Fallen Banners

Online:Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen

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Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen
Location Exiled Redoubt
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health (?) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) House Albus
Imperial Battlemages (formerly)

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

During the fight, he will summon Iron Atronach Spiders and Simulacrums.

Storm Bolt
Chain Lightning
Iron Charge
Blackspine Curse
Racing Flames
Coruscating Orb


As you progress through Exiled Redoubt, Lucilla will recognize Vandorallen:

Lucilla Caprenia: "Vandorallen, I should have guessed that was your magic."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You think you can stop me? You never succeeded in the Spire."
<Vandorallen runs away, while Lucilla swings her sword and chases him.>
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "The war for your precious Empire killed innocents."
Lucilla Caprenia: "You're murdering kidnapped soldiers!"
<Vandorallen throws a green fireball at Lucilla before running away again. She dodges, then continues to chase him.>
Lucilla Caprenia: "Why are you even going along with Cato's plan?"
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "Cato's son died under a diplomatic banner. The alliances must end!"
<Vandorallen aims a torrent of fire magic at Lucilla. She blocks his attack with ice magic and her shield. She chases him one final time.>

When confronting Vandorallen:

Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "No one can stop us. You stand no chance!"
Lucilla Caprenia: "Don't underestimate me, Vandorallen."

If you delay starting combat, after the initial cutscene:

Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You care so much about justice, why are you trying to stop us?"
Lucilla Caprenia: "I thought you were smart enough to know this isn't justice."
Lucilla Caprenia: "Isn't it time you fought your own battles?"
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You're not worth my effort."
Lucilla Caprenia: "Put your staff away, Vandorallen. This has gone on long enough."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "Give up? When I'm winning? Is that what they taught you in the Battlespire after I left?"
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You progressed to frost magic? I suppose even dunces can learn."
Lucilla Caprenia: "This trick worked when we were children. It won't work now."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "Prove you can stop my spell and I'll change it. But you can't."
Lucilla Caprenia: "Your strength is fading, Vandorallen! Give up!"
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You think I'm getting tired? Ha!"
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "I won't let your get to Cato."
Lucilla Caprenia: "All Cato cares about is his son. Why are you protecting him?"
Lucilla Caprenia: "What you're doing is wrong. You have to see it."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "I don't know how you live with yourself if you support this war."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You still haven't learned to conserve your energy. Martus must be disappointed."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "You can't hold that spell forever. Give up!"
Lucilla Caprenia: "Worry about your own spell."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "I'm stronger than you and I always have been."
Lucilla Caprenia: "Looks like our power is evenly matched now."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "Drag this fight out as long as you want, I won't even be tired after you're dead."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "What will my spiders do when your magic fails? I'm excited to find out."
Prime Sorcerer Vandorallen: "Cato expects me to keep him safe from threats. Defeating you is not impressive."

If you delay starting combat, after wiping to Vandorallen at least once:

"The alliances are hypocrites and yet you fight to protect them."
"Cato Albus lost so much, but he will never suffer my loss."
"You're outclassed, Lucilla. You're always my shadow."
"You meddle in affairs you can't possibly comprehend."
"I am the one Cato trusts. I am the one who will avenge Caecilius."
"Lucilla never bested me, what makes you think you can?"

Initiating combat:

"For Cato and Caecilius!"
"No one obstructs the Albus family."
"Your disruptions end here!"

Wiping to Vandorallen:

"If this is the best your could scavenge to stop us, then the Battlespire truly has fallen."
"Lucilla, you thought they could defeat me?"
"It's just us, Lucilla. Like at the Spire."
"How you defeated Jerensi is beyond me."

Raising the challenge banner:

"You think you'll defeat me easily? I'd be glad to prove you wrong."
"If it is a swift demise you want, I'd be more than happy to supply."
"I was happy to just kill you, but I will make you suffer first!"

When Vandorallen is near death:

"I will not fall to you weaklings!"

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