint the magic.
That's where you come in. Like I said, if you help, I can pay!"
I'll help you reset the wards.
"Hold still—you'll need this unless you want to spend the next few hours as a sheep. Not as glamorous as it sounds. And here, take these crystals, you'll need them to restore the wards. The first one is in the meadow just up the hill to the north."
What do these wards normally do?
"Mostly they serve to keep errant magic inside Tor Draioch's boundaries. You know, the standard three-points-of-protection thing.
Unfortunately, my spell kicked those wards in the teeth. They're not protecting anything now."
Why can't you restore the wards yourself?
"The spell I created has my magical … mark on it, if that makes sense. There are certain types of magic that can be affected by their creator, intentionally or not.
Messing with forces already attuned to you can have unpredictable results."
So if you tried restoring the wards, it might make things worse?
"Exactly. Magic is powerful and great and all that, but it can be pretty sensitive. Fussy, Magister Irin likes to say.
And since my spell is already wreaking havoc across Tor Draioch, I'd rather not take any unnecessary risks while fixing it."
Who are you?
"The name's Ember. Well, technically it's a nickname, but it's all I use. I'm Magister Irin's apprentice. I think he regrets taking me on sometimes, but he's got a big heart. He saw that I had no formal training and told me to come here to learn."
Where is here, exactly?
"This is Tor Draioch. There's a big wizard's tower, you can't miss it. I've been living there with Magister Irin plus a few people who keep up the grounds and the tower itself. All of whom have been affected by my spell, I'd guess."
Remind me what I need to do again.
"All you have to do is place those crystals I gave you on the three protective wards. It'll be easy, I promise!"
What will you be doing?
"Mostly trying to keep anything with ill intent away from you.
My errant spell seems to be affecting the creatures around Tor Draioch in all kinds of ways. Things that were once docile might be a little … grumpy right now."

Approaching the meadow ward:

Ember: "Here we are. I'm going to cast a little purifying spell while you place the crystal so nothing disturbs us."
Ember: "Let's do this quick."

Fixing the meadow ward:

Ember: "That's one ward restored. Let's go fix the next one, it's in the glade just west of here!"
<NOTE: The glade is actually northwest, not west.>

When spoken to after:

"I really should have paid more attention to Magister Irin when he was explaining how these protective wards work. I should have paid more attention to him in general, actually.
The next one is in the glade. It's just across the way to the west."
Will restoring the wards return everything to normal here?
"Unfortunately no. The wards are just to keep the unstable magic inside the bounds of Tor Draioch. That way, I can work on a counterspell without worrying about the original spell spreading."
How did you know about the wards in the first place?
"Magister Irin made sure I knew what they were and what purpose they served as soon as he took me on as an apprentice. He wanted me to be familiar with as much of Tor Draioch as possible. Or, at least the parts that keep it safe."

Approaching the glade ward:

Ember: "Ah, here we are. I'll make sure nothing gets in our way while you place the warding crystal."

Fixing the glade ward:

Ember: "You're a natural! Maybe you should have been Magister Irin's apprentice."
Ember: "The last ward is south of here, inside a cave."

If spoken to:

"The last ward is inside a cave. I hate caves. They're usually wet and dark and full of creepy crawlies. Eugh.
But once we restore that ward, my spell will at least be contained within Tor Draioch. Then we can concentrate on fixing it."

Approaching the cave ward:

Ember: "This is the last one, let's get this over with quick. Place the warding crystal."
Ember: "That's all the wards! Let's talk outside. I need to figure out what to do next."

Trapping the Motes[edit]

Follow her outside and she'll be blasting another mote:

Ember: "Stupid motes!"

When spoken to outside the cave:

"I know my rogue spell is to blame for most of the weirdness happening around Tor Draioch, but it almost seems like these damned motes are becoming dangerous. They're doing more than just mischievous magic.
Fish biscuits! I need to figure this out!"
Why would they turn dangerous?
"I'm not sure. The motes aren't new, they're always hanging around Tor Draioch. I think they're drawn to places like this.
But there was nothing in my spell that should have made them act malevolent. And there are a lot more around than usual."
Should we do something about them?
"Yes. I can make traps to contain them, but I'm still worried about their behavior. While I work on the traps, could you head into the tower and look through Magister Irin's things? He might have a book with more information about the motes."
I'll go search through Magister Irin's things in the tower.
Ember: "See if you can find anything in the tower about the motes. I'll meet you there and start on the traps."

As you approach the tower you will see her and Huldressa speaking:

Huldressa: "This is ridiculous! I knew Magister Irin should have never taken in a mangy cat like you!"
Ember: "Relax, Huldressa. I'm working on it."
Huldressa: "You better work fast because when Magister Irin—what the, oooh!"
<A mote changes Huldressa into the form of a guar>
Ember: "All right, that was a little funny."
<Note: This scene can be viewed from the beginning if you take a wide berth around the tower then come in from the east; otherwise, you may miss the beginning.>

When spoken to:

"I forgot to put an enchantment on Huldressa to protect her from the magic. Don't look at me like that! It wasn't on purpose.
These motes are becoming a real knot in my tail. I'll work on these traps while you rifle through Magister Irin's things."
What just happened?
"One of those motes got to her. Thankfully it was just one of the mischievous ones. It turned her into a guar.
Don't worry, it's just an illusion. She'll be disoriented, but unharmed. In fact, I think some time as a reptile might be good for her."
Are you sure your traps will work on the motes?
"I think so. I'm using a variation of something I was already working on. I enchanted a bit of silver for each of them.
It's simple, when a mote gets near one of the traps, it should suck it up. Like … pffffft!"
How did you come up with that idea?
"The original idea was an olive branch for Huldressa—a spell that cleans up dust. My magicka practice kicks up a lot of the stuff, so I wanted to make something that would help her out a bit.
I'll make the traps using the same design."
Do you not like Huldressa?
"To be fair, she didn't like me first. When Magister Irin took me in, Huldressa didn't waste any time deciding I was a no-good street urchin who's too impulsive for her own good. She's not entirely wrong, but she never even gave me a chance!"
What does Magister Irin say about it?
"Magister Irin knows what he signed up for. Taking me on … I'll admit, it's no small feat. But he's never judged me for being the way I am. Which is why I don't want to disappoint him by ruining his tower with unhinged magic.
He does a lot for me."
I'll go search the tower for any useful information.
Ember: "I'll get to work on the traps for the motes! Good thoughts only!"

Searching the upper floor of the tower, you will find three texts: Sea Lore for Arcane Crafting, Magister Irin's Notes, and Sorrows of the Wind.

After searching the tower:

Ember: "You in here? Did you find anything useful about the motes?"

When spoken to:

"I finished the traps. Once we set them up, they should take care of the motes. Then I can sort out the livestock and Huldressa … and at some point create a counterspell to fix everything for good.
Did you learn anything useful?"
I found a book that mentions a wind spirit associated with the motes in this area.
"Oh! I read that one, with the Windsorrow lady, right? What if my spell disturbed her and that's why the motes are acting up? That's … troubling. And also a problem for future Ember.
Let's focus on one thing at a time. Or, two things, actually."
Which are?
"The traps are finished, but the livestock and Huldressa are still a problem. I want to figure out a way to return them all to their natural forms before the illusion does any damage.
Could you set the traps while I do that?"
Where should I set them?
"Here, I'll mark some places to set the traps. They're in a pack by the worktables outside. While you do that, I'll figure out how to fix the livestock and Huldressa. Then I can work on my counterspell.
Meet me by the livestock pens when you're done."
I'll go set the traps.
One of Ember's Mote Traps
Ember: "Good luck setting up the traps! I'll meet you by the livestock pens when you're finished."

Visit the four marked locations around Tor Draioch and set the traps. After setting a trap, you will see green motes being drawn into it.

Enchanted Livestock[edit]

After placing the mote traps, return to her and you will see her transform two enchanted chickens back into normal chickens:

Ember: "All right, let's get you two back to your regular chicken selves."

<Ladies turn back to chickens>

Ember: "Ha, I knew it would work! Run along, ladies."

When spoken to:

"You're back! The traps worked, didn't they? See, I told you I know what I'm doing … mostly.
Speaking of which, I think I figured out a way to return the livestock to their original forms."
"I made something. I know it looks like a spoon but … well, technically it is a spoon. But I enchanted it, and I call it the Spoon of Undo!
I just tested it on those chickens. It removes the illusions perfectly."
Why is it so important to remove the illusions from the livestock?
"Normally I wouldn't bother, but illusions can be disorienting and cause terrible headaches. I don't want any of the animals suffering while I come up with my counterspell.
Oh, and Huldressa. I suppose I don't really want her suffering either."
What can I do to help?
"Here, take the Spoon of Undo. If you could run around and fix the livestock and Huldressa, that will give me a chance to finally whip up this counterspell. By the time you're finished, I'm sure I'll have something figured out!"
I'll take your enchanted spoon and help the livestock. You go work on your counterspell.
"Just look around for people making animal noises, I'm sure they won't be hard to find. And tell them I'm sorry when you change them back, would you?
As for Huldressa, I'm all in favor of leaving her as a guar. Just kidding! Kind of."
How does the Spoon of Undo work?
"Hah, it sounds cute when you say it.
It's a pretty simple reversing enchantment. It should counteract the magic from the motes and dispel the illusion. Basic stuff not even I can mess up."
Do you think the animals will let me use the Spoon of Undo on them?
"Well, they're still animals. They might run around a bit, but I doubt they'll make it too difficult for you. They're not exactly geniuses.
Personally, if I was a sheep, and got turned into a human, I think I'd go off on an adventure."
Can I ask what you were trying to do with your experimental spell in the first place?
"I wasn't trying to turn animals into people, I swear. I had a theory about animating the inanimate. One of Magister Irin's texts gave me the idea. Hmm. That's probably why he locks so many of his books away, now that I think about it."
What will Magister Irin do if he returns before we fix everything?
"Well, I'm hoping to avoid that scenario. But if it does happen, I'm not sure. He's an odd one. I'm too old for him to punish and he's not really the type to dole out discipline anyway.
I think he'd be disappointed. Which is so, so much worse."
Ember: "I'll be in the tower working on the counterspell. Come find me when you're done."

As a guar, she will run away at first while saying:

Huldressa: "Help … me!"

When you turn her back into a human:

Huldressa: "Was I ... was I just a guar?"
Huldressa: "This is all Ember's fault!"

If you speak to her, she'll say:

"Oh, I feel strange. That was quite unpleasant.
Thank you for saving me. I know I'm nothing to gawk at, but I'd prefer to look like this instead of a guar."
Are you all right now?
"All right? All right? She made me look like a guar! What do you think?
I told Magister Irin that Ember was trouble the moment she showed up. Trouble, I said. But did he listen?"
Ember and I are working to sort everything out here.
"There wouldn't be anything to work out if that careless Khajiit would listen more and mind her elders. She's brash and often quite rude.
Why am I standing here talking to you? I'm going back to my kitchen and I may just have a glass of brandy."

The Mirrored Way[edit]

The ground shakes and there is a low booming sound as you approach the tower door. You can hear Ember's voice through the door:

Ember: "Fish biscuits! That wasn't right."

When you enter the tower, she says:

Ember: "I assume Huldressa is back to her charming self? I've run into a problem."

When spoken to:

"I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I've nearly finished my counterspell. But I need to find a tome called The Mirrored Way to complete it. I know Magister Irin has it, but it's not with the rest of his books. That's the bad news."
Why is that the bad news?
"Because if The Mirrored Way isn't with the rest of his things, it's probably locked away in his arcane library. The library he specifically forbids me from entering.
The tome I need has to be in there. Without it, I can't make the counterspell."
What should we do?
"Magister Irin has warned me not to enter his library a thousand times … but these are special circumstances.
There will probably be some magical traps inside meant to keep me out, so I'll need your help getting the book while I deal with them."
I'll help you get the book.
"Once we find The Mirrored Way in Magister Irin's library, I can finish my counterspell. I just hope the old man wasn't serious about putting something dangerous inside to keep me out.
He was definitely kidding. Had to be. Come on, let's go."
What kind of magical traps do you think we'll run into?
"Not sure. I picked the lock on the place as soon as I figured out he didn't want me getting in there. He's since put up protections and told me to stay out unless I have his permission.
I'm sure he's got some kind of ward or barrier set up."
You were able to enter his arcane library just by picking the lock?
"It wasn't hard. Mages like Magister Irin tend to think in very … magical ways. They'll put magicked reinforcements over every inch of a place, but forget a few pins and a good ear can foil them.
And to be fair to him, I'm a very good lockpick."
How did you get so good at lockpicking?
"Necessity. I wasn't exactly raised in the lap of luxury. Not even in the lap of genteel poverty, for that matter.
You get good at things like that if you don't want to be hungry. Or caught by guards or angry merchants."
Ember: "Follow me, the library is downstairs!"


Ember: "Give me just a moment to pick the lock."
Ember: "All right, let's get in and out as quick as we can."
"I warned you, Ember!"

In the arcane library:

Ember: "I don't sense anything. Maybe the old man was bluffing."
<Ember is suddenly wrapped in magical chains>
Ember: "Fish biscuits!"
Magister Irin: "I warned you, Ember!"
Ember: "This spell is specifically targeting me! I'll figure out a way down, you just focus on getting the book!"

Find The Mirrored Way and Ember will break free:

Ember: "That's it, you got it! Now let's get out of here before I set off something else!"

After exiting the arcane library:

Ember: "Magister Irin really didn't want me getting in there, huh? I have to admire the dedication."

When spoken to:

"I didn't know the old man had it in him! He had something to target me specifically, what a sneaky old goat! Good thing I had you with me.
You managed to get the book, right? Let me see it."
Here, take it.
"Let me take a look. Mmm … mhmm. No, not that, that would be bad. What about this?
Oh! Here it is. It's amahan'ist'exis, not gahan'amexis'ist! Good thing I checked. See? That's personal growth right there."
What does that even mean?
"Two different arcane glyphs. They do entirely different things when written and pronounced aloud. The second one is what I need for my counterspell.
Now, all that's left is to get to the old ritual circle and cast this. I'll need your help again."
Ready when you are.
"The counterspell should set everything right in Tor Draioch. Things will be just as Magister Irin left them and I won't have to face his furrowed brow.
I'll need your help at the ritual site. Casting a spell this big is a two-person job."
Why can't you cast your counterspell here?
"The old ritual circle is a place of power and I'm going to need all the help I can get. I plan to draw on the magic there to help strengthen my counterspell. Magister Irin told me about it. This probably isn't how he wanted to implement the lesson."
I'm a mage. Can I help with the counterspell part? (playing sorcerer)
"I wish you could, but since this is my spell, I think it's safer if I'm the only one who messes with it. But I appreciate that thought.
Believe me. I'm still going to need your help when we get to the ritual site. No idle hands for you!"
Do you think that Windsorrow spirit is actually here?
"Maybe? Old tales and myths always start from some truth, at some point in time. The motes around here seem to be affected by more than my spell, is all I'm saying.
I always expect the worst. I find it helpful."
So what do you think we might find at the ritual site?
"If luck is with us, maybe just some irritated wildlife we can deal with as we've done before. Or some of the bolder motes.
But if there is some truth to the ancient tales, then maybe we find some sort of really cranky wind spirit."
Ember: "The ritual circle is just up the hill. I'll meet you there."

<Note: Ember used to say "The ritual circle is just up the hill to the north." This was inaccurate as it's actually to the southwest.>

The Ritual Circle[edit]

Meet Ember at the site:

Ember: "I'm here! First, we need to set the ritual flames. There's three around the site."
Ember: "Light the three ritual flames here. I'll get the ones on the altar!"

Light the flames:

Ember: "Almost there."
Ember: "It's done, the spell is set! Follow me, we should be able to see it materialize!"

Follow Ember to the overlook and watch the fireworks:

Ember: "Any second now!"
Windsorrow: "Disturb not my rest, foul creatures!"

After killing Windsorrow:

Ember: "It worked! We did it! Come on, let's get back to the tower."


Back at the tower, Magister Irin has returned and getting an earful from Huldressa:

Huldressa: "I refuse to work under these conditions! I was turned into a guar! A guar!"
Magister Irin: "Of course, Huldressa. I promise to address the situation."
Huldressa: "See that you do."
Ember: "Huldressa sold me out, didn't she?"
Magister Irin: "Let me speak to your associate first, Ember."

If you speak to her before Irin, she says:

"It's probably for the best that Magister Irin speaks with you first. We fixed everything, but I still have a feeling he's going to skin me alive.
I did learn a lot from this experience though. That's positive right? Put in a good word for me?"

Magister Irin:

"So, you were witness to the events here. And as I understand it, you had a hand in bringing them to an end. For that, I thank you.
But if you'll indulge me, I do have a few lingering questions. What in the world happened?"
Ember had a spell go awry.
"I don't know what I expected leaving her to her own devices here, even temporarily. Ember and trouble are old friends.
I can still feel the repercussions of this spell gone … awry, as you say. Do I have you to thank for rectifying it?"
Ember already had an idea of how to fix it before I got here. I just helped.
"I see. As trying as she can be, she truly is a talented mage. She can be impatient, but given her natural inclination to magic, it's understandable. I always knew I was perhaps not the best teacher for her."
What do you mean?
"I took her in because I knew I could not leave someone as skilled and impulsive as her to her own devices, but I have neither the time nor aptitude to teach her properly. It is my own failing.
Speak to her, would you? I must collect my thoughts."
I'll talk to Ember.
"Don't worry, Ember isn't in any trouble. While I am not pleased about my traumatized cook, I must concede that everything is back in order and the consequences of Ember's magic weren't dire.
Still, I must consider what to do now."
Is Ember a difficult student?
"I don't mean to give the impression that Ember is incapable of learning, that's not the case. She's a bright mage—one of the brightest I've ever seen. Everything I've taught her, she's taken to like flame to parchment. But therein lies the problem."
How so?
"Just like a flame, Ember wants to devour everything around her. Her appetite for knowledge is ceaseless. That's a good quality in a mage, but not necessarily one I'm equipped to deal with. By my own admission, I am methodical. Cautious. By the books."
And Ember isn't.
"Exactly right. Ember needs someone who can keep up with her, someone who thrusts themselves headlong into adventure so that she may temper herself and her magic beside them. Perhaps when I was younger, I could have been that for her. But not now."

After speaking to the magister:

Ember: "Hey, you, let's talk while Magister Irin collects his thoughts."
"I thought Magister Irin would be as mad as a wet dragon. But he looks amused. It's probably because he's wanted to turn Huldressa into a guar at some point, he just won't admit it. And the fact that we fixed it all before he got here helped."
Do you think he will push you harder at your magic studies now?
"Well, I've been thinking. I'm grateful to Magister Irin, but sitting and reading about magic has little appeal to me. This whole thing just proved to me that I'm too restless here. I want to do magic, not just study it! Go on adventures! See things!"
Are you saying you want to leave Tor Draioch?
"I think it's time. I've been given good training here, but I still have a lot to learn.
For me, the best teachers are curiosity and experience. I learn best by doing, so I need to get out in the world and continue my training."
So what's next for Ember the Sorcerer?
"Ember the Sorcerer. Heh, I like the sound of that. But that can come later. First, take this. It's not much but you deserve it.
I think we made a good team today. If you ever need a sorcerer who has your back, let me know. We'd have some fun."

Ember turns to her old tutor:

Ember: "Magister Irin, I'm grateful for your teachings. And your patience. But I think it's time for me to move on."
Magister Irin: "The world is an excellent teacher for one of your talents, Ember. Do write me occasionally."
Ember: "I should go pack my things. And say goodbye to Huldressa! Ha! Not a chance."

Quest Stages[edit]

Tower Full of Trouble
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I found a frightened man being chased by some kind of strange mote. He told me there are strange motes causing trouble around Tor Draioch and that he's worried for the magister and his assistant that live there. I should check on them.
Objective: Find Ember at Tor Draioch
I found the magister's assistant near Tor Draioch. I should speak to her.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Latest start Ember needs my help restoring the protective wards placed around Tor Draioch. The first of which is in the meadow.
Objective: Restore the Meadow Ward
Now that the meadow protection ward is restored, I need to find the next protective ward in the glade and restore that one as well.
Objective: Restore the Glade Ward
Optional Step: Talk to Ember
The last protection ward that needs to be restored is nearby in a cave. I should make haste there.
Objective: Restore the Cave Ward
All three of the protection wards around Tor Draioch are restored. I should speak to Ember about what to do next.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Ember is worried about the magical motes around Tor Draioch. Apparently, some are becoming malevolent. She's asked me to head to Tor Draioch's tower to search Magister Irin's things for information about the motes themselves.
Objective: Find Information in the Tower
I should speak to Ember about what I learned and also see if she found a way to curtail the motes.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Ember made enchanted traps to lure and trap the errant motes. I should grab the pack of traps to place them around Tor Draioch.
Objective: Take Ember's Traps
I need to set the traps around Tor Draioch while she tackles the issue of the livestock.
Objective: Set the Mote Traps: 0/4
I set the mote traps. Now I should meet Ember by the livestock pens.
Objective: Meet Ember at the Livestock Shed
Now that the mote traps are set up, I need to talk to Ember about what else we need to do to get Tor Draioch back to rights.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Ember gave me something called the Spoon of Undo that will turn the animals around Tor Draioch that were affected by the magic back to normal. I also need to use it on Huldressa, who was turned into a guar.
Objective: Restore the Livestock
I need to find Huldressa and use the Spoon of Undo on her.
Objective: Find and Restore Huldressa
Huldressa and the livestock are back to normal. I should meet back up with Ember inside Tor Draioch's tower.
Objective: Find Ember in the Tower
I should speak to Ember about what we should do next.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Ember needs a book called The Mirrored Way that's locked in Magister Irin's arcane library to finish her counterspell. I need to help her get the book while she deals with any magic protections Magister Irin has in store for us.
Objective: Find The Mirrored Way
I got The Mirrored Way. I should give it to Ember so she can finish her spell.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Ember wants to cast her counterspell at a ritual circle near Tor Draioch. I should meet her there.
Objective: Go to the Ritual Circle
Ember needs to cast her counterspell. I need to help her by lighting the ritual fires while she finishes her casting.
Objective: Help Ember at the Ritual Circle
Objective Hint: Light the Ritual Flames
Ember said her spell has been set. I should follow her, to see if it goes off.
Objective: Follow Ember
The counterspell seems to have worked. Ember wants to return to Tor Draioch and make sure everything returned to normal. I should meet her there.
Objective: Return to the Tower
Ember's teacher, Magister Irin, is back. He wishes to speak with me about what happened.
Objective: Talk to Magister Irin
Magister Irin didn't seem very upset about the magic that recently plagued Tor Draioch. Ember will probably be relieved, I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Finishes quest☑ I should speak to Ember about everything that happened.
Objective: Talk to Ember
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.