Murk-Watcher | |||
Location | Dro-Dara Plantation | ||
Race | Argonian | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly |
Murk-Watcher is a former Argonian adventurer found at her friend Dro-Dara's plantation. She is a shaman but her old adventuring party referred to her as a cleric. All her life she has felt she is a crocodile in the wrong form.
Related Quests[edit]
- Old Adventurers: Help rescue a group of former adventurers.
- A Predator's Heart: Help an old Argonian transform into a crocodile.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Once she is rescued:
- Murk-Watcher: "Thanks to you, young one. I will find my own escape now."
She'll head to a spot out in the flooded fields among the crocodiles. After you rescue all of the other adventurers and before speaking to Dro-Dara:
- "This life is not the one for me. Star-crossed should be my name."
After the quest:
- "I am safe here. The bandits fear the crocodiles—and wisely so."
A Predator's Heart[edit]
Murk-Watcher can be found in the drenched fields during A Predator's Heart.
- "Many drowned when the levees were broken. Others were eaten by the crocodiles.
It's not the beasts' fault, though. It is their nature to hunt. Their spirits sing a song my heart hears. It is the song of the crocodile." - Knarstygg and Dro-Dara are leaving.
- "I know. It is natural for them to now return to a life a adventure, but no so for me. I must follow another path.
All my life, I have harbored a secret. It drove me to leave home and seek adventure, but now I must face my inner truth" - What is this inner truth? / What truth you must face?
- "That I am not an Argonian. I am a crocodile.
This lifetime, I have borrowed the form of another, but my true form is calling me home. I must return to the river." - Are you feeling all right?
- "No. I am not. I never have. My entire life, I have felt like a crocodile out of water. Literally.
I am old now, and this body is dying. If I become a crocodile, I can start anew. Live the life I was meant to live." - How could you become a crocodile?
- "There is a way. An incantation—the crocodile song. I was never taught it, but I have known it my whole life.
One song must end for another to begin. There is an old crocodile here. Ripplestrike. With his heart, I can sing the song." - I will get you this heart.
- "Thank you. The river has truly guided you here for this purpose.
Take this charm. Place it near Ripplestrike's nest. He will not be able to resist the call. He will come out, and then you can kill him."
- "That I am not an Argonian. I am a crocodile.
- I think you should leave with the others. / I still think you should leave with the others.
- "I could not, even if I wanted to. I am older than they. I would not survive more than a few days out there.
I have seen the future in the waters, and I must remain here. Here, at the end of my life, I must face the truth for the first time."
- "I could not, even if I wanted to. I am older than they. I would not survive more than a few days out there.
- "I know. It is natural for them to now return to a life a adventure, but no so for me. I must follow another path.
- The song of the crocodile?
- "They sing of nature's cycles. Every new life has its song, taken from an old one that is no more. Properly embodying the life of a creature often requires its death.
The song of the crocodile is loud and powerful. I know its melody."
- "They sing of nature's cycles. Every new life has its song, taken from an old one that is no more. Properly embodying the life of a creature often requires its death.
After agreeing to help Murk-Watcher with her final wish.
- "I am safe here. The bandits fear the crocodiles—and wisely so."
Once Ripplestrike has been killed:
- "Ripplestrike no longer sings. Have you taken his heart?
Hurry. We must move quickly if we are to renew the song." - Yes, I have his heart.
- "Here then, I will begin the incantation.
I would ask you to help me in this one last thing before I return to the river." - What would you ask?
- "Join me in vengeance. These bandits have destroyed what's left of my home.
I would begin my next life by avenging my previous one, but I will need you to guide me. I wish to kill their leader." - Why do you need me to guide you?
She will eat the heart of Ripplestrike to turn into a crocodile permanently in order to kill the bandit leader. She will exchange her last words as an Argonian to you:
- "When I become a crocodile, I will forget this life. If I fight beside you, I can keep my focus, at least for a little while.
I have made the preparations. Eating the heart is the last step. Fight with me, before I am gone forever. Are you ready?" - I'm ready. What's next.
- "Though my mind may not recall the favor you have done for me, my spirit will. And the river … the river never forgets.
This charm will keep me close. If we are parted, use it and I will come. When our task is done, tell Dro-Dara of my fate." - I will. Good luck to you, Murk-Watcher.
She then transforms into a Vengeful Crocodile.
If you exit the conversation before you tell her to start the incantation:
- "I am prepared to complete the incantation. Then we will get vengeance against the bandits. Will you join me?"
- I'm ready. Let's do it. (Proceeds quest dialogue)