Ogle | |||
Location | Apocrypha | ||
Species | Watchling | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Ogle is a watchling in the service of Hermaeus Mora who can be found outside of the Underweave.
Related Quests[edit]
- Castoff Destinies: Please add a description for this quest
Chronicle of Fate: Learn what was forgotten.
Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]
Castoff Destinies[edit]
Approaching him, he is panicky:
- "No, no, no! The Master of Secrets will certainly flay me for this!"
Speaking to him:
- "Ah, have mercy! You've been sent to capture me, haven't you? It was an honest mistake. I'm working to get Hermaeus Mora's fated glyphic back, I promise!
Please don't imprison me!" - What are you talking about? I'm not here to imprison you.
- "Oh fathomless Prince, that's a relief. To think I let myself be spooked by a mere mortal. Erm, sorry. You see, I may have accidentally sent a prized possession of my master's to be unwoven.
I don't suppose you'd help poor Ogle?" - What sort of help do you need?
- "The forges of Underweave are a dangerous place. Ogle was made for watching and studying, not fighting. But you seem resilient. Help me find my master's fated glyphic, and I'll be sure to make it worth your while!"
- I'll help you search Underweave for your master's glyphic.
After agreeing to help him, you can ask further questions:
- "Wonderful! My master's treasure was mistakenly marked for unweaving, so we must hurry and find it before it's destroyed. My Watchling's Sight should help you navigate Underweave.
The entrance is close by. You can take the lead." - Who exactly are you?
- "You can call me Ogle. I'm a Watchling in service to Hermaeus Mora. I aid in the designation or disintegration of failed fates. It's a coveted role, I might add. And one that I don't wish to risk losing."
- You mentioned a fated glyphic. What's that?
- "A fated glyphic is the physical manifestation of a potential fate. A stone that holds a transcription of a possible future. They are a powerful and precious source of knowledge.
This particular glyphic is one of my master's favorites."- Is everyone's fate etched into a glyphic?
- "Tides no! Most fates don't rise to this level of importance. Only potent fates, those with the chance to alter the very course of the planes, can be found etched into these glyphics.
This makes every fated glyphic a powerful and coveted object."
- What can you tell me about Underweave?
- "Fated glyphics whose futures do not come to pass can latch onto our own reality and cause havoc. These intrusions are, well, wasteful. Underweave is the place where these failed fates are unwoven. Recycled."
Once inside Underweave, Ogle will use his boon to guide you to find the glyphic:
- Ogle: "Over here, mortal. You won't get far without my boon to guide you through Underweave!"
<Ogle casts his boon and a purple trail appears.>
- Ogle: "You should be able to see a magical trace of my master's fated glyphic. We must find it before it's unwoven."
Speaking to him about the boon:
- "Watch you step as you make your way through Underweave! The guards and administrators won't stand for anyone interrupting their work.
And don't get me started on the dangers posed by some of these fates." - What's this boon you placed on me?
- "Our most dangerous fates are magically tagged. Their presence leaves markers we can follow. We don't want to lose track of a particularly minacious anomaly, after all!
My Watchling's Sight makes it so you can see these markers." - And this will lead us to your master's glyphic?
- "Absolutely! I've tuned my sight to your mortal senses. You can only see the magic traces specific to my master's glyphic. They should look like blue vapors and smell like a mortal child's tears.
Can we get going now?" - All right. I'll follow the path.
Once you're done speaking to him, he will disappear in a poof.
Eventually, you will reach the entrance of the Glyphic Assemblage and he will reappear:
- Ogle: "Ahh, the Glyphic Assemblage. This is where fated glyphics are collected and judged by Watchlings such as myself."
Speaking to him before entering inside:
- "Glyphics under consideration for unweaving are first sent to the Glyphic Assemblage. Yes, I know it's a misleading name. Now go on in! We haven't found the fated glyphic yet."
As you venture through the assemblage:
- Ogle: "Try to avoid eye contact as we continue through the Underweave. Not all its attendants are as polite as I am."
You will reach a hallway where the boon points in several directions, and Ogle starts panicking again:
- Ogle: "What? No, no, no, this can't be right! There are so many paths! Why are there so many paths?"
- Ogle: "We're doomed! I'm doomed! We can't possibly find my master's glyphic now!"
Hearing him out:
- "Stupid Ogle, stupid! Master keeps the most dangerous fates down here. Of course it would be difficult to navigate. Numerous paths, endless options. This was a hopeless endeavor from the start.
I'm a useless Watchling who deserves to be unwoven!" - Why is it hopeless?
- "The master's fated glyphic could be anywhere! It may have even been fed into one of the nemesis looms already!
This is it for me, mortal. Cherish the moments you shared with Ogle, because I am not long for this plane." - Is there really no hope of finding it now?
- "The nemesis looms unmake everything! By now the glyphic's been reduced to unwoven strands. Sputtering fragments of a former fate. I just know it!
There are too many paths to follow. I need a moment to think, mortal. This is all too much." - Think fast, then.
While Ogle is still freaking out, Thaddeus Cosma comes out of a portal and greets the both of you:
- Ogle: "It's no use, I'm done for—wait. What is that?"
<A portal opens, Thaddeus Cosma comes out.>
- Thaddeus Cosma: "For once, a pleasant surprise. I'm actually happy to see you, meddler. My work in the streams has come to fruition." (If you met him in Nchuthnkarst)
- Thaddeus Cosma: "But never mind that. There's more work ahead. Over here, if you please."
Speaking to Ogle before Thaddeus:
- "Wait, who is that strange mortal? He can't just step into the Prince of Knowledge's domain like that It's absurd!
You—you go talk to him, yes? I hope he can tell how deeply annoyed I am."
After speaking to Thaddeus, Ogle will be annoyed that he got charmed and will chase after Thaddeus as you continue to search for the nemesis looms:
- Ogle: "You…you charmed me?"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "If it's any consolation, Watchling, you performed your role admirably!"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Now to the nemesis looms. It will take the two of us to disable each loom."
- Ogle: "My role? I didn't play any role in—hey! Get back here!"
<Both Ogle and Thaddeus will disappear in their own portals.>
After you disable the first nemesis loom on your side, Thaddeus will disable it on his side as well. Ogle will pop up again to argue with him before the pair disappear off to the next location:
- Ogle: "There is only one role I play, and it's in service to the Prince of Knowledge! How dare you imply otherwise!"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Heh. Mora's clerk objects? I'm terrified. Come now, meddler. On to the next loom!"
After disabling the second loom, Ogle will appear again and feel slighted at being called a clerk and Thaddeus reassures him that his help is valued before moving onto the last loom:
- Ogle: "A clerk? A clerk? What a wild underestimation of my role!"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "On the contrary, I couldn't have done this without you. Onwards, the next loom is close by!"
As you continue to venture to find the final loom, you'll witness Ogle's complaints of Thaddeus' nonchalant behavior above you:
- Thaddeus Cosma: "I'm solid enough to regain my sense of smell! A dubious improvement. The next mechanism, please."
- Ogle: "My master's fated glyphic could be reduced to pitiful strands of temporal dust at any moment now!"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Strands of dust? Unlikely. Well, perhaps, but that's nothing to worry about now. To the next loom!"
- Ogle: "Excuse me? My continued existence depends on that glyphic! Come back here!"
After disabling the final loom, Thaddeus directs you to go to the trash heap to find the glyphic, much to Ogle's dismay:
- Ogle: "If my master's fated glyphic is destroyed, then what was the point of all this?"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Worry not. With the looms disabled we need only check the Underweave's trash heap. Onwards, meddler!"
- Ogle: "The trash heap? Oh, tides take me away!"
Once you reach the trash heap, you will see the glyphic has been unwoven:
- Ogle: "No, no, no! The fated glyphic! It's already been unwoven!"
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Not ideal, but not unexpected. Meddler, a word if you please?"
- Ogle: "Not ideal? I'm doomed to be tormented forever! Eternal anguish!"
Speaking to him before Thaddeus:
- "This mortal is going to be the end of me. No, wait. Hermaeus Mora will be the end of me!"
Before picking up the remains of the glyphic:
- "If this doesn't work I'll be no better off than the glyphic's remains. Just a shattered pile of useless detritus. Be gentle gathering them, won't you?"
After picking up the remains of the fated glyphic, Thaddeus and Ogle will meet you at the Heart of Underweave:
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Well done. Now out to the courtyard—we'll meet in the Heart of Underweave!"
- Ogle: "Ogle has a bad feeling about this."
Once you're at the Heart, you can speak to him before placing the fractured glyphic on the altar:
- "As much as I dislike this foolhardy human, you'd better do as he says. We shouldn't linger in the Heart. And the sooner I have my master's glyphic back, the sooner I can return to sorting paperwork and archiving notes like a good Watchling."
- What exactly is the Heart of Underweave?
- "The Heart pumps magicka throughout all of Underweave. Not only does it power the nemesis looms, it also stores the magicka released from the destroyed glyphics. The power concentrated here boggles the mind!"
- What's all that power for?
- "Knowledge is finite. Every book or letter or glyphic is a bucket of water from a well that may one day dry up. The Underweave is how my master refills that well.
You probably shouldn't press any further. Some things must remain unknowable."
Once you placed the glyphic on the altar, it will be repaired while Thaddeus is channeling a spell to keep it stable:
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Almost there…just a bit further… Quick! Grab the glyphic before the entropic bubble collapses!"
- Ogle: "It's back! My master's fated glyphic is really back!"
Speaking to him before grabbing the repaired glyphic:
- "It worked! I may survive this after all. Quickly, take the restored glyphic!"
After retrieving the restored glyphic, Thaddeus and Ogle will meet you outside of Underweave:
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Bending time really puts a kink in your neck. Let's reconvene outside Underweave. I'm sure this display of temporal magic raised a few alarms."
- Ogle: "Yes, yes! Let's leave before the guards come and take Ogle away!"
Once outside, Thaddeus wants to have a look of the restored glyphic, which Ogle begrudgingly allows:
- Thaddeus Cosma: "Glad to see you didn't stumble into a hole in reality, meddler. I know our many-eyed friend wants his glyphic back. Allow me a moment to study it, will you?"
- Ogle: "I suppose he earned a look. But only for a moment! I'd like it returned before my master realizes it's missing."
Speaking to him before Thaddeus:
- "Keep your eye on that strange mortal. He already charmed me into throwing away my master's favorite glyphic once today!"
After speaking to Thaddeus:
- "Hmm. It's not a good idea to look at your own fate. I wonder why my master is so fond of that particular one?
Speaking of fate, you certainly helped me salvage my own! I think I came this close to being tossed into the nemesis looms!" - Thaddeus needs the glyphic. He shouldn't be long.
- "I wish I could say I enjoyed our adventure together, mortal. However, you and I both know it was far too distressing to be fun. Still, this Watchling is certainly grateful for your help.
Take this reward. You earned it."
After the quest:
- "Well, that was unexpected! I don't have a clue about what any of that meant. Frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm just happy to be done with that condescending wanderer realities.
Thank you for your help." - What are you going to do now, Ogle?
- "After being a tentacle's touch away from facing the business end of a nemesis loom? I'll return to my duties, thank you very much. After I see my master's glyphic returned to its proper place, of course."
- You're going to go straight back to work?
- "What else? We all have our place in my master's plan. Just as you do. I certainly won't be looking for another—what would you call this, an adventure?—any time soon.
Notarizing and disseminating is exciting enough for me."
Chronicle of Fate[edit]
Ogle will attend the ceremony at Cipher's Midden Hall where your name will be added to the chronicle if you assisted him at Underweave.
Speaking to him:
- "Happy to see your favorite Watchling in one piece? Not a single frayed tentacle, thanks to you. I don't know how you mortals do it. Gallivanting about all weak and fleshy and susceptible to death. But that makes what you did all the more impressive."
- Next time, be more careful with which relics you send for destruction.
- "Oh trust me, lesson learned. Especially after having to deal with that Imperial. He was exceedingly strange!"
He will be one of the voices to support you during Scruut's speech:
- Ogle: "Really? They helped me recover an important glyphic!"