Online:The Force of Change
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Quick Summary: written by Solomon1972, not checked
Quest Stages: not written |
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak with Valsirenn's projection
- Find a seed for Morah
- Clear a debt for Shiro-dar
- Find proof for Hyxo
- Heed the words of Master Rrvenk
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Traversing the Deadlands, north of Zynoahz's Gaol, you'll see a ghostly form appear from a portal. It's Valsirenn, a member of the Psijic Order. She's stuck in a synchroseisiac state and needs your help.
- Synchroseisiac state?
- "Out of sync with reality. I need to find a Daedra sage named Rrvenk, a master of the Eleventh Force: Change. He may be my best hope of escaping this synchroseisia. Maybe my only hope.
Will you help me find Rrvenk? I'll compensate you once I'm whole."
- "Out of sync with reality. I need to find a Daedra sage named Rrvenk, a master of the Eleventh Force: Change. He may be my best hope of escaping this synchroseisia. Maybe my only hope.
- I'll help you find Rrvenk.
- "The only lead I have is one of Rrvenk's disciples, Morah, in Windswept Crag. I've been trying to communicate with her for hours, but I get no response. If you speak on my behalf we may finally get somewhere."
- How did you wind up like this?
- "I wanted to study the Eleventh Force, Change, within this realm of Oblivion. You see, Mehrunes Dagon is best known for his power of destruction, but that is merely a portion of his sphere of influence. All of his aspects are rooted in Change."
Upon finding Morah, you'll overhear a brief conversation where Valsirenn is surprised that Morah can see and hear her. Apparently, Morah was ignoring her.[1] Morah appears to be an ascetic, eschewing the ways of the world to seek meditation. She is worried you'll scare away the fish, and finds you annoying, so she sends you on an errand to find a seed from an End Times Ash, a tree that grows in the Deadlands.
The tree is nearby, south toward The Razorworks. Once there, Valsirenn tells you to try using several conjured elements to awaken the dead tree. You'll need to use them in the following order, or Valsirenn's syncroseisia will kick in, looping the two of you back to the start of the attempt to use the elements: first use fire, then water, then soil. After inducing Change upon the tree and collecting the Apocalypse Seed, Valsirenn will temporarily come out of her syncroseisia before returning her to her unsynchronized, ethereal form. She asks you to try talking to Morah again.
Morah is dumbfounded that you would survive and then willingly find, retrieve, and bring the Apocalypse Seed to her. She begrudgingly points you to Shiro-dar, in the Fleapits District of Wretched Spire, to see if he knows where to find Master Rrvenk.
When you find Shiro-dar at the Fleapits, he distrusts you, believing you are sent from Gilfrex, a userer also found in the Fleapits. He can't concentrate on helping you with Rrvenk until Gilfrex is handled, so you'll need to speak with Gilfrex. He's a short distance farther into the cavern, holding court with another debtor before he's ready to deal with you. Then you can speak to him.
- I need you to forgive Shiro-dar's debt.
- "Right to the chase? I hate that. I like to watch the needy squirm. Shiro-dar, for example. Big squirmer. You, not so much, I suppose. Is that why the cat sent you? As muscle? Raw deal. You'll never collect. Either way, I'm getting what I'm owed."
- What does Shiro-dar owe you?
- "The cat promised he could get me a little item called the Slave Choker from False Martyrs' Folly, but he was all talk. If I don't have that collar by the time I find the cat, I'll make one out of his tail. Understand?"
If you have the Persuasion skill:
- [Persuade] Is Shiro-dar's debt really worth all the effort you're putting into collecting?
- "It's not getting me any closer to the Slave Choker, that's for sure. Fine, I've wrung enough fear out of the cat these last few days to have my fill. It's overpowering the more subtle miseries I savor. His debt is cleared. Now go."
- I'll let him know.
Otherwise, you can choose to go secure the choker:
- I'll get the Slave Choker for you, if you forgive the debt.
- "When I get what I'm owed, the cat becomes your problem. Do what you will with him. False Martyrs' Folly is across the wastes to the east. Try not to get killed out there or we'll have to rename it after you."
After clearing Shiro-dar's debt, he'll point you to Hyxo as the most-likely place to find Master Rrvenk. You'll catch up to Hyxo near Ravaged Crossing. Hyxo is a Havocrel, whom Master Rrvenk has been attempting to recruit to his philosophy, but he doubts the truth of that philosophy. He demands you bring him evidence of Change in stones. You can find such evidence nearby, collecting a Scorion Diamond, a piece of Volcanic Glass, and some Porous Basalt. Seeing the truth of Rrvenk's words, Hyxo points you to Rrvenk's location nearby.
Master Rrvenk informs you that, for Valsirenn to regain her normal self, she must let go and ride the winds of chaos. Something she is loathe to do.
- "Not what I expected, but then nothing about this journey has been thus far. The Banekin's —- er, Master Rrvenk's —- voice comes through clearly, but I don't understand. He's telling me he can't correct my alignment with this realm!"
- So what will you do?
- "I—I don't know. I'm stretched so thin. Just holding onto some semblance of reality all this time has been exhausting. I don't think I can go on fighting like this much longer."
- So you're just going to give up?
- "If a master of the Eleventh Force can't fix this, what hope do I have? I can barely think straight anymore! If you have any brilliant ideas, I'm open to suggestions."
- If struggling against your condition is tearing you apart, maybe you should stop.
- "Just give in? That's insane. My entire being would be scattered across infinite time and space! But ... I suppose there was a positive reaction when others near us stopped resisting change. I ... I'll have to trust in the Eleventh Force."
Telling her to do anything else will result in some comical outcomes, but she will eventually come to realize she just needs to let go, after which she will once again become corporeal. Speaking with her again will conclude the quest, after which you can overhear one side of a short conversation between her and Master Rrvenk.
- A location by the name of Windswept Crag is mentioned during the quest, but there is no such place in the actual zone.
Quest Stages[edit]
The Force of Change | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Valsirenn said one of Master Rrvenk's disciples, Morah, should be somewhere near Windswept Crag. She may have information that will lead us to him.
Objective: Talk to Morah
Morah isn't inclined to help us, but she seemed interested in an apocalypse seed from an End Times ash tree. I should find one.
Objective: Find an End Times Ash Tree
Optional Step: Talk to Valsirenn
Optional Step: Talk to Master Rrvenk
Valsirenn and I found an End Times ash tree. I should speak to her about acquiring an apocalypse seed.
Objective: Talk to Valsirenn
Valsirenn believes we can coax the End Times ash tree into renewing its life cycle with the right application of elements. She has conjured some for me to apply to the tree.
Objective: Encourage the End Times Ash's Regrowth
Hidden Objective: Fire
Hidden Objective: Water
Hidden Objective: Soil
Hidden Objective: Theater Start
Hidden Objective: Collect Stones
Something is growing in the dirt where the tree once stood. I should see if it is the apocalypse seed.
Objective: Take Apocalypse Seed
We acquired the apocalypse seed Morah mentioned. Hopefully she'll help us in exchange for it.
Objective: Talk to Valsirenn
I should offer Morah the apocalypse seed and see if she'll tell us where to find Master Rrvenk.
Objective: Talk to Morah
Morah doesn't know where Master Rrvenk is, but she suggested that someone named Shiro-dar might be able to tell us. She said he should be somewhere near Wretched Spire.
Objective: Find Shiro-dar at Wretched Spire
Valsirenn found Shiro-dar, but her ghostly appearance terrifies him. I should speak to him.
Objective: Talk to Shiro-dar
Shiro-dar is on the run from someone named Gilfrex over an unpaid debt. He suggested he'd tell us where to find Master Rrvenk if we solved his debt woes. I should speak to Gilfrex about it.
Objective: Talk to Gilfrex
I learned that Gilfrex hired Shiro-dar to retrieve a relic called the Slave Choker from False Martyrs' Folly. If I can't persuade him to forgive the debt, I'll have to retrieve it myself.
Objective: Take the Slave Choker
Objective: Convince Gilfrex to Absolve Shiro-dar's Debt
I convinced Gilfrex to forgive Shiro-dar's debt. I should speak to the Khajiit about Master Rrvenk.
Objective: Talk to Shiro-dar
Shiro-dar admitted that he doesn't know exactly where Master Rrvenk is, but he mentioned that the sage was supposed to meet a doubter named Hyxo and we might catch up to him there. We should find Hyxo.
Objective: Talk to Hyxo
We didn't find Master Rrvenk with Hyxo. The huge Daedra won't tell us where the sage went until we prove the sage's wisdom. Hyxo says Rrvenk told him about stones that changed their form at a Dremora outpost nearby. I need to bring them to him.
Objective: Find Changed Stones
I have the changed stones that Rrvenk told Hyxo about. I should return to Valsireen and Hyxo.
Objective: Meet Valsirenn
I have the changed stones that Rrvenk spoke of. I should show them to Hyxo to prove the sage's words true.
Objective: Talk to Hyxo
Hyxo claimed that Master Rrvenk awaits us nearby. We should find the sage while we can.
Objective: Find Master Rrvenk
We found a Banekin where Master Rrvenk is supposed to be. Valsirenn seems to be communicating with him.
Objective: Watch Rrvenk and Valsirenn
Now that we have found Master Rrvenk, I should see what Valsirenn makes of this.
Objective: Talk to Valsirenn
With a little help, Valsirenn was able to adapt to the overwhelming change that swept her out of phase. I should speak to her now that she's realigned with reality. |
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- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

- ^ Morah's dialogue in The Force of Change