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Clockwork City

Online:Oasis in a Metal Desert

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Quick Summary: written by Tib, checked by CocoaCacao

Walkthrough: written by CocoaCacao, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Tib, not checked
Help a novice Clockwork Apostle investigate a farming facility in the Clockwork City.
Zone: The Clockwork City
Objective: Everwound Wellspring — Accompany Sherizar into the Everwound Wellspring.
Quest Giver: Sherizar
Location(s): Everwound Wellspring
Reward: Gardening Gloves
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
Help Sherizar discover the secret of the Wellspring
Lector Naril oversees the Everwound Wellspring, an oasis in the mechanical desert that is the Clockwork City. He has found a way to grow plants in the metallic soil. Once every year, he shares his harvest and selects a new apprentice.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Sherizar outside the facility.
  2. Enter the Everwound Wellspring and speak to Lector Naril.
  3. Accompany Sherizar as you try to find Apprentice Chirrhari.
  4. Deliver the mushroom samples to Apprentice Idrono.
  5. Find Apprentice Ohtowen to ask about the missing apprentices.
  6. Make your way towards Lector Naril's Private Workshop and read his notes.
  7. Defeat Lector Naril.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Outside the Everwound Wellspring[edit]

Sherizar will be waiting on the entrance to the bridge to the Everwound Wellspring. She will call out once you grow near to her.

Sherizar: "Welcome, friend! Come, join our celebration on this glorious and special day."

Speaking to her, she will explain the purpose of the Wellspring and her hope to be selected as Lector Naril's next assistant.

Why is today so special?
"Today is the day that Lector Naril declares a new apprentice. I've improved my botanical knowledge and skills considerably since the selection day last year. I hope he sees how much I can help him in his work."
Apprentice? What is this place?
"The Everwound Wellspring, a wondrous oasis in this mechanical desert! Sotha Sil created the place, but the lector made plants grow in the metallic soil. Once ever year, he distributes food and chooses an apprentice. You should come with me and see!"
I'll go with you to see the lector.

She will then run down the bridge, explaining the history of the Everwound Wellspring and then commenting on her busy surroundings along the way.

Sherizar: "In the past, the Wellspring was accessible to everyone."
Sherizar: "Lector Naril sealed the place and started the tradition of the annual harvest and apprentice selection."
Sherizar: "Oh no. So many hopefuls. The gears just have to align in my favor. They have to!"
Lector Naril: "Faithful of Sotha Sil, you may enter to collect this year's harvest in a moment. But first, I shall name my new apprentice!"
Lector Naril: "Sherizar, the Everwound Wellspring welcomes you as its new apprentice! The rest of you? Come in and claim your portion of the harvest!"
Sherizar: "Thank the Great Gear! Let's go inside!"

Approaching the entrance to the Wellspring, you will see the other aspirants. Lector Naril will welcome the Apostles from out of view (likely through a speaking tube), and announce his new chosen assistant.

Lector Naril: "Faithful of Sotha Sil, you may enter to collect this year's harvest in a moment. But first, I shall name my new apprentice!"
Lector Naril: "Sherizar, the Everwound Wellspring welcomes you as its new apprentice! The rest of you? Come in and claim your portion of the harvest!"

Sherizar will be ecstatic:

Sherizar: "Thank the Great Gear! Let's go inside!"

The group around the door will then slowly funnel in.

Everwound Wellspring[edit]

Once you enter, Lector Naril will explain the day's itinerary while out of view.

Lector Naril: "Factotums will continue to gather the harvest and bring the containers here. In the meantime, use the lift and come see our oasis!"

The group will then funnel towards the elevators. Join them to meet Lector Naril face-to-face. He will speak to the group: (?)

He will then expect questions; talking to him, you can provide those.

"I always share a few words of advice with the hopefuls that weren't selected before I take the new apprentice under my wing. The Everwound Wellspring provides excellent opportunities for the novice apostles."
Tell me about the Everwound Wellspring.
"You must be one of the new arrivals I've heard so much about.Everything in the Clockwork City—the soil, the flora, the fauna—it's all composed of gears and pistons and metal. It's like that everywhere. Everywhere, that is, except here."
Why is the Wellspring different?
"Because Sotha Sil set the Wellspring in this metallic desert and blessed it with a reservoir of water—an exceedingly rare thing in the Clockwork City! He planned to create an oasis, but moved on to other projects before the task was done."
If the oasis wasn't finished, where does the harvest come from?
"We had water and a pressing need. It didn't take me long to figure out how to make actual, living plants grow in this artificial soil. Now save your questions and let me show you some of the wonders of the Everwound Wellspring!"
All right. Let's see your oasis.

The door to the Viewing Garden will open and the group will finally enter.

Viewing Garden[edit]

Around the garden, you will see various crops and trees being tended by factotum harvesters while the Lector gives a tour.

Lector Naril: "Come, everyone! Follow me into the Viewing Garden!"
Lector Naril: "My friends, the Wellspring enjoyed a bountiful harvest! Let me show you how we accomplish our miracles."
Lector Naril: "Simulated sunlight allows our trees to produce fruit sweeter than the orchards of Vvardenfell!"

Around this point, [[ON:Madura|] will snag a piece of fruit off of one of the trees and consume it. Sherizar will see Apprentice Chirrhari through the left orchard door and attempt to speak with her; the factotums will swiftly block her before closing the door in her face.

Lector Naril: "These pipes carry an alchemical solution that nourishes our plants."

Around this point, Sharizar will start sneaking past the group, heading up the large ramp in the middle of the fields. She will inspect a small gap between the hedge and wall before leaping through it, tumbling into the same orchard she was denied access to. The Lector will continue his tour during this.

Lector Naril: " Factotums harvest the plants and pack them in special containers to keep them fresh before we distribute them to Clockwork City."
Lector Naril: "We take clippings from the most robust plants to produce stronger varieties. Someday we'll be able to grow plants outside these walls!
"Every season, we share our bounty and select a new apprentice from among the novice apostles. By the way, where did my new apprentice wander off to?"

Speaking to the Lector, you can offer your help.

"My new apprentice, Sherizar. Where did she disappear to? Oh, she's off to a bad start. A very bad start."
Do you want me to find Sherizar?
"And have two novices wandering around the oasis unsupervised? Hmm. Very well. Go find Sherizar and return to me with all due haste.
Quickly now. The work of the Wellspring can't wait for an idle apprentice."

By jumping through the same crack Sherizar did, you're able to follow her into the low-light grow rooms of the Wellspring.

Fungal Workshops and Gardens[edit]

Sherizar hasn't made it far into the complex. She will ask for your assistance.

"This was supposed to be a special day, but it turned out all wrong. There's something not right with this oasis."
What makes you think there's something wrong with the oasis?
"Sometimes a gear slips or a cylinder throws a piston. This place reminds me of that.
Specifically, I saw my old friend, Chirrhari, down one of the corridors. When I tried to go talk to her, the factotums blocked my path. They drove me off."
Why would the factotums do that?
"That's the question, isn't it? And it's the reason I have a bad feeling all of a sudden.
Why restrict where an apprentice can go? And why refuse to let me talk to Chirrhari? It makes no sense!"
Lector Naril sent me to find you. Maybe he can explain things.
"No, I'd rather speak to Chirrhari. I know her. I trust her. Lector Naril? He's still a stranger to me.
Will you help me get past the factotums so I can talk to my old friend?"
I'll help you reach Chirrhari.

She will then become a follower. As you progress through the complex, you will eventually come across Chirrhari in a room full of growing mushrooms. When approaching her, they'll great each other:

Apprentice Chirrhari: "Sherizar? Oh, this one purrs at the sight of you!"
Sherizar: "It's so good to see you too, Chirrhari!"

You will then be prompted to speak to Chirrhari.

"You shouldn't wander the Wellspring unsupervised. It's dangerous!
The factotums don't respond well to visitors they haven't been formulated to recognize. And the fabricants, they're just mean."
Sherizar's the Wellspring's new apprentice.
"A new apprentice? Really? But what does Chirrhari know of such things? This one works in the dark and grows fungi, molds, and mosses. The lector keeps me too busy for other concerns."
Sherizar thinks there might be some sort of problem here at the oasis.
"Chirrhari doubts there's anything sinister going on. Sotha Sil blessed the Wellspring with water, and Lector Naril's alchemical solutions make it possible to grow plants.
It's good to see Sherizar, though. We could use the help."
What about the apprentice selected last year?
"Apprentice? Sherizar is the first new apprentice to enter the Wellspring in years. The lector stopped selecting apprentices after poor Gathal's accident. At least that's how this one understands things.
I suppose Idrono might know differently."
Who's Idrono?
"Idrono works with Chirrhari. He attempts to grow non-fungal plant life in harsh conditions. Since you're going to speak to him, could you bring along some of my mushrooms? But not the poisonous ones. He hates those."
We'll gather some mushrooms and bring them to Idrono.

Chirrhari wants you to bring edible mushrooms to Apprentice Idrono. If you persuade Chirrhari to provide you with her Plaque of Safe Passage, the factotums in the area will turn non-hostile. This will not affect the fabricants.

Chirrhari's Notes lay beside her on a table. Reading them, you learn that she's attempting to grow various types of mushrooms, but due to the alchemical treatments required to make the Clockwork soil growable, they have acquired various mutations.

While gathering the mushrooms, you have the option to retrieve all seven strains. The three safe ones consist of Wellspring Fungal Strain B Sample, Wellspring Fungal Strain E Sample, and Wellspring Fungal Strain G Sample, and will have no other effect when eaten. The other strains will have various effects on your character when you attempt to retrieve them.

  • Strain A: (?)
  • Strain C: "Shroom-poisoned" (martial effect, swiftly kills your character)
  • Strain D: "Shroom-chilled" (active effect, applies a chilly VFX to the screen and makes your character shiver)
  • Strain F: (?)

Upon collecting all samples, you can speak to Sherizar again.

Moving on, you will enter a small room with two lifts. A speaking tube will call out to you:

Speaking Tube: "New apprentice, if you can hear my voice, step to the nearest speaking tube this instant."

The voice will immediately identify itself as Lector Naril upon interacting with it.

"This is Lector Naril, talking to you through this speaking tube.
I assume that you and Sherizar have been exploring the Wellspring. We've built something impressive here, don't you think?"
Impressive? I suppose. But we were wondering, where are the other new apprentices?
"Other apprentices? Oh, you mean Sherizar's predecessors. The ones selected during the past few harvests. About them, well, they've been dealing with a very special experiment. Utterly secret, you understand.
Sherizar and I would like to see them, if that's all right.
"Certainly. Just as soon as you report to me. I must complete Sherizar's orientation and training. Some parts of the Wellspring can be extremely dangerous.
I'll expect you back in the Viewing Garden before three gears click into place."

You are still determined to seek out Idrono; heading up the lift, you will enter the Sunless Garden Workshop.

Sunless Garden Workshop[edit]

Upon taking the lift, Idrono will be immediately visible, tending to some sad plants on a table. Speaking to him, he will say:

"A new apprentice? How curious. And are those samples of Chirrhari's mushrooms? Excellent! I've been anxious to taste the new harvest.
Hmm. Texture similar to guar hide. Flavor equivalent to wet moss. Not what I hoped for."
Speaking of apprentices, we were curious about the last few that were selected.
"Interesting question. As far as I know, no new apprentices have entered the Wellspring since Gathal's accident.
But I have a bigger concern. At least Chirrhari can grow mushrooms. My plants refuse to live, no matter what I do."
But the Wellspring produced a bountiful harvest. Are you doing something different here?
"Of course. Lector Naril tasked each of us with a different experiment. I'm attempting to grow plants without the benefit of the simulated sunlight. I haven't had any success so far, but someone has to tackle the difficult experiments, I suppose."
Simulated sunlight?
"Lector Naril developed it using techniques he still refuses to share. The simulated sunlight provides nourishing energy that makes most of the plants we grow thrive.
Not my plants, mind you. Oh no. That would ruin the experiment!"
Is there anyone else we can ask about the other apprentices?
"Ohtowen's been with Lector Naril the longest. She might know something more.
You'll need to cross my garden to reach her. Just watch out for the blasted fabricants. They keep eating my plants and clogging up the gears!"
I'll watch for the fabricants on the way to talk to Ohtowen.

The Sunless Garden Workshop opens up to a large courtyard containing wilted trees and crops. A large kagouti fabricant chews on the crop bed in the center, which can summon beetle fabricants and verminous fabricants to assist it during combat. The door on the other side of the courtyard leads to the Botanical Garden Antechamber.

Botanical Garden[edit]

You first enter the antechamber, a small room with many pistons and two lifts leading to the Botanical Garden proper. Immediately after entering, the Lector will harass you once again through a speaking tube.

Speaking Tube: "New apprentice, if you can hear my voice, step to the nearest speaking tube this instant."

Engaging in conversation:

"This is Lector Naril, talking to you through this speaking tube.
I had such high hopes for you, Sherizar. Why do you defy me?"
We're going to talk to Apprentice Ohtowen.
"I see. And does this have to do with the endeavors of the Wellspring? I suppose I can't fault you for your initiative and willingness to get right to work.
I just wish you would have waited before you presented yourselves to my other apprentices."
Are we prohibited from talking to the other apprentices?
"Prohibited? That's a harsh word. No, we don't have any restrictions in the Wellspring. But Sherizar will have a better understanding of how things work here once she returns to me and completes her orientation and training."
No restrictions? Apprentice Idrono said no one is allowed in your private workshop.
"Did he? My workshop isn't restricted. It's just … private. You must see the necessity for a space of my own.
No matter. Finish your task and we can discuss this in more detail. I have impressive plans for you and my new apprentice."

After that disturbing encounter, Apprentice Ohtowen awaits. She is on the opposite side of the Botanical Garden, a large room with a growbed in the center and along the walls. Speaking to her:

"Interruptions are counterproductive. The Seventh Law of Gears teaches us that.
Well, since you've already distracted me, you might as well tell me what you want."
Idrono said we should talk to you about—
"Idrono? His experiment was doomed from the beginning. You can't grow plants without a source of nourishing light. My plants thrive thanks to the use of Lector Naril's simulated sunlight.
But I wasn't informed we were getting new apprentices …."
Don't you receive new apprentices at this time every year?
"That was the practice until Gathal died. Then the lector sealed his private workshop and gave us these experiments to conduct while he perfected his simulated sunlight. It makes our annual harvest possible.
If there were other apprentices, I'd know."
Well, Lector Naril selected Sherizar. And Sherizar saw Marico get selected last season.
"I suppose Lector Naril could have more apprentices toiling in his private workshop. He keeps numerous secrets, so what's a few more?
You can enter the workshop through the busted vent over there. Ignorance of his rules might grant you some leeway."
We'll take a look in Lector Naril's private workshop.

With Ohtowen's gracious advice, you're able to make your way towards Lector Naril's private workshop.

After entering the winding vents, Lector Naril will call out through a speaking tube. If you have Chirrhari's plaque, he will state:

Lector Naril: "I'm very disappointed, Sherizar. Chirrhari's plaque of safe passage has been rendered inoperable. Now, return to me immediately."

Otherwise, if you don't: (?)

Following the tunnel, you'll eventually reach intermediary rooms.


The vent leads to a passageway connecting the Botanical Garden to the Lector's Private Workshop start with a large room, with many clockwork-decorated glowing terrariums hanging from the branches of an inactive structure resembling a bronze tree. Sherizar will provide a hint as to how to proceed.

"Lector Naril's a Clockwork Apostle. He must keep meticulous notes. We need to examine them."

Naril's Notes: Origins lays on a table to the north, describing Naril's noble undertaking of the Wellspring's mission. Sherizar will comment after you've picked it up (Naril's Notes: Origins).

Sherizar: "That's the story of how the Everwound Wellspring was created. Lector Naril picked up where Sotha Sil left off."

Naril's Notes: Early Experiments is on a table to the southeast, describing Naril's early failures. After reading it, Sherizar will comment once more once you've taken the item (Naril's Notes: Early Experiments).

Sherizar: "The early experiments failed, even though Lector Naril perfected his alchemical solution. I wonder how they solved the problem?"

Naril's Note: Simulated Sunlight lies further into the complex down the south tunnel. It describes the realization of the problems regarding sunlight and attempts to remedy them. Once you pick the item up (Naril's Notes: Simulated Sunlight), Sherizar will once again comment.

Sherizar: "I never knew what went into making the Wellspring work. I wonder how they finally got the simulated sunlight to nourish the plants."

Lastly, ON:Naril's Note: Success Out of Tragedy lies on a table slightly further into the second room. This note expands upon how the simulated sunlight was finally achieved through utilizing the life force of volunteers. After picking it up(Naril's Notes: Success Out of Tragedy), Sherizar is horrified upon reading it for herself.

Sherizar: "The source of the simulated sunlight is the life force of the missing apprentices? That's horrible! We need to see what's inside Naril's private workshop!"

She will then confidently walk into the Simulated Sunlight Atelier.

Simulated Sunlight Atelier[edit]

This room appears very similar to the first room of the connecting vents, but smaller. Sherizar will call out upon seeing a similar bronze structure as before active and spewing simulated light into the terrariums. Unlike the previous structure, the inductor has many tables below it, many of which have a burned corpse attached to them, once having fed the machine.

Sherizar: "That machine! Is that the inductor? The apprentices … it sucked the life out of them!"

Speaking to her, she will lament on Lector Naril's actions.

"This is the lector's simulated sunlight inductor. And just as we read in his notes, he's using the life force of the most recent apprentices to power the device.
Sotha Sil would never approve of this. Never in a million clicks of the Great Gear."
It's too late to help the apprentices, but we should get out of here.
"No. If we leave, Lector Naril will just use Chirrhari or one of the others. We have to do something. We have to stop this madness. People shouldn't be turned into plant food! At least, not while they're still healthy and vibrant.
It's not natural."
I'll put an end to Lector Naril.

Lector Naril will call out of another speaking tube, warning you of the current state of the inductor's power reserves.

Lector Naril: "So now you know the secret of the Wellspring. You see your role in our grand plan."
Lector Naril: "Time is short. The life force of the previous apprentices is nearly depleted."

The door to Lector Naril's Private Workshop is south of her.

Lector Naril's Private Workshop[edit]

Lector Naril awaits you in his workshop, a small room with many pistons, crates, and a small laboratory. Upon approaching him, he will engage in combat, attempting to win you over:

Lector Naril: "Why do you resist? Your life force can feed thousands!"
Lector Naril: "You lash out because you fail to grasp the importance of what I do!"

After dealing with him, you then need to return to Sherizar, who is still at the inductor.

The Inductor[edit]

Sherizar has completed her analysis of the inductor's victims once you have returned.

"There's nothing to be done for these poor apprentices. The inductor has drained every drop of life from their bodies.
But what of Lector Naril? He cloaks his evil in good intentions."
I dealt with Lector Naril. But what to do about this machine?
"The lector lied. He tricked the apprentices and killed them. But the machine does allow the plants to grow and provides food for the Clockwork City.
I wonder... what if someone willingly sacrificed themselves to feed the people?"
Clockwork City needs the Wellspring. Put out a call for willing volunteers.
"Yes. One life a season in exchange for a bountiful harvest. What could be more noble than sacrificing your life to feed the hungry?
And I'll continue to work with the remaining apprentices. Maybe we can find another way … someday."
The cost to use the inductor is too great. We need to shut it down.
"You're right. The sacrifice is too great. Lector Naril turned Sotha Sil's dream into a nightmare.
I'll work with the remaining apprentices. Together, we'll find another way for the Everwound Wellspring to help the Clockwork City."

If you speak to her again before completing the quest:

If you chose to continue using the inductor:
"We're doing the right thing? A life given willingly for the greater good ... it's the logical solution, isn't it?"
If the people want the harvest, let them help by willingly sacrificing themselves.
If you chose to discontinue use of the inductor:
"We'll start over. There has to be a way to acquire the power for the simulated sunlight without taking it from living beings.
No harvest is worth the life of healthy, vibrant individuals.

After completing the quest, the other assistants flood in to gawk at the inductor: After finishing the quest, Sherizar, Apprentice Chirrhari, Apprentice Ohtowen and Apprentice Idrono gather and speak:

Apprentice Chirrhari: "How horrible! Those apostles … all dead!"
Sherizar: "Not just dead. Drained of life to create the simulated sunlight."
Apprentice Ohtowen: "Still, it's an amazing device. Lector Naril's a true genius."
Apprentice Idrono: "A genius? Look at this! Naril's insane!"

If you decided to continue with sacrifices, they continue to talk:

Sherizar: "Naril's dead, but the promise of the Wellspring lives on."
Apprentice Chirrhari: "You're not suggesting we continue to … to kill people?"
Sherizar: "We call for volunteers. Use their sacrifices while we continue to work on finding a different source of power."
Apprentice Ohtowen: "How noble. I assume we won't be the ones volunteering this time?"
Apprentice Idrono: "Sherizar has the right idea. And I offer myself as the first sacrifice."
Apprentice Ohtowen: "Idrono, no!"
Apprentice Idrono: "It's only logical. I'm an apprentice whose experiments never worked out. Allow me to contribute in another way."
Sherizar: "Very well. Let's go make the necessary preparations."
Apprentice Chirrhari: "One death … to avoid many. This one still doesn't like how this all turned out."

If you decide to stop the sacrifices, they continue to say:

Apprentice Chirrhari: "How horrible! Those apostles … all dead!"
Sherizar: "Not just dead. Drained of life to create the simulated sunlight."
Apprentice Ohtowen: "Still, it's an amazing device. Lector Naril's a true genius."
Apprentice Idrono: "A genius? Look at this! Naril's insane!"
Sherizar: "Naril's dead. And this work is an affront to Lord Seht and everything he's taught us."
Apprentice Ohtowen: "I won't argue that point, but you can't deny that Naril accomplished what the Clockwork Mage never quite got around to doing."
Apprentice Chirrhari: "This one rejects that path! A life is worth more than a harvest. More than a hundred harvests!"
Apprentice Ohtowen: "This isn't our decision to make. We should go before the council."
Sherizar: "No, there's no decision to make. I'm shutting this horrid contraption down right now."
Apprentice Ohtowen: "But the plants! They'll die without the simulated sunlight!"
Apprentice Idrono: "We're the apprentices of the Everwound Wellspring! We'll figure out a way to save the plants."
Apprentice Chirrhari: "You really think so? This one hopes that we are up to such a task."
Apprentice Idrono: "We're Clockwork Apostles! Of course we can do this. Now, let's get to work."

They will then enter the private workshop once more, despawning once they enter. The lift north of the inductor leads you to the Garden View Vestibule, the door on the opposite side of the one you entered the Fungal Workshops and Gardens through. The crowd on the bridge will take notice to the events inside of the Wellspring.


  • Lector Naril and Apprentice Chirrhari won't exist anywhere inside the Everwound Wellspring before starting the quest.

Quest Stages[edit]

Oasis in a Metal Desert
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Sherizar, a Clockwork Apostle initiate who hopes to be selected as this year's apprentice, asked me to accompany her to the entrance to the Wellspring.
Objective: Approach the Gate
Lector Naril selected Sherizar to be this year's apprentice and invited the rest of us to come inside. I should enter the Everwound Wellspring and talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Lector Naril
Lector Naril wants to show off the wonders of this oasis. I should follow him.
Objective: Follow Lector Naril
Lector Naril finished his tour and noticed that Sherizar has wandered off. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Lector Naril
Lector Naril wants me to find Sherizar and bring her back so he can get her started on her new duties here in the Everwound Wellspring.
Objective: Find Sherizar
I found Sherizar in one of the Wellspring's fungal workshops. I should talk to her and see what she's up to.
Objective: Talk to Sherizar
Sherizar asked me to help her get past the factotums so she can talk to her old friend, Chirrhari, who also currently serves as one of Lector Naril's apprentices.
Objective: Talk to Apprentice Chirrhari
Chirrhari suggested we bring a few samples of her fungi to another apprentice named Idrono. It might help endear us to him and get him to answer Sherizar's questions. But she stressed that we only bring him the safe mushrooms.
Objective: Gather Safe Mushroom Samples: 0/3
Objective Hint: Read Chirrhari's Notes
Objective Hint: Read Chirrhari's Notes in Your Inventory
We gathered the safe mushroom samples as Chirrhari requested. Now we need to deliver them to Apprentice Idrono.
Objective: Talk to Apprentice Idrono
Optional Step: Use the Speaking Tube to Talk to Lector Naril
We need to cross the Sunless Garden to talk to Apprentice Ohtowen. Apprentice Idrono warned us to watch out for the fabricants that invaded his garden as we pass through that area.
Objective: Talk to Apprentice Ohtowen
Optional Step: Use the Speaking Tube to Talk to Lector Naril
Ohtowen suggested there might be evidence of the other apprentices in Lector Naril's private workshop. A broken vent is our best way to reach the restricted area.
Objective: Reach the Private Workshop
We entered Lector Naril's restricted area. Sherizar suggested we examine his notes to see if he makes any mention of the apprentices that appear to be unaccounted for.
Objective: Examine Lector Naril's Notes: 0/4
Lector Naril's notes indicate that the Wellspring is fueled by the life force of the missing apprentices. I should follow Sherizar into the Simulated Sunlight Atelier and see what she thinks about all this.
Objective: Enter the Atelier and Talk to Sherizar
I have to stop Lector Naril's mad plan to sacrifice Sherizar and myself in order to fuel the simulated sunlight that keeps the plants alive.
Objective: Defeat Lector Naril
I defeated Lector Naril. Now I should talk to Sherizar and decide what to do with the simulated sunlight inductor.
Objective: Talk to Sherizar
Finishes quest☑ (If you choose to stop the sacrifices) I advised Sherizar to shut down the inductor. No amount of food is worth sacrificing vibrant, healthy lives.

(If you choose to continue with the sacrifices) I advised Sherizar to call for volunteers to sacrifice themselves to keep the inductor running and the Wellspring producing food.

Objective: Talk to Sherizar
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

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