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Online:Overseer Ulfengar

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Overseer Ulfengar
Location Anchre Egg Mine, Telvanni Peninsula
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Overseer Ulfengar

Ulfengar is a Nord and overseer of Anchre Egg Mine.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

When you approach Ulfengar, he'll call out to you and Cindieth:

Overseer Ulfengar: "Is someone down there? Please, help us!"
Cindieth: "Someone's alive? Let's hurry!"

He is relieved to see you:

"Now, you are a welcome sight! Please tell me the way out of here is clear! We were starting to lose any hope of escape."
I'm accompanying Cindieth, an auditor sent by the Consortium. Who are you?
"Shor's bones! I ask for aid and they send an auditor? At this rate there won't be a mine left to audit! I'm Overseer Ulfengar. The egg tenders behind me are Malsa and Barluk.
We barely managed to escape the kwama, let alone those damned cultists."
Wait, did you say cultists?
"Yes! I sent word days ago asking for more guards. We first saw them sneaking around the mine, but now they've broken in somewhere near the hatchery. They've whipped the kwama into a frenzy and I'm worried they're trying to poison the clutch."
Are there any other survivors?
"Fomesa went looking for survivors down the southern ramp, and egg tender Gine left to scout the southeastern passageways for a way out.
I ended up here with Malsa and Barluk. If there are others alive out there, you'd know better than me."

Your dialogue and his response depends on whom you've found so far:

If you haven't found anyone If you've found Gine If you've found Fomesa If you've found both of them

We haven't found Fomesa or Gine. We'll keep looking.
"Maybe that's a good sign? I was beginning to doubt any of us had a chance of escaping.
Might be worth checking the southern ramp for Fomesa, and the mess cavern for Gine. They might still be around."

Gine is dead. We'll look for Fomesa.
"Gine, dead? That man loved these kwama like they were his own kin. I can't imagine how he felt having to face them like this.
Last I saw Fomesa she was heading south on the ramps looking for survivors. Perhaps she made it out?"

Fomesa is dead. We'll look for Gine.
"Oh, Fomesa …. She was hard as steel and twice as sharp. If she didn't make it, that doesn't bode well for the rest of us.
Can you find Gine? He made his way towards the mess cavern not too far from here."

Both Fomesa and Gine are dead.
"Ysmir's beard, the both of them? Those cultists need to pay for what they've done!
I imagine if you hadn't shown up when you did, the three of us would have surely joined them."

You think the cultists are trying to poison the clutch?
"One of the egg-hands, Gine, noticed young kwama returning to their pens with green slime. A few days later we started spotting cultists skulking about. What better way to poison a clutch than to taint the young ones. But there has to be more to it."
Why do you say that?
"There are plenty other mines across the peninsula. Killing this brood would only be an inconvenience to the Consortium, but yet the cultists are here in full force. I'm certain there must be more to their plan, but I have to look out for the miners."

You can talk to him again:

"I can't leave these two to fend for themselves. These kwama are vicious, and whoever those cultists are, they certainly aren't friendly."

After everyone makes it outside, Cindieth will seek your help to convince Ulfengar to stay:

Cindieth: "Overseer! I'm glad you all made it out. With your expertise and the Queen's pheromone gland, we should be able to reopen the mine in—"
Overseer Ulfengar: "Reopen the mine? After the Consortium left us to die? To Sovngarde with this mine. You've got the Queen's gland. Re-queen the mine yourself. We're leaving!"
Cindieth: "Ulfengar, please reconsider …. Ulfengar?"
Cindieth: "Friend, can you please talk to the overseer? The people of Necrom will starve without this mine!"

Speak with him:

"If Cindieth had wandered in here alone and gotten herself killed, how long before the Consortium sent another to find us? A day? A week?
We're lucky someone of your mettle was nearby. You have my thanks, friend. Truly."
So, you really intend to leave? Cindieth believes without your help, this mine will fail.
"It failed the moment those Consortium horkers chose to ignore my letters!
Does Cindieth really think a queen's gland and some elbow grease will be enough to put that place to rights? You saw what those cultists were doing. It's blighted! Finished!"
The Consortium will try to reopen it. Do you trust them to do it safely without your oversight?
"So it's my burden, then? Shor's bones, those bastards are just greedy enough to risk it, aren't they?
With a fresh queen's gland …. Bah! No, we'd need an army of egg-hands, alchemists, a staffed garrison. The Consortium would never agree to it."
Here. Take the queen's gland and set your demands. Cindieth will make the Consortium see reason.
"Hmph. Well, I guess we'll find out.
Let me see this gland. And tell Cindieth we'll stay on if the Consortium provides all the staff and resources I need. The moment they hedge, I'm leaving and taking Malsa and Barluk with me. Necrom be damned."
You're right to distrust the Consortium. I'll give the gland to Cindieth and tell her you're done.
"The Anchre colony was special. Just makes me wonder, what really killed it? Those cultists' spells or the Consortium's indifference. Bah. Doesn't matter.
Malsa and Barluk are tough as horkers. We'll find work elsewhere. Thanks for the nudge, friend."

I need to think about this.

<Ends Conversation>

If you convince Ulfengar to stay to help reopen the mine:

Cindieth: "Overseer Ulfengar, I cannot thank you enough for your decision to stay with the mine. I'll make sure the Consortium looks out for you. You have my word!"
Overseer Ulfengar: "Good. You can start by making sure the families of those lost in the mine are properly taken care of."
Cindieth: "Of course. Honoring those lost is the first step towards making things right. The first of many!"

Talking to him after:

"Regardless of what the future holds, I'm glad you wandered by the mine when you did. Too many good people died in there, but the three of us might have joined them. We're grateful that we didn't."
So what does the future hold for you now?
"It'll take some time before the mine can be reopened. We'll need to clear it out. Find a new queen. Hire on replacements.
If they keep me on as overseer, I can see it reopening within a few months. But it's up to the Consortium now."
(If you convinced him to stay)
You still want to be the overseer of the mine?
"You think I trust anyone from the Consortium to do it? No.
We'll need to find better positions for Malsa and Barluk, too. They're young, but they know their stuff. And they deserve the promotion after all that's happened to them."
"Who knows. Used to admire that the Three Banners never touched Telvanni shores. But there's work in war. Razed towns and broken forts need repairs, after all.
We'll make do, somehow. I'm sure of it."
(If you convinced him to leave)
You'd rather join the Three Banners War than stay here?
"I used to think egg mining was safe. At least with a war, I know what I'm getting into.
I just wish this Consortium could hear that from us. Learn something from it. But that's a lot to ask from the Telvanni, I know."
Do you think Cindieth will be able to keep her promise to help you?
"It's tough to say. Wringing anything out of the Consortium is like squeezing water from a stone. But she seems confident enough.
Timid ones like her are always more dangerous behind a desk, anyway. Some warriors prefer pens to swords."

After you convince the remaining workers to continue working with the Consortium, you can find him and his colleagues in the Necrom Fighters Guild. He can be seen working out a plan with the Fighters Guild to find a way to clear out the mine:

"Hey there, friend! Don't mind me. I'm just planning details on how to clear the mine with the good captain here. A lot of work still ahead of us!"
So Cindieth kept her promise to help the three of you then?
"She did! That waif of an Elf may have been a shivering mess in the mine, but with a quill in her hand she is as fierce as any warrior.
By the time she was done writing up her account of the mine Consortium officials were begging us to stay on!"
They gave in to all your demands?
"All that and a cask of Riften rye if I asked for it, hah! They promoted the two scribs back there which is good because I'll need their help.
And Cindieth even has the Consortium compensating the families of those lost. That's a kind gesture."
So what happens next?
"The good captain here will lead the assault to clear out the tunnels. In the meantime I have Malsa and Barluk recruiting new egg-hands and sourcing a replacement queen.
There's a long road ahead of us, but for once we have all that we need."

He will also be in attendance of the Necrom celebration during Chronicle of Fate:

"Seems your helpful reach went far beyond my egg mine. Can't say I'm surprised. Malsa and Barluk would've been here to congratulate you, but they're busy getting things ready for reopening. So I hope thanks from an old and grateful overseer will do."
How goes work in the mine?
"It's hard work, but we wouldn't have it any other way. And I do enjoy the antics of the scrib!"