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Online:Murzaga gra-Ghorn

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Murzaga gra-Ghorn
Tribute Founder
Location Ravenwatch Castle
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club, House Ravenwatch
Condition Vampire
Murzaga gra-Ghorn

Murzaga gra-Ghorn is an Orc vampire grand Tribute master and member of the Roister's Club and House Ravenwatch who can be found on the second floor of the Ravenwatch Castle in Rivenspire.(map) She is one of the founders of the club and the creators of the game.

Murzaga plays a variation of the Rajhin, the Purring Liar deck. She will not play a game until Master Rank has been achieved.

Location Clue[edit]

Each of the Founders has gone into seclusion, so they must be tracked down from some hint or rumor that can be gotten after The Final Round has been completed. For Murzaga, it's from Brahgas.

"Razhamad revoked my membership, but he hasn't thrown me out on my ear yet, thank goodness!
I told Gelekh I could help her out around the bar. Never heard her laugh so hard, but I think she's game. Brahgas doing hard, honest work. Who'd have thought?"
Have a moment to chat?
"For you, my friend? Of course! You saved my hide!
In fact you got any jobs that need doing? Need a horse groomed? Garden weeded? As long as it doesn't involve betting, I'm game! You would have to teach me about horses and gardens, though."
Have you met any of the Roister's Club Founders?
"Founders? Really leaping into this master thing with both feet, eh?
Can't say for sure, but I think I might have met one a few months back--up in Rivenspire. She was an Orc, but a real spooky sort. Gray skin. Red eyes. See a lot of that out there."
And you think she was a Tribute player?
"I know she was!
We met on the road, late at night. I thought she meant to eat me at first, but then I noticed a pair of Tribute decks peeking out of her bodice. Naturally, I challenged her to a match. Went about as well as you might expect."
She beat you?
"Like a three-legged mule! She gave me the worst thrashing of my life.
When we parted company, she mentioned something about meeting her friends at a castle nearby. Can't remember the name ... I think it had a bird in it? Sorry, that's all I've got."


"Ah, one of Verandis's friends. Or just a weary traveler seeking refuge, maybe?
Don't worry. I won't eat you. The Count's particular about the menu here in Castle Ravenwatch. I do have a thirst for competition, though. Do you play Tales of Tribute?"
Yes, I play Tales of Tribute.
"Well, that's great news! People in my condition struggle to find opponents. Most of the tournaments take place during the day. And Verandis's band of orphans? Well, they all stink.
I helped craft the damned game, but I barely get a chance to play!"
You're a Roister's Club Founder?
"Yeah. I'm Murzaga. I help the club with acquisitions. Inks, stock, that sort of thing. Better keep that to yourself, though. We Founders value discretion.
Since you're here, though, I could really use a tough match. Bare-knuckles! Nothing held back!"
All right, let's play Tales of Tribute.
"Eh. On second thought? No. I'm tired of bleeding novices dry. I'm sure you're a fine player. But, I need a real challenge. And as you can see, I've got nothing but time.
Come back when you've got a title under your belt."
I'm game.
"Well, I can't help but respect a player who's willing to kick down the doors of a haunted castle and challenge someone six times their age.
You carry yourself like a Tribute master. Bet you taste like one too. Let's see if your skills measure up!"
Let's play Tribute.

After the victory:

Murzaga gra-Ghorn: "Now, that was a match! By Mauloch, I'll need a few hours in the coffin after a thrashing like that. Take this, champ—you earned it."

If you choose to play Tribute with her again:

"Must be getting rusty. Bah. Good news is, I've got all the time in the world to whip myself back into shape!"
Let's play Tribute again.


Murzaga uses a variant of the Rajhin, the Purring Liar deck named Grand Master Murzaga. The deck's Patron works exactly like Rajhin, the Purring Liar, and is made up of two Imperial Plunder cards, one Knight Commander, two Law of Sovereign Roost cards, two Moonlit Illusion cards, three Prophesy cards, one Prowling Shadow, two Shadow's Slumber cards, three Shield Bearer cards, two Stubborn Shadow cards, and one Twilight Revelry.



  • Although her name is gra-Ghorn, the achievement lists her name as gra-Ghom.
  • Founders will often not recognize a victory. There is no "victory" dialogue, and when spoken to again, they behave the same as if meeting them for the first time. The achievement and card fragment work correctly, so this is fairly minor.