Online:The Missing Cohort
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
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A cohort of Imperial Legionaries under the command of Tribune Alea Idolus have disappeared. They were supposed to guard Rustwall, but now the entire estate appears deserted. I agreed to help in the search.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Tribune Alea Idolus.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
The Missing Cohort | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Tribune Alea seems impatient to find her missing legionaries. She wants us to search the nearby manor house for clues to where everyone went. I should enter the manor and take a look around.
Objective: Enter the Manor House
Objective: Search for Clues
Hidden Objective: Search the Ruins
Hidden Objective: Break the Portal Anchors
I found evidence of a fight in the manor house. We also discovered a letter saying that cohort Captain Leronus had a plan to hide the remaining soldiers and staff. Tribune Alea ran off to the barracks to find the captain. I should go join her.
Objective: Meet Tribune Alea in the Barracks
I entered the barracks and found Tribune Alea near the dead body of Captain Leronus. She found a letter on the captain. I should read the letter and see what it contains.
Objective: Examine the Letter
We found a letter from someone named Gaius that warns of danger to Rustwall Estate. It says that the staff would hide in nearby catacombs, and he has the key. I should talk to Tribune Alea about this information.
Objective: Talk to Tribune Alea
We need to search Groundskeeper Gaius's home and find either him or the catacomb key.
Objective: Find Groundskeeper Gaius
We found the groundskeeper hiding in his residence. I should ask him about the key to the catacombs and what happened here.
Objective: Talk to Groundskeeper Gaius
Groundskeeper Gaius confirmed that the legionaries and staff hid in the catacombs for safety from the mysterious attacks. He stashed the key, but drew me a map so I could find it. I should grab the map to begin my search.
Objective: Take Groundskeeper Gaius's Map
I have the map that Groundskeeper Gaius drew to lead us to the location of the catacombs key. It points to a statue in the nearby gardens. I should find the gardens and look for the statue.
Objective: Enter the Gardens
Tribune Alea and I entered the Rustwall gardens. I should look for the statue where Gauis hid the key.
Objective: Find the Statue
We reached the statue that Gaius marked on his map. I don't see an obvious place where he could've hid the key. I should search the statue for a hiding place.
Objective: Search the Statue
Now that we have the catacombs key, I should unlock the catacombs and search for the missing legionaries and estate staff.
Objective: Enter the Rustwall Catacombs
We entered the catacombs, but haven't found any legionaries or estate staff. Tribune Alea wants us to push forward anyway. I should search the catacombs for signs of survivors.
Objective: Search the Catacombs
During our search, a legionary quietly got our attention from behind a grate. I should talk to the legionary and see what information he can provide.
Objective: Talk to Legionary Caepio
Legionary Caepio told us that the Recollection and their Daedric allies killed everyone but him. He says the Daedra opened a portal below the catacombs to bring in more soldiers. I need to find this portal.
Objective: Find the Daedric Portal
Tribune Alea and I entered the ruins below the catacombs. We found more Recollection down here guarding the way. We need to keep searching to find the portal.
Objective: Search the Ruins
We found the Daedric portal. I need to destroy the portal anchors to close the portal and keep more Daedra from flooding in.
Objective: Destroy the Portal Anchors
Tribune Alea and I closed the Daedric portal while Legionary Caepio found us an exit. I should head outside and talk to Tribune Alea.
Objective: Escape the Ruins
Tribune Alea and I followed Legionary Caepio's route to escape the caverns underneath Rustwall. I should speak to Tribune Alea and learn what she thinks of our adventure.
Objective: Talk to Tribune Alea Idolus
Leramil sent me here to investigate and I wound up working with Tribune Alea to close a Daedric portal and foil an invasion of Skingrad. I should talk to Tribune Alea and make sure the threat here has been contained. |
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- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.