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Online:Pledge: Scalecaller Peak

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Oath2order, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Oath2order, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talynn, checked by Oath2order
ON-qico-Group Dungeon.png Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Scalecaller Peak.
Zone: Stormhaven
Faction: Undaunted
Quest Giver: Urgarlag Chief-bane at the Undaunted Enclave Elden RootWayrestMournhold
Location(s): Scalecaller Peak
Prerequisite Quest: Taking the Undaunted Pledge
Reward: 2 Undaunted Keys (3 if Veteran Mode is completed, 4 if Veteran Hard Mode is completed)
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP
ID: 6154
Required Level: 45
RepeatableRepeatable: Daily
Dungeon Group Size: 4 (Recommended)
Scalecaller Peak
Urgarlag Chief-bane of the Undaunted has challenged me to explore Scalecaller Peak.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Enter Scalecaller Peak.
    • Optional: Enter Dungeon in Veteran Mode.
  2. Kill Orzun the Foul-Smelling and Rinaerus the Rancid.
  3. Kill Doylemish Ironheart.
  4. Kill Matriarch Aldis.
  5. Kill Plague Concocter Mortieu.
  6. Kill Zaan the Scalecaller.
    VeteranYou can only complete the Death Challenge in Veteran Mode.
    • Defeat Zaan the Scalecaller after reading Zaan's Ritual Scroll.
  7. Return to Urgarlag Chief-bane at any Undaunted Enclave.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane and she will provide the details of her quest.

What's the pledge today?
"Scalecaller Peak was once a Dragon Priest's temple, but now it belongs to some truly sickening cultists. The place is riddled with the strange disease they've cooked up, infecting and enraging all the creatures that live there."
And if I can handle more than that?
"Defeating a Dragon Priest is no small feat, but why not challenge yourself a little more?
Once you've dealt with the petty creatures and cultists, invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle to call forth Zaan the Scalecaller in all her terrible might."
I pledge to seek out Scalecaller Peak and return Undaunted.

Once you have accepted the quest, you can enter the Scalecaller Peak dungeon either by accessing the dungeon through the Dungeon Finder, or heading to Stormhaven and entering the dungeon there with a group. You have the choice of entering the normal dungeon or the veteran version, this choice will affect if you can achieve the optional step and your rewards.

When inside the dungeon, you will need to progress through the dungeon, slaying the following bosses, Orzun the Foul-Smelling and Rinaerus the Rancid, Doylemish Ironheart, Matriarch Aldis, Plague Concocter Mortieu and Zaan the Scalecaller. With the last boss, if you are in the veteran dungeon, you have the option of reading Zaan's Ritual Scroll to put the boss in hard mode.

Once you have completed the task, you can return to Urgarlag Chief-bane at any of the Undaunted Enclaves, and speak with her to complete the quest:

"No boils or coughing, it looks like. Can I assume you were victorious then?"
Yes. I've cleared out Scalecaller Peak.
"In my experiences with cults, they're never really gone. Like a rash that develops after a particularly fun night.
Well, if they keep coming back then we'll just keep killing them. Simple solution, really."
And my reward? / What's my reward for clearing Scalecaller Peak?
Condition Dialogue
Normal mode completed "You know, facing off against a foe? Well, that's just another day for us. Facing off against a plague? Now that takes some guts.
There's a few Undaunted who would even consider this pledge, but here you are. I'd say a reward is in order."
Veteran mode completed "Heard those creatures in that mountain aren't right. Seems this disease has them riled up, aggressive as all Oblivion. Would have been just my type of pledge, if not for all the pus.
I'd say you earned yourself a reward … and a good scrub down."
Hard Mode completed "I can just imagine it. You and Scalecaller, weapons raised, clashing on the snowy mountaintop in a battle for the ages … Well damn, maybe I should have been a bard.
Here's your reward, and a promise that I won't be taking up poetry anytime soon."


  • Prior to Update 41, completing this quest with Normal or Veteran mode would award 1 Undaunted Key, and 2 Keys on Veteran Hard Mode.

Quest Stages[edit]

Pledge: Scalecaller Peak
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I have agreed to climb the hazards of Scalecaller Peak. To be truly Undaunted I must destroy the ogres Orzun the Foul-Smelling and Rinaerus the Rancid, the gargoyle Doylemish Ironheart, the giantess Matriarch Aldis, Plague Concocter Mortieu, and finally Zaan the Scalecaller herself.
Objective: Complete Scalecaller Peak
Hidden Objective: Enter Scalecaller Peak in Veteran Mode
(Appears when dungeon is entered in Veteran Mode.)
Finishes quest☑ I defeated the plagued creatures of Scalecaller Peak. I should find Urgarlag Chief-bane in my alliance's capital city.
Objective: Return to Urgarlag Chief-bane
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.