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Location Random encounter on the road in Apocrypha
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Ciphers of the Eye

Suhsareen is a Redguard Cipher that you can encounter on the road in Apocrypha. She is looking for her missing book.


You'll overhear her saying the following while looking for a missing book:

Suhsareen: "I haven't lost anything in over two decades. The book has to be here."
Suhsareen: "Where could that blasted book be?"
Suhsareen: "I spent days fishing it out from underneath a house in Cipher's Midden. I'm not leaving till I find it again."
Suhsareen: "No one else was around to take it, but books don't wander off on their own."
Suhsareen: "I'm sure I put it down right here."

Speaking to her:

"You haven't seen a book lying around anywhere nearby, have you?"
A book? In Apocrypha?
"A specific one. Portals and Pustules: Maladies of Inter-planar Travel. It's just the source I need to prove my theory about the effects of traveling between Mundus and Apocrypha.
I was taking it to my desk, but it disappeared on me!"
Where did you last see this book?
"Over there. I was just going to rest my feet, but now it's gone!
It's the only printed edition. Not just in Apocrypha, everywhere. I spent too long tracking it down. That's what I get for looking up obscure tomes."
Are you sure you're remembering correctly?
"Yes! I haven't been here long enough to lose my faculties. I was sitting right over there and now my book is gone.
Maybe it got buried or something. Stranger things have happened. I just have to keep looking."'
Good luck then.
Maybe there's a similar book here.
"I've checked, this is the only one on the topic. It's not like a lot of mortals cross the sands of Oblivion enough times to get sick from it. And Daedra are more resilient to disease.
No, I'll just have to keep looking. My book is here somewhere!"
Hope you find it.

After this conversation, she will become frustrated and sit down:

Suhsareen: "This is ridiculous! Books cannot wander away. They don't have legs!"

You can speak to her again:

"It couldn't have gotten that far. It's not like a book can stand up and walk away, right?"
[Persuade] Maybe it found it's way back to where you found it?
"Even if that were possible, I found this book at the bottom of a pile. It can't go back. For a variety of reasons. Including that books cannot move on their own!
I appreciate your attempt to help. Maybe I just have to retrace my steps."
Good luck.

After you try to persuade her to retrace her steps, she will run off:

Suhsareen: "I didn't spend three days of digging just to lose it now. I will find that book, if it's the last thing I do!"

If you asked her if she remembered correctly[verification needed — Can you get this ending if you chose "similar book" option], there is a chance a tomeshell living in her book will appear. Suhsareen will exclaim:

Suhsareen: "My book! Blast me to Oblivion. A Tomeshell [sic]? Really?"

She will then repeat the following lines until you leave the area:

Suhsareen: "Great. How am I supposed to get you out of there without damaging the book?"
Suhsareen: "Of all the- of course a tomeshell had to find it."
Suhsareen: "The tides take you, little one. I need the knowledge those pages hold."
Suhsareen: "You better not be smudging that text. Rotten thing."
Suhsareen: "I've been looking for these spells for longer than you've lived in that book. Give it back."
Suhsareen: "Why isn't there a spell to shield books from tomeshells yet?"
