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Location Zenithar's Abbey Bazaar
Species Minotaur
Health 271,124 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile

Praeconicus is a Minotaur who appears out of thin air at the bottom of the steps leading up to the Adytum in Zenithar's Abbey, during the related quest, once all three keys have been acquired.

Through reading documents in the dungeon, it is gathered that Praeconicus was somehow acquired by the merchant-lords to be the bodyguard of the chapel.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
A melee attack that deals moderate physical damage and staggers the target. Blocking negates the stagger.
The minotaur performs a strong overhead swing with its cleaver, dealing high physical damage and stunning its target. This can be blocked to stagger the minotaur and prevent the stun.
Flying Leap
If the target is far away, the minotaur throws its cleaver at them and leaps over to pick it up, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate physical damage.
The minotaur charges forward, indicated by a red circle around them, dealing high physical damage and knocking down targets. Blocking negates the knockdown.
Elemental Weapon
The minotaur slams its weapon on the ground, heating it up and making it glow. This buff lasts for about 30 seconds.
Elemental Pool
When Elemental Weapon is active, all attacks done will leave behind a pool of fire, indicated by a red circle, dealing continuous low flame damage.
Flame Cross
When Elemental Weapon is active, the minotaur gain an ability where it swings its flaming cleaver across the ground, sending three flaming swirls forward close together, indicated by red circles, dealing moderate flame damage each and staggering.
Molten Armor
Upon reaching 50% health, the minotaur covers itself in magical armor, granting itself a damage shield as well as increasing its outgoing damage for about 25 seconds.


  • Praeconicus was originally planned to be the group boss event for the dungeon, but was replaced by Ra'back the Trap Master. The original achievement description for Zenithar's Abbey Group Event reads—Defeat Praeconicus and his monstrous companions in Zenithar's Abbey—can still be found in the game files. It is unknown what his 'monstrous companions' would have been.