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Online:Restoring Order

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Jeancey, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by Velyanthe, Punkfairie, checked by MolagBallet

Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, Talyyn, not checked
Help the governing house of Ebonheart unite the disparate citizens.
Zone: Stonefalls
Objective: Ebonheart — Unite the citizens of Ebonheart.
Quest Giver: Nilthis, Drathus Othral
Location(s): Ebonheart
Concurrent Quest: Night of the Soul, A Bit of Sport, The Sapling
Reward: Redoran Archmage's Robes
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
Unite the people of Ebonheart
A strong Covenant raiding force landed west of Ebonheart. The citizens are too busy with their own internal squabbles to unite against invaders. Drathus Othral fears the town may fall to Alexandra Conele's forces.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Complete tasks for the Nords, Argonians, and Dark Elves.
  2. Talk to Drathus Othral.
  3. Follow Rhavil Urano around Ebonheart and investigate the shack he visits.
  4. Enter Rhavil's house and kill him.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

After entering Ebonheart, Nilthis approaches you shouting "Hold! Hold there Sera!" and speaks to you about Drathus Othral of House Dres, who fears for the town's safety with the nearby Covenant forces.

"I've got a message for you!"
A message from who?
"It's a message from Drathus Othral, the leader of the Dark Elf quarter in Ebonheart.
He sends his compliments, and he wants you to help the town resist a nearby Covenant invasion."
Does he need me to fight?
"No, he just needs you to talk. House Dres isn't popular. The Nords and Argonians in Ebonheart won't speak to him. And the other Dark Elf Houses don't like the Dres much either.
Convince the Townspeople to work together. Then speak to Othral."
I'll see what I can do.

In order to unite the three factions, you must complete three individual quests: A Bit of Sport, The Sapling, and Night of the Soul.

All three questgivers (Hraelgar Stonecrush, Zasha-Ja and Disciple Sildras) find that Rhavil Urano has been sowing discord. With this information in hand, seek out Drathus. He will be pleased with your progress, but wants you to find out more about what Rhavil is up to.

"Have our town's fortunes improved?"
All of Ebonheart is ready to defend the city.
"That's a great relief. Well done.
The Covenant troops haven't left their encampment to the west, but it's only a matter of time before our inactivity encourages them."
A Dark Elf named Rhavil Urano was somehow involved each time.
"I don't know this mer. Why would be cause so much trouble?
Perhaps he's an agent of Sheogorath. That's an unpleasant thought. The Daedra of Chaos is worse than any mere Covenant army. Can you aid me further?"
Perhaps. What would you like me to do?
"Rhavil must have a house in town. I'd like you to find it and watch him.
I'd like to see myself, but I'm sure he'll recognize me, so I'll need to cast a spell on you."
What kind of spell?
"Commoners would call it a scrying spell, but I'm beyond such crude hedge magic. It will enable me to see and hear what you do. Furthermore, I'll be able to 'speak' to you."
Very well. Cast your spell.
"Search for Rhavil's home. I expect it's on the west side of town."

You catch Rhavil just exiting his house, at which point Drathus directs you to follow him at a distance. Make sure to stay far enough away to remain undetected! He speaks with a nearby vendor first, then scolds him for his indiscretion in that moment. On the lower side of town, he speaks with an Argonian before heading to a shack. Drathus tells you to wait for him to leave, which happens very quickly, then tells you to enter.

The shack contains a magical book which, when examined, summons a ghostly figure, presumably a projection of someone. She reveals that Rhavil has been working with the Covenant for a while now. She summons two scamps to attack you as she disappears.

Drathus sends you once more to Rhavil's house, promising to send some of his guards along. You must break into the house, unlocking the front door's simple lock, and then confront Rhavil, who will attack on sight.

Drathus and his guards await you outside. Speak with him to earn his thanks and your reward.

"The guards heard fighting. I assume you found more inside than just "evidence.""
Rhavil attacked me. I had to kill him.
"Having him alive might have been useful, but having him dead is just as good.
The ritual items in the shack on the docks and his belongings might tell us something more."


  • Drathus does not count as a witness to crimes solely through the scrying spell.


  • After the quest objective "Defeat Rhavil Urano" appears Rhavil Urano might not see you if you are sneaking, and he disappears, leaving you unable to continue the quest.
    • Logging out and logging in again makes you step back to the quest objective "Search Rhavil Urano's House", giving you a new chance to confront Rhavil Urano.

Quest Stages[edit]

Restoring Order
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Each of the races in the Pact—Nords, Dark Elves, and Argonians—have a reason to avoid working with the others. I must seek out a representative of each one, so I can figure out how to unite the factions.
Objective: Convince the Nords
Objective: Convince the Argonians
Objective: Convince the Dark Elves

Drathus Othral might be able to provide me with more details on problems in Ebonheart.

Objective Hint: Talk to Drathus Othral

(After speaking with Drathus)

I've spoken to Drathus Othral about Ebonheart's problems.
I persuaded the races in Ebonheart to work together and defend the town. It seems each had some contact with a manipulative Dark Elf named Rhavil Urano. Drathus Othral will certainly want to hear about his activities.
Objective: Talk to Drathus Othral
Drathus Othral asked me to investigate Rhavil Urano. He has a house in town. He'd like me to wait outside and follow Rhavil when he leaves. Drathus cast a spell that will allow him to see what I see and communicate instructions to me.
Objective: Go to Rhavil's House
Rhavil has left his house. I should follow him, but I must be careful not to get too close.
Objective: Follow Rhavil Urano from a Distance
Rhavil entered a shack by the docks. Drathus asked me to wait until he leaves so we can investigate.
Objective: Wait for Rhavil to Leave
Rhavil has left. Drathus asked me to enter the shack and investigate.
Objective: Investigate the Shack
There's not much in the shack. Most likely whatever Rhavil was doing, the evidence is on his desk.
Objective: Examine the Desk
Objective Hint: Find Evidence
Drathus wants me to return to Rhavil Urano's house look for more evidence. His house is in the southwest quarter of the city, near the Tribunal Temple. He probably won't come quietly.
Objective Hint: Leave the Shack
Objective: Search Rhavil Urano's House
Objective: Defeat Rhavil Urano
Finishes quest☑ Rhavil Urano, the architect of the racial strife in Ebonheart, has been killed. Drathus Othral will want to know his town is now free of Covenant agents.
Objective: Talk to Drathus Othral
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.