Online:The Hidden Harvest
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Report to Siege Commander Dulph.
- Get inside the fortress and find the missing squads.
- Destroy the harpy aeries.
- Find the alchemist and get inside the fort.
- Investigate the briar heart.
- Destroy briar heart saplings.
- Recover Alinon's elixir.
- Destroy the Briar Heart tree.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The quest starts when you talk to Chief Urgdosh in the encampment outside Frostbreak Fortress.
- "Look at those catapults fly!
I'm amazed the towers can withstand the punishment. The Bretons must have used Orc crafters and they built that place to last. But never fear. The Winterborn won't have a fort to protect them for much longer!" - What's going on here?
- "Kurog summoned the chiefs of Wrothgar to besiege the Winterborn. One of our biggest problems are those briarheart monstrosities. For every one we kill, two more take its place.
I know there's a solution, but damn if it doesn't keep eluding us!" - So what's your plan?
- "We need to get inside the fort. Find out where they're spawning those abominations. But the damn harpies! We can't walk five steps without becoming bird food!
Siege Commander Dulph's working on a plan. I hope it's a good one—for all our sakes." - I'll talk to Siege Commander Dulph and see if I can help.
- "This is the Winterborn's final stand. We destroy the briarhearts while Kurog deals with their warlord, Ice-Heart.
If we succeed, Kurog will have ended a threat that has plagued us for far too long. Maybe then I'll consider accepting him as our king."
You can ask the chief for further details
- The harpies and Winterborn are working together?
- "Surprising, isn't it? We're pretty sure they're all connected through the hagravens, or whatever you call those ugly old hags.
It wouldn't surprise me if the briarhearts are also their creation. They're all vile, the lot of them."
- "Surprising, isn't it? We're pretty sure they're all connected through the hagravens, or whatever you call those ugly old hags.
- What can you tell me about the briarhearts?
- "The briarheart warriors are like the undead, only worse. They talk to each other. Think on their own. Behave just like any other soldier.
But there's no way they're alive. Not with half their chest hanging wide open!" - Their chests hang open?
- "I guess you haven't experienced a Winterborn raid yet. You can actually see their foul hearts beating inside their open chests—except they aren't hearts at all. More like some sort of … malignant growth!
It's unsettling to see, to say the least."
- "The briarheart warriors are like the undead, only worse. They talk to each other. Think on their own. Behave just like any other soldier.
- Is there a problem between the chiefs and King Kurog?
- "You could say that. It started when he claimed the title of "king." Many chiefs aren't ready to bend their knee to Kurog. It's not the Orc way.
But Kurog knows how to conduct a battle. Look around! No clan could muster a force such as this!" - But you're working with him now?
- "Kurog believes that the Orcs need a united kingdom. We've banded together to defend our land, but beyond that? We'll see.
The Winterborn have been ransacking Wrothgar for years. At least Kurog has brought us together to try to put an end to that." - Unification sounds like a lofty goal.
- "Perhaps, but tradition sometimes is too high a wall to climb over. We're a proud and stubborn people. New ideas, they frighten us. And Kurog is full of new ideas. A new city, a new god. It's more than many of us can take.
But if he wins the day …."
- "You could say that. It started when he claimed the title of "king." Many chiefs aren't ready to bend their knee to Kurog. It's not the Orc way.
Now you should speak to Siege Commander Dulph inside another tent. When you arrive, he's addressing his captains:
- Siege Commander Dulph: "If you don't find the alchemist and destroy those nests, we'll never break this siege!"
- Captain Gorrath: "You heard him! For the king!"
Suddenly several Harpies swoop in and take some of the soldiers:
- Siege Commander Dulph: "Get down!"
- Captain Gorrath: "No! No! Let me go!"
- Siege Commander Dulph: "Damn it! I lose more soldiers that way!"
If King Kurog is with you, he'll remark:
- King Kurog: "Looks like General Dulph could use a hand."
With the King by your side, speak to the commander and he'll tell you:
- "You … you brought the king here? Then welcome to our siege camp. Sorry you had to see those damn harpies at work.
I'm not sure King Kurog should be walking around out in the open, but I've got a barrel full of my own worries to deal with."
If you have not started For King and Glory, he'll yell:
- "By Trinimac's angry nose, where do you people keep coming from?
Did you see those harpies haul my soldiers away? This is a siege, not a tent show! People are dying out here! If we don't deal with those nests soon, the camp will be overrun."
The conversation then continues.
- How can I help?
- "If you want to become bird food, I'm not going to stop you. And after losing more soldiers to the harpies, I'm ready to accept any help I can get.
Besides, anything is better than what the little Wood Elf was able to accomplish." - Little Wood Elf?
- "Sent her in with a squad of Orcs to deal with the harpy nests on the towers. Figured if the nests were on fire, the distraction would allow another squad to get in and put an end to the briarhearts.
But both groups have disappeared without a trace." - I can try to find your missing squads.
- "A volunteer. I appreciate that kind of go-get-them attitude.
If you do manage to find either of the missing squads, remind them that they have their orders. I expect them to complete their missions. The outcome of this siege depends on them!"
At this point you can ask for more information.
- How do you recommend I approach the fortress?
- "The main path is too well defended. You'll be a lamb led to the slaughter if you go that way.
Our siege provides some cover, so you might be able to sneak around the left side of the fort. And the right side is clear—except for the harpies."
- "The main path is too well defended. You'll be a lamb led to the slaughter if you go that way.
- Tell me about the two squads you sent inside.
- "I sent the Wood Elf and one squad to set fire to the harpy nests. The other squad is supposed to find the source of the briarhearts and put an end to that threat.
But everything hinged on dealing with the harpies. We just can't get past the birds." - How are they supposed to set fire to nests at the top of the towers?
- "My siege engineers can easily calibrate the trebuchets to launch direct strikes against the aerie towers. They just need something to target.
That's the first squad's mission. Mark the aerie so we can knock it out of the sky."
- "I sent the Wood Elf and one squad to set fire to the harpy nests. The other squad is supposed to find the source of the briarhearts and put an end to that threat.
- What can you tell me about the briarheart warriors?
- "The Winterborn zombies? Not much.
Our alchemist, Alinon, has some experience dealing with the Reach. He thinks the hagravens grow the hearts, planting them and harvesting them like grapes from a vine! A disgusting image, I know, but that's Alinon." - They grow hearts?
- "That's what Alinon thinks. As long as he can put a stop to the foul things, I don't care how crazy his ideas sound. But he's with the second squad, somewhere on the other side of those walls.
Without Alinon, things get much more complicated."
- "The Winterborn zombies? Not much.
Now you should follow the western path from the camp, up the hill to the fortress. Defeat the harpies and enter through the breach in the wall. The squad you're supposed to meet with in barricaded inside one of the towers. Talk to Sergeant Rorburz.
- Sergeant Rorburz: "Hold your position! Let no Winterborn get past you!"
- Sergeant Rorburz: "They … stopped. Soldiers, lower your weapons. Looks like reinforcements have arrived."
If King Kurog is with you, the sergeant will say:
- "You and the king have come to our aid? We're honored.
But we've been trapped in here for too long. We still have a mission to complete!"
If you have not started For King and Glory, he'll say instead:
- "The rabble outside? I take it that their demise was your doing?
We were forced to take shelter, but we can't complete our mission from inside this blasted tower."
Either way...
- How did you wind up getting trapped in here?
- "Once again we underestimated the Winterborn's capabilities. They caught scent of us as soon as we penetrated the walls. Harpies from above, Winterborn from all sides.
We lost a lot of soldiers before we were able to take refuge in this tower." - What's your squad's mission?
- "We need to get our archer into position to mark the harpy aeries so that our catapults can target them and destroy them.
We lost all of our archers. The Wood Elf's all we have left. I hope she's as good of a shot as she claims to be." - Any idea where the second squad may be?
- "Our squads split off right after we entered the fortress. They're protecting the Breton alchemist who's supposed to be able to put an end to the briarheart threat.
But it doesn't matter if they're dead or alive if we don't deal with the harpies." - How can I help?
- "If you can clear us a path to the towers, we can get the Elf into position so she can loose her signal arrows. Then the catapults can do their work.
We need to hurry. We've lost too much time already."
Now you need to fight through to West and East towers of the fortress. In the West Tower, run up the stairs in the tower and wait for Eveli. Then talk to her.
- Sergeant Rorburz: "Tower secure! Good work, outsider!"
- Sergeant Rorburz: "The Wood Elf is right behind me!"
- <A Harpy swoops down and carries Sergeant Rorburz away>
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "I'm getting really tired of you Orcs trying to leave me be—that's strange, where did the sergeant go?"
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "How typical! Now I know why Orsinium put out that call for help."
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Well, at least you're still here. Let me know when you want me to light the signal."
After Eveli shoots her arrow, you can watch a catapult strike directly on the harpy aerie.
The East Tower proceeds similarly, after you climp atop it.
- Corporal Lugrots: "Keep up, Elf! Those harpies aren't going to kill themselves."
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "But there are so … many … stairs …."
- Corporal Lugrots: "No time for complaints, either! We have a mission to complete!"
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "All right, all right. Pushy Orc. Just tell me when you want me to make the strike."
- "Gusting winds. Flying birds trying to eat us. Fire everywhere. But that up there? That's a stationary target that needs an arrow in it.
Just tell me when you want me to make the strike." - Loose your arrow!
You can additionally pick up Frostbreak Chalice in the East tower, for House of Orsimer Glories.
Destroying both harpy aeries also advances the quest For King and Glory, as you now have a way inside the fortress.
Now, you should be searching for the Alinon the Alchemist. He is covering behind a rock near the west tower.
- Alinon the Alchemist: "All right … on the count of three. I'll just run and not look back. Wait … who's … who's there?"
- King Kurog: "So this is where the little alchemist has been hiding."
He will recognize you if you worked together in Glenumbra:
- "Well, I'll be damned. I remember you! You helped Darien and me, back in Camlorn. You get around a lot, don't you?
Have you come all this way to help me? Maybe we still have a chance to salvage this mission yet!"
- "I'm going to assume that since you are neither trying to rip out my heart nor consume my flesh that you're from the king's camp?
I wish you had arrived earlier, before the other soldiers were killed."
Or if you have king by your side:
- "I recognize that Orc standing beside you. That's King Kurog!
I'm honored that you and the king came to find me. I just wish you had gotten there sooner, before the rest of my squad was lost." - What happened to your squad?
- "Well, we were supposed to wait until the nests were destroyed before heading inside to find the source of the briarhearts. But the Winterborn, they found us. Overwhelmed the soldiers.
I ran. I'm not proud of it, but I'm alive. That's what matters."- What's your mission exactly? / So how do we complete your mission?
- "Someone has to destroy the source of the briarhearts and I've dealt with the Reach before. They're a rather unhealthy obsession of mine. I know their beliefs, the way they attune with nature.
Those briarhearts? They're as natural as you and I."- How can those monsters be natural?
- "I have an inkling, but I need to get inside to confirm it. I need to see how they're applying their magic. That will lead me right to the source of the briar hearts.
But you'll need to keep me alive. A lot of people are counting on me to succeed."- Are we ready then?
- "There's nothing else we can do out here. Let's get inside."
- <If you've met in Camlorn>You're a long way from home, Alinon.
- "I go where the need takes me. The Orcs needed an expert on the Reach, so here I am.
After Camlorn, I spent some time with the Wyrd sisters. They taught me more about the Wyrd and the Reach than I ever thought possible. It was a fascinating time!"
Afterwards, you can ask him some questions about the mission:
- How did you get selected for this mission?
- "I was the only alchemist available! I wish I wasn't, but here I am. Besides, they needed someone who had some experience with the Reach.
Of course, I never expected to end up in the middle of a siege." - Tell me more about the briar hearts.
Once inside, Alinon and Eveli will have something to say.
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Come, come, follow me. If my suspicions are correct, we shouldn't have any trouble finding what I'm looking for."
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "We're all going to die down here, aren't we?"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Keep your eyes open. We're looking for a plant or a root. Something that doesn't appear quite natural."
- <Alinon walks further into the ruin>
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Something odd, out of place. Something like … this!"
It will be a small tree growing out of a corpse, you can ask Alinon about it:
- "Now there's something you don't see every day. A tree growing out of a corpse. I'd say this is what we were looking for.
This sapling is but a root, however, a small part of the greater whole." - So the hearts grow on these tiny trees?
- "Reach magic corrupts nature. It uses its innate properties to forge terrible powers.
The briar hearts require a larger plant to nurture them and make them grow. But this vile sapling is certainly connected. I can feel energy flowing through it." - So what does that mean, exactly?
- "We need to destroy some of these saplings. Cut off their power to weaken the central tree.
Once weakened, I can apply an alchemical solution to the central tree, wherever it grows, and hopefully destroy it, roots and all." - Why don't we just find and destroy this central tree?
- "Reach magic invades nature the way a plague violates an infirm body.
It changes its host, taking hold and letting its corruption grow stronger. It creates defenses, barriers that can't be easily overcome. It needs to be weakened before we lay siege." - So what do you want me to do?
- "Find the saplings and burn as many as you can. That will weaken the corruption and make the defenses more fragile. Meanwhile, I'll concoct a potion using clippings from these little ones.
Leave the Elf here, if you would. I could use the protection." - Eveli will stay behind and keep you safe.
Afterwards you can ask him about his experiences with Reach magic:
- "Leave the sapling I found alone. I'll use it to prepare and test my elixir while you burn as many of the others as you can.
By the time you return, I'll have developed a poison powerful enough to eat through the central tree's weakened defenses." - You've dealt with this kind of Reach magic before?
- "No, not exactly. In some ways it's the same, but in many others it's completely different.
The last time I dealt with Reach magic, they were utilizing vines as big as you or I. This is an entirely new type of twisted magic—even for them." - How confident are you that this will work?
Proceed through the ruins and destroy the Briarheart Saplings along the way.
There is an imprisoned Reach warrior Vilum in the southern room you can talk to while burning the saplings (optional) who can give additional details about the briarheart warriors. You can talk to him even after you have already burned all the saplings, he'll just no longer have a quest marker.
Once you have burned all marked Saplings, return to the entrance to talk to Eveli. Alinon will be suspiciously missing.
- "So … I don't suppose you … maybe … might have seen Alinon … on your way back. Maybe?"
- What happened to Alinon?
- "Listen, it wasn't my fault.
Alinon sent me to get him some moss that grows on the walls down here. When I got back, the alchemist was gone." - We have to find the alchemist.
- "Right! That's an excellent plan!
But you should take this. Alinon said it was the last ingredient he needed to finish his elixir. I don't see his alchemy bag, so he must have the rest of the components with him … if the tree hasn't eaten him yet." - The tree ate Alinon?
- "What? No, of course not. At least, I don't think it ate him.
But he told me that the Winterborn plant briar heart seeds in dead bodies. The seed eats the body, sprouts roots, and nourishes the tree. Or something like that. I wasn't really listening." - You have no idea where we should go to look for him?
- "Well, I went that way to gather the moss, so he must have gone the other way. Probably turned right at the bend ahead.
Let's split up. We can cover more ground that way. Besides, I kind of feel it's my fault, since I left him alone and all that."
- "You go that way and I'll go this way. The alchemist has to be around here somewhere!
As long as he's got his alchemy bag and that moss, everything will turn out fine."
Locate Alinon in his roasting cage and talk to him.
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Unhand me, you hag! I am not bird food!"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "It's about time you got here! Do something before I roast up here!"
When you talk with him, he won't have much patience for your questioning while he is being slow-roasted:
- "Don't just stand there and watch me roast! Do something!"
- What are you doing up there?
- "What am I doing …? I'm being roasted alive! What does it look like I'm doing?
What's worse, they have my alchemy bag. The elixir was nearly complete when I … stumbled into that Winterborn patrol." - Let me see if I can figure out how to lower the cage.
- "No, no. We're running out of time and you have a more important task to complete. You have to destroy the central tree. Otherwise, the briarheart warriors will eventually overrun the Orcs.
I'll … I'll find a way out of here. Somehow." - What do you want me to do?
- "Find the hagraven that snatched my alchemy bag and grab the elixir. I couldn't wait for Eveli so I found the moss on my own. Of course, that's when I ran into the Winterborn.
Anyway, get the elixir and destroy that tree! Finish this. For me."
At this point, Eveli will catch up:
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "There you are! I was looking all over for—hey, how'd Alinon get up there? That doesn't look very safe."
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "We should get him out of there before he cooks, right?"
- "I'm not one hundred percent certain, but I bet I could break the chain holding up the cage with a few well-placed arrows."
- You help Alinon. I need to go find his elixir.
- "Sure, sure. Don't worry. I've got this!
You don't suppose the cage will shatter on impact, do you?" - Just make sure Alinon doesn't get hurt, all right?
- "No worries. I never hit anything I'm not aiming at. Well, except for that one time. But that totally doesn't count. I told Bomfor not to move!
Go on. I'll take good care of the alchemist."
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Hey, Alinon! I need you to stay very, very still so I can get you down!"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "With a bow and arrow? The cage will drop into the fire—with me inside!"
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Just make sure you tuck and roll!"
With Alinon rescued, you should now proceed through the fortress until you arrive at the courtyard, with the tree in the middle of it. But to destroy the tree, you first need to get back Alinon's elixer from a hagraven, in the southern part of the courtyard. You can find his backpack there, next to a table with Ice-Heart's Journal. After retriving the elixir, meet up with others next to the bug tree. You will get the prompt to pour the elixir and destroy the tree. Once you do it, it will start burning. But also Winterborn will come running. Your objective is to stop them from reaching the tree and healing it, for as long as it takes to burn it completely.
- Alinon the Alchemist: "You found the elixir? Pour it on the tree! The Winterborn are on their way!"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Defend the tree until the elixir does its work. Just don't let the Winterborn get close enough to heal it."
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Don't let the menders extinguish the fire!"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "The briarheart tenders! Don't let them use their healing magic!"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Keep those healers away from the tree!"
Once the tree is destroyed:
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Well done, my friend! Well done indeed! Now let's get out of here!"
If you are on the quest For King and Glory, proceed to the northern exit to heal with Ice-Heart. Otherwise, take the western exit out. Alinon, Eveli and Corporal Lugrots will be waiting for you to the right of the exit. Alinon will play down the whole ordeal:
- Alinon the Alchemist: "I just need to catch my breath. I'll be fine."
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "They tried to roast you! That's not how we define fine where I come from!"
- Alinon the Alchemist: "Compared to some of my adventures, this was practically a day at the fair!"
You can speak to Evili before Alinon:
- "The alchemist was almost roasted alive and he's not even remotely distressed about it. No concern for my feelings at all.
Did he thank me for rescuing him? No. Does he show even a little gratitude? Not one bit!"
Speak to Alinon to finish the quest.
- "The Wood Elf got me out of that cage with a damn fine strike. Damn fine!
And you, you handled the briarheart tree perfectly. Well done!" - Did the elixir work? Is the source of the briar hearts destroyed?
- "Indubitably! I watched the roots burn with my own eyes! The siege commander needs to hear about this so he can press the advantage and put an end to the Winterborn threat!
As for me, I'm going to relax. Somewhere in Orsinium with a very large drink."
After you finish the conversation he'll say:
- Alinon the Alchemist: "You have your report, soldier. Return to the siege commander and let's finish off these Winterborn bastards!"
Speak to Eveli before leaving and she'll say:
- "Another mission accomplished! We make a pretty good team, don't we?
If you need my help again, just whistle. I'm always ready for another adventure!"
Speak to Alinon again and he'll say:
- "Well, thanks for all the help. I have to admit, I couldn't have destroyed the source of the briarhearts without you.
If you're ever in Orsinium, look for me at the King's Cornerclub. I'll even buy you a drink!"
Despite his offer, he never makes it to the cornerclub.
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow, Sergeant Rorburz, and Corporal Lugrots won't exist in the tower before starting the quest or reaching the related objective.
- The same applies for Alinon the Alchemist later on.
- The item Eveli gives you when you come back to her in the fortress isn't added to your quest items.
- Alinon's alchemy bag will appear in the cave ahead of him being captured and the bag being stolen from him.
- A bug causes Sergeant Rorburz to vanish into thin air rather than get grabbed by a harpy when Eveli arrives at the top of the tower. ?
- Once inside the fortress, you can leave via the quick exit door at the end without progressing the quest. On the other side, the same door won't be accessible to re-enter them, forcing you to make a long trek back to the fortress main entrance to resume. ?
- Vilum has an objective marker above his head, but no objective tied to that marker appears in the HUD, and the marker doesn't appear on the interior map either. ?
- The marker is removed from him after initiating and closing dialogue.
- After completing the objective to burn the Briarheart Tree, the quest marker will point back to the entrance door to the fortress rather than the quick exit door located just west of the tree. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
The Hidden Harvest | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I need to report to Siege Commander Dulph within the siege camp to find out how I can help the Orc soldiers get into Frostbreak Fortress.
Objective: Report to Siege Commander Dulph
I should speak to Siege Commander Dulph and see what kind of help he needs.
Objective: Talk to Siege Commander Dulph
I need to get inside Frostbreak Fortress and find the two squads of Orc soldiers Siege Commander Dulph sent in to distract the harpies and destroy the source of the briarheart warriors.
Objective: Rendezvous with the Orc Squads
I need to clear a path to the two towers with clear lines of sight to the harpy aeries. Then Eveli can mark the targets with a flaming arrow so that the catapults can destroy the aeries.
Objective: Destroy the Harpy Aeries: 0/2
Now that the harpy aeries have been destroyed, I should look for the alchemist and the squad escorting him. They should be trying to find a way into the fortress.
Objective: Find the Alchemist
I found the alchemist and his soldier escort. I should talk to the alchemist and find out how he wants to proceed.
Objective: Talk to Alinon the Alchemist
I need to escort Alinon the Alchemist into Frostbreak Fortress.
Objective: Get Alinon Inside the Fort
We're inside Frostbreak Fortress. Alinon wants us to look around and see if we notice any unusual plants or flowers. He thinks there must be something to lead us to the source of the briar hearts.
Objective: Help Investigate the Briar Heart
It looks like Alinon found something important. I should talk to him and find out what he discovered.
Objective: Talk to Alinon the Alchemist
Alinon the Alchemist claims that the source of the briarheart warriors is a large plant or tree. But before we can destroy the source, we need to weaken its defenses by burning the corrupted saplings scattered throughout the fortress.
Objective: Destroy Briar Heart Saplings
I burned a number of the briar heart saplings and Alinon's plan appears to be working. I should return to Alinon and Eveli and determine our next step.
Objective: Return to Alinon and Eveli
Alinon has disappeared. I need to find him in order to finish our mission.
Objective: Find Alinon the Alchemist
I found Alinon. I should talk to him and find out how he got into this predicament.
Objective: Talk to Alinon the Alchemist
Eveli Sharp-Arrow has arrived. Maybe she can rescue Alinon while I recover his missing alchemy bag and the elixir to destroy the source of the briar heart. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
I need to find Alinon's alchemy bag and the elixir inside so that I can destroy the source of the briar hearts.
Objective: Recover Alinon's Elixir
To put an end to the briarheart warriors, I need to use Alinon's elixir to destroy the tree that is the source of the briar hearts.
Objective: Destroy the Briar Heart Tree
Objective Hint: Recover Alinon's Alchemy Bag
Objective Hint: Use Alinon's Elixir on the Tree
I should exit the fortress and make sure that Eveli and Alinon the Alchemist are all right.
Objective: Exit the Fortress
I should talk to Alinon the Alchemist and make sure the source of the briar hearts was really destroyed.
Objective: Talk to Alinon the Alchemist
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.