Kathad | |||
Location | Reachwind Depths | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | House Ravenwatch (post-quest) Lothid Clan (formerly) |
Condition | Vampire |
Kathad is a Breton vampire and was, until recently, a member of the Lothid Clan. Shortly after his initial transformation, Adusa-daro helped him and encouraged him to join House Ravenwatch.
However, he was persuaded by Freyleth to go back to Reachwind Depths to help with her plan to depose Boss Trenlor, interrupting his potential recruitment.
Related Quests[edit]
- By Love Betrayed: Help Adusa-daro recruit a lost friend for House Ravenwatch.
Second Chances: Receive your accolades in Understone Keep.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
By Love Betrayed[edit]
While searching for Adusa-daro, you'll come across the vampire standing over another vampire corpse.
- Kathad: "You should have listened to reason, Marg. I'm trying to save the clan."
- He'll then disappear in a cloud of smoke.
As you make your way through the dungeon, you'll catch glimpses of him as he runs off:
- Kathad: "Hang on, Freyleth. I'm coming for you."
Continue on and you'll eventually see Kathad slay a Bloodfiend before escaping once again. Per Adusa-daro's suggestion, enter the nearby storage room and you'll finally corner the young man and his love, Freyleth. He'll turn to her before noticing you and Adusa:
- Kathad: "Stay behind me, beloved! Oh, Adusa? What are you doing here?"
- Adusa-daro: "We came to save you, Kathad. Talk to him, five-claw. I'll watch the door."
Speak to him:
- "You and Adusa shouldn't be down here. Boss Trenlor … he's not the sort of vampire who's quick to forgive and forget."
- Adusa wants to get you out of here. She's not sure why you came back in the first place.
- "I know what Adusa expects of me. I want to join the Ravenwatch, I really do. But I can't leave my Lothid brothers and sisters in this … deplorable state of existence.
I need to do … something!" - What are you talking about, Kathad?
- "Boss Trenlor turned this once-great clan into a gang of common criminals. He makes us plunder the countryside, kidnap mortals to feed upon. And if anyone objects, he casts us into the Deep Tombs and denies us blood. He turns us into feral monsters!"
- So what do you want to do about it?
- "Freyleth has a plan. A way to replace Boss Trenlor and choose a new leader. Someone who wants to improve the Lothid instead of aggrandizing their own position. Once that happens, I can leave.
Talk to Freyleth. She explains things better than I do." - How do you know Adusa-daro?
- "I encountered Adusa shortly after I … changed. She was a true friend. Helped me through the transition. I almost joined the Ravenwatch at the time, but Freyleth ….
She thought I should experience more of the world before choosing a direction."
- "I encountered Adusa shortly after I … changed. She was a true friend. Helped me through the transition. I almost joined the Ravenwatch at the time, but Freyleth ….
- How did you get involved with the Lothid clan?
- "Freyleth brought me here. She was part of the clan a long time ago and had fond memories of her time with them.
Unfortunately, since she left, Boss Trenlor became the clan leader. He welcomed us at first, but then he showed his true colors." - His true colors?
- "Boss Trenlor turned a powerful and respected clan into common criminals. He's abusive, egotistical, and cruel. He's also quite insane. Life in the clan has become intolerable, but I had to return. I had to help the clan.
I hope Adusa understands."
- "Freyleth brought me here. She was part of the clan a long time ago and had fond memories of her time with them.
Speak to him before speaking to Freyleth and he'll add:
- "Freyleth can tell you more about her plan, if you're really interested.
I hope that you and Adusa decide to help us, but either way, we can't leave until we see this through."
After getting the plan from Freyleth, he'll say:
- "Didn't I tell you? Freyleth has a plan for saving the Lothid clan. Do what she asked and then meet us upstairs, in the servant's quarters.
With that mushroom, we can even the odds and then challenge that terrible Boss Trenlor."
Find the Darkcap Mushrooms, you'll find Kathad and Freyleth in the Servant's Quarters. Freyleth will be rising up off of a dead servant.
- Kathad: "She didn't have to die, Freyleth."
- Freyleth: "We couldn't have her raise the alarm, Kathad. This only works if Trenlor suspects nothing."
Talk to Kathad.
- "There was no reason for another member of the clan to die, but Freyleth refuses to see it that way. Still, we need to press on.
Were you successful? Did you find a darkcap mushroom?" - Yes, I acquired a darkcap mushroom.
- "Good. Then we're that much closer to completing Freyleth's plan and replacing Boss Trenlor. Obviously, none of us can walk in and join the Lothid celebration. Everyone knows we were cast into the Deep Tombs.
You'll have to perform the next step." - The next step?
- "You need to get past the clan members to reach Trenlor's throne. Then just drop the mushroom into his chalice of blood. We'll take care of the rest.
You'll need a disguise, though. Lothid celebrations are chaotic, but they'd easily spot an outsider." - What kind of disguise?
- "Already taken care of. Here. Put on these servant's clothes. The clan will ignore you if you look like one of the mortal servants.
The chalice sits on the table near the throne. Place the mushroom in the chalice. Then step back and wait for us."
Before you put on the disguise:
- "I hope that fits. With the rest of the servants already upstairs attending to the party, this was the best we could acquire."
After you've put on the disguise, you can speak to him again:
- "Once you reach Boss Trenlor's court, remember to act like you belong there. If they think you're just one of the servants, most of the vampires will ignore you.
We'll join you once Boss Trenlor is weakened by the darkcap." - What happens after Boss Trenlor drinks from the tainted chalice?
- "Freyleth says the darkcap will work instantly. Weaken Trenlor so he's more like other vampires. Then Freyleth will launch the final stage of her plan.
She'll challenge Trenlor for leadership of the clan." - And the rest of the clan is just going to let this happen?
- "The Lothid clan hates Boss Trenlor. They're just too afraid to go against him. Once Freyleth issues her challenge, they'll probably cheer her on. I know I will.
It's almost done, friend. Do your part and trust that we'll do ours."
In the audience hall, you'll poison the chalice and hand it to Trenlor. He takes a swig and doubles over.
- Boss Trenlor: "Bah! Stupid slave! You gave me spoiled blood!"
Adusa, Freyleth, and Kathad enter the hall:
- Freyleth: "It's not spoiled, you bastard. That's darkcap!"
- Kathad: "Freyleth? You … poisoned …."
Trenlor slumps into his throne, dead.
- Adusa-daro: "Murder, Freyleth? Where is your honor?"
- Freyleth: "Boss Trenlor got exactly what he deserved. And now I want to talk to our friend here."
- Adusa-daro: "Let's go, Kathad. Freyleth has chosen her path. It's time you took another."
Speak to Freyleth and she'll tell you this was her plan all along. When you ask about her and Kathad, she'll state that "Kathad has too much damn virtue in his blood for my taste."
She'll then turn to the gathered crowd:
- Freyleth: "We are free, my brothers and sisters! Let us drink to the Lothid clan and its new leader—me!"
- Freyleth: "Oh, don't worry. I didn't poison all of the chalices!"
- Kathad: "I wanted to save the clan, but not like this."
- Freyleth: "Leaving me, Kathad? Fine. Go join your precious cat and pretend not to be the monster you are."
Kathad and Adusa will have left Reachwind Depths and will be discussing the situation outside:
- Kathad: "Freyleth lied to us, but the clan is better off in her hands than Boss Trenlor's. I'm ready to join the Ravenwatch now."
- Adusa-daro: "That's her way, Kathad. Five-claw, a word."
If you speak to him before speaking to Adusa:
- "Freyleth lied to me. To all of us. Still, we accomplished what I set out to do. We freed the Lothid clan from that monster, Boss Trenlor.
Whatever happens next is up to them. It's time for me to walk a different path."
Once you've completed business with Adusa:
- "I'm sorry Freyleth tricked you. I didn't know the darkcap would kill Boss Trenlor. Once the mushroom weakened him, I planned to challenge him in her stead.
I was as surprised as you and Adusa when he fell back in his throne and just … died." - Have you decided to join the Ravenwatch?
- "I want to. If Adusa and the others will still have me.
I know I have a lot to prove to them. A lot to live up to. I hope they'll give me a chance to show them what I have to offer. And I look forward to learning from them as well."
- "I want to. If Adusa and the others will still have me.
- Do you think the Lothid clan will accept Freyleth as their leader?
- "The clan always respected Freyleth. And, in general, they hated Boss Trenlor. His power and their fear, it kept them bound as effectively as locks and chains.
I have no doubt the clan will accept Freyleth's leadership. I suspect they already have." - You came back here for Freyleth. Why leave now?
- "I returned to save Freyleth and the clan from Boss Trenlor. I accomplished that. I know the clan is better off than it was. That it has a more promising future. But that future doesn't include me.
My path leads in a different direction."
- "The clan always respected Freyleth. And, in general, they hated Boss Trenlor. His power and their fear, it kept them bound as effectively as locks and chains.
Second Chances[edit]
He can be found in the Announcement Hall in the Understone Keep if you have completed By Love Betrayed before Second Chances next to other members of House Ravenwatch. You can talk to him:
- "You're the one who killed Rada al-Saran? Who helped stop the Gray Host? I had no idea. You should have told me. You're a legend!"
- Is life in the Ravenwatch everything you expected?
- "Hard to say. Adusa-daro has begun my training, but there's only so much we can accomplish out here in the Reach.
She says we'll be heading to Rivenspire soon. So I can train in Ravenwatch Castle. And I met Gwendis and Fennorian. They welcomed me." - What do you think of Gwendis and Fennorian. [sic]
- "Adusa says they're my sister and brother now. Fennorian seems nice enough, if a little too scholarly for my taste. Gwendis, however, she's intense. None of my actual siblings ever looked at me the way she does. It's … disconcerting."
- She's probably just teasing you.
- "If you say so. Hopefully, once I prove myself, they'll accept me as true member of the family.
In the meantime, I'm trying to remember everything Adusa tells me. I want to make sure she never regrets coming to my aid. Or you, either, my friend."
- Kathad is voiced by Wes Johnson.