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The Deadlands


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Home Settlement Wretched Spire
Race Xivilai Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Skoedal is a Xivilai who can be found in the Wretched Spire.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Uxark's Treasure: Recover a legendary Daedric treasure for the House of Whims.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Before you start the quest, he will be dismissive of you:

"No mortal is worth my time. Come talk to me when you've survived a millennium."

Once Nass tasked you to speak to Skoedal, he's more receptive:

"I might be waiting for others of my kind to reform before going out into the planes once again, but do not mistake me for a coward. What do you want, child?"
Nass sent me. She said you knew the location of Uxark's hidden treasure.
"That is not common knowledge. Why would Nass send someone as mortal as you to track it down? Hmm. This is a mystery.
Very well, you've intrigued me. Very well, why should I tell a Nirnling like you what Nass wants to know?"

If you want to cut to the chase:

[Persuade] Uxark's treasure isn't a secret anymore. The only way to keep it safe now is to let Nass have it.
I suppose that's true.
Uxark went to Oblivion with a smile on her face knowing that the planestones would never be reunited. Now that they are, there's nothing stopping less reputable Daedra from soiling her treasure with their greasy hands.
Nass and Madam Whim are well respected, even among mortals.
And they are both fools. Let me mark the portal's location for you.
You have done me a free favor, mortal. When Uxark reforms, I'll know where the treasure is. We can reclaim it in bloody glory. I can't wait to cut Madam Whim down!

You can choose to help him on reclaiming his sword to get the information:

To prove that you are the Skoedal of Uxark's legends.
"Child, is my blade sharp? Are my markings that of a warrior? Is there dirt from multiple planes stuck between my toes?
I am Skoedal. My name and reputation are well known among the Daedra. None would dare to doubt me."
Daedra won't, but mortals would.
"You…are a tricky one. I don't care for a torchbug's admiration, but you show some Daedric qualities.
All right, child. Let's strike a bargain—like honorable Daedra. Bring me Vein Splitter, my sword, and I'll tell you what you want to know."
Where is Vein Splitter?
"Most likely it's where I left it. Seven Kynmarchers against one Xivilai usually has the odds in my favor. I beat them. Don't think I didn't. But they struck good blows.
Vein Splitter will be in their camp. It should be to the north of here."
I'll bring you your sword.
"Good, we have an agreement.
Now I don't have to speak to your fresh face until you return with Vein Splitter."

Speaking to him again before finding his sword:

"Well? What are you doing standing around?
Out with it. Or I'll forget that I am making my presence small in this city."

Once you found his sword and return to him:

Here, I found Vein Splitter.
"Then I will uphold my part of our bargain. Let me mark the portal's location for you.
You've done me a free favor, mortal. When Uxark reforms, I'll know where the treasure is and we can storm Madam Whim's shop to reclaim it in bloody glory."

Speaking to him again after fulfilling the bargain:

"Our bargain is done. There is nothing to stop me from removing your head from your neck.
Go away before I remember how long it's been since I have done that."