Online:Joslin Coravel
Joslin Coravel | |||
Location | Galen | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly |
Joslin Coravel is a Breton thief who has been slowly turning into a tree as a result of a curse.
Related Quests[edit]
- Cursed and Coniferous
: Help cure a druidic curse on a pair of Breton thieves near Fauns' Thicket
And Now, Perhaps, Peace: Give peace a chance.
Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]
Near Fauns' Thicket, where the three roads intersect, you will find Joslin Coravel and Octin Larouche along with Druid Fenas. When approaching for the first time, the trio will have the following dialogue:
- Joslin Coravel: "I'm turning into a tree. A tree, Octin!"
- Octin Larouche: "At least your bark is beautiful. I got turned into a floaty orb thing!"
- Druid Fenas: "It'd be a lot easier to translate this tablet if I had some quiet."
Speak to Joslin to begin the quest. You quickly find out she and her cousin Octin are thieves that stole an ancient druid tablet but they got afflicted with a curse when Octin dropped it and it broke into pieces. Joslin's skin is turned to bark and Octin is transformed into a wisp.
- "See this? I'm covered in bark! I'm turning into a tree!
Druid Fenas is doing his best to determine the nature of the curse, but we're going to need more help. I'd give everything we ever stole to fix this." - Tell me how this happened.
- "My cousin, Octin over there. That's how this happened!
We went to ... procure equipment from Fauns' Thicket. Octin picked up a stone tablet, but he's as graceful as a drunk sow when he's figuring out our profits. He dropped it and poof!" - Poof?
- "Look at him! We have to break the curse. Druid Fenas is trying to figure out what that entails, but he can't do it alone. I'm covered in bark and Octin's got no body. We could really use some help. Don't make me beg.
Please." - I'll help Druid Fenas figure out how to break the curse.
You can ask further questions about the predicament the cousins got into:
- "You're willing to help? That's perfect! I'm not really sure about Druid Fenas, and Octin usually handles the logistics. I was worried I was going to have to rely on myself, and that never turns out well.
Talk to the druid. See if he has any ideas." - If Octin broke the tablet, how come you got cursed, too?
- "Octin's always been the thinker. I'm the impulsive one. So, when the tablet broke and Octin disappeared into a ball of energy, I thought he got vaporized. I went to pick up the broken pieces of stone before I even realized what I was doing."
- Then what happened?
- "I started to turn into a tree and I panicked!
I suppose Octin took the brunt of the curse since he transformed immediately. I'm changing slowly. Maybe that means the tablet blames me more."- Why would the tablet blame you?
- "I don't know! Maybe because I didn't stop Octin from breaking it? Or that we…procured it without asking permission? I don't know how any druid magic works!
That's why we asked Fenas to help. He's a druid. He knows about this stuff!"
- "I don't know! Maybe because I didn't stop Octin from breaking it? Or that we…procured it without asking permission? I don't know how any druid magic works!
- Why would the tablet blame you?
- "I started to turn into a tree and I panicked!
- Then what happened?
- "Octin's always been the thinker. I'm the impulsive one. So, when the tablet broke and Octin disappeared into a ball of energy, I thought he got vaporized. I went to pick up the broken pieces of stone before I even realized what I was doing."
- Where did you find the tablet?
- "Fauns' Thicket. Some druid went there to study the Fauns and left all her things behind. It's a little old and outdated, but our fence said we could get a good price for whatever we brought him."
- You were stealing from a druid?
- "Not stealing, procuring. That old place is abandoned. The druids are content to just let nature claim it. But there's someone this island who will pay a lot of gold for some dusty journals and stuff.
We couldn't pass up the opportunity."
- "Not stealing, procuring. That old place is abandoned. The druids are content to just let nature claim it. But there's someone this island who will pay a lot of gold for some dusty journals and stuff.
- You were stealing from a druid?
- "Fauns' Thicket. Some druid went there to study the Fauns and left all her things behind. It's a little old and outdated, but our fence said we could get a good price for whatever we brought him."
- How did you get Druid Fenas to agree to help you?
- "He grumbled something about his responsibilities as a Stonelore Druid. If you ask me, I think he's hoping to convince us to give back all the equipment we took. Procured.
He probably knows the druid it belongs to. But she left it to rot!"- Why would a druid have a cursed tablet?
- "No idea. Seems fairly irresponsible to me. Anyone could just pick it up, break it, and get cursed. Maybe she wanted to keep people like Octin and me from stealing her research?
Druid Fenas said he might be able to help, so we're letting him."
- "No idea. Seems fairly irresponsible to me. Anyone could just pick it up, break it, and get cursed. Maybe she wanted to keep people like Octin and me from stealing her research?
- Why would a druid have a cursed tablet?
- "He grumbled something about his responsibilities as a Stonelore Druid. If you ask me, I think he's hoping to convince us to give back all the equipment we took. Procured.
After the quest is started, the following dialogue plays:
- Joslin Coravel: "This adventurer agreed to help us. Does that help solve our problem?"
- Octin Larouche: "An adventurer, ey? That explains the boots"
- Druid Fenas: "An adventurer? Come here, I'll tell you how to help"
After speaking to Druid Fenas, she will mark your map:
- "I don't care what the druid says. I'm not going near the lava pools. I'll meet you here. Where it's safe.
Don't worry. I can cast a spell if it's written down clearly. You should be able to retrieve one of these fire shards after that."
Go north from Embervine delve to find Joslin next to a bridge over the lava. When approached, she will say:
- Joslin Coravel: "Over here! Let's talk about getting a fire shard."
Talk to her to learn the spell to safely retrieve the fire shard.
- "My ideas rarely work out for the best, but I can tell that getting you involved was one of my better ones.
That's a fire shard out there, just what Druid Fenas wants. But you'll need to get it unless you want me to go up like kindling." - How do I retrieve the fire shard?
- "'With the freezing spell the druid gave me. Be careful, there's just the one.
Look, I'm not getting close to the lava. Not like this. So you take the spell. It will cool down the fire shard without extinguishing it. Make it safe to carry. For awhile." - For awhile?
- "I'm not a druid. How should I know how long the stupid spell will last? Just be quick and everything should be fine.
I'll wait right here." - All right, I'll use the freezing spell to retrieve a fire shard.
Speaking to her again:
- "Remember, you're after a rock in the middle of the lava fissure. It's going to be too hot to touch if you don't use the freezing spell.
I don't mean to nag, but I'd really like to keep both of us from bursting into flames."
Approach the fire shard location and use the spell to cool down the fire around the shard. When successful, Joslin will exclaim:
- Joslin Coravel: "You did it! Now grab the shard and get back here."
Before you pick up the shard:
- "Well, the freezing spell did something. See if you can pick up the fire shard now. Just be careful! If this goes bad and your hands start to melt….Don't blame me, all right?"
Grab the shard and talk to Joslin again to progress the stage.
- "I saw how you cast that spell. You're a natural! How's the fire shard? Not too hot, I hope. Nah, you're not screaming or bursting into flames or anything. The druid's spell worked, just like he promised it would."
- We have the fire shard. What's next?
- "Next, I head back to the druid and Faun's Thicket while you go and meet Octin.
He can point out the sacred tree where you need to gather the sap from." - How does Octin know which is the right sacred tree?
- "The druid told him. Or maybe he can sense it with his new glowing ball of light abilities. I don't know! All i know is you should hurry to the north and find him.
He shouldn't be left alone for too long."
She will have concerns for her cousin:
- You think Octin's in trouble?
- "Octin's usually really level-headed and focused. You may not believe it, but he's the brains behind all our exploits.
Something happened to him though. More than becoming a sprite. It's like he can't think straight for more than a few moments." - What do you mean?
- "Just what I said! Whatever happened to his mind when the curse started, it's getting worse. Right now, I'm worried he couldn't remember his own name if his name depended on it.
I miss my cousin."
Return to Fauns' Thicket, this time closer to the delve than where you found the group originally. Upon arriving, you will hear the following dialogue:
- Joslin Coravel: "You want to do what? No. Think it through. Flammable tree bark over here!"
- Octin Larouche: "But this will go faster if we break up the fire shard. More shards mean more heat and —"
- Druid Fenas: "Ah, the adventurer returns. Bring me the fire shard and the sap, please."
You have a chance to speak to her before Fenas:
- "I hope Druid Fenas knows what he's doing. Just be careful of that fire shard. I've seen what a single spark can do to a forest, and I have no desire to become a bonfire!
Damn it all, I don't want to be a tree!" - What's it feel like, Joslin?
- "What's it feel like? Like I'm turning into a tree!
My bones are stretching. My skin has turned into bark. My feet are growing roots. If I stand still too long, I'm afraid I'm going to become planted! The druid has to break the curse. He just has to!" - And how's Octin's doing?
- "Octin's a ball of light! How do you expect he's doing? He's getting more confused with every passing moment. I suppose I'd find it hard to think if all I had for a head was a pulsating sparkle.
Hey, could we get on with the curse breaking now?"
After exiting the dialogue, Joslin will be apologetic to her cousin:
- Joslin Coravel: "Octin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's just ... I'm scared."
- Octin Larouche: "Don't worry, Joslin. I literally forgot all about it until you just mentioned it."
Before you go inside Fauns' Thicket:
- "Druid Fenas wants us to go back into Fauns' Thicket? Is that really such a good idea? No. No. No. I—I'm all right. I can do this. We have to if there's a chance to break this damn curse.
The way inside is right over there. That's how we got in."
Enter Fauns' Thicket delve and search for the ritual site. Keep on the right road until you reach the platform with the three NPCs waiting around a stone table. Approach the site to progress the stage and trigger the following dialogue:
- Joslin Coravel: "Stop ignoring us, Fenas! We want to help"
- Octin Larouche: "What are we doing out here again?"
Speaking to her before the druid:
- "Why won't the druid talk to us? Why won't he let us help? This is so frustrating! I am turning into a tree and there's nothing I can do to stop it!
Arrgh! You talk to the druid. He seems to like you better, anyway."
When the ritual starts:
- "Was this supposed to happen? The blasted druid didn't tell us anything about this! Just be careful, please. I don't want to catch on fire!"
When you notice the ritual is not going as planned and before you speak to Fenas:
- "You finished the ritual, didn't you? Then why am I still covered in bark?
My feet, they're…taking root! Please, talk to Druid Fenas. I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a tree!"
Now you must decide to break the curse on either Joslin or Octin. You can speak to each of them, and they will each beg you to choose the other:
- "What did the druid say? Only one of us can be saved? Why is this happening to us? We were just trying to earn a living!"
- Yes, Druid Fenas says only one of you can be saved. He wants me to choose.
- "That's ... that's so unfair! I don't want to be a tree!
Well, if only one of us can have our life back, I want you to choose Octin. He's too smart to let his mind turn to mush. Or light. Or whatever. Just don't tell him ... I'm scared." - I choose you, Joslin. Touch the tablet. (She is chosen to be cured)
- I should talk to Octin before I make my decision.
- "If you must, but don't let him sway you. I want Octin to go back to the way he was. No one should have to lose their mind and turn into a ball of light. Especially not someone as brilliant as my cousin. Whatever the two of you talk about, choose him."
Once you've made your choice, the ritual ends and the person is cured, while the other will remain cursed forever.
- Joslin Coravel: "Quickly, please! Save Octin, too!"
- Druid Fenas: "I cannot. The ritual has run its course."
After choosing her to be cured:
- "What did you do! I told you to choose Octin! How could you make him stay like that? He's too smart and funny to spend the rest of his life as a signal flare!"
- I could only choose one of you, Joslin. I chose you.
- "Oh, my poor cousin! How will I fix this? Octin was the brains and — no. I'll figure something out. I have to.
Here, I said I settle my debts and I meant it. You saved me and I do appreciate that. I'll find a way to do the same for Octin. Somehow."
After the quest:
- "What am I going to tell my aunt? And how am I going to keep Octin from drifting away in a strong breeze? I'll have to get Druid Fenas to help. We'll work together and we'll figure something out.
I'll fix Octin. Somehow." - You really think you can restore Octin?
- "Not on my own. I'm not a scholar or a mage. But with Druid Fenas to help me, we'll find a way to restore my cousin to his rightful form.
Look, I know you were put into an impossible situation. Thanks again for making me not a tree." - Well, good luck, Joslin.
- "Luck won't be a factor. This is a job for skill. My skill as a…procurer of things that aren't mine. And Druid Fenas's skill as a…well, as a druid.
I owe my cousin everything. This is my responsibility now, and I mean to live up to it."
After you exit out of the conversation, she will vow to save Octin:
- Joslin Coravel: "Octin? I'll find a way to restore you. I swear it!"
And Now, Perhaps, Peace[edit]
If you previously completed Cursed and Coniferous, and chosen Joslin to be saved, she will appear as a guest at All Flags Islet during the peace talks:
- "I saw someone handing out expensive glasses of wine. I hope we don't have to return those."
- Have you found a way to restore Octin yet?
- "Not yet, but I think we're getting closer. Druid Fenas isn't giving up and neither am I. He's been talking to druids from all the circles. Sooner or later, someone will think of something.
In the meantime, I'm saving a lot of gold on candles."
After speaking to Count Stefan, she will say:
- "This is a lot of fancy-dressed nobles. Hope my dirt-stained boots don't draw too much attention."
- Have you found a way to restore Octin yet? (Same response as above)
After completing the quest, speaking to her:
- "Well look at you, the hero of the archipelago! Mind if I tell some of these nobles that I know you? Maybe they know someone who can help me change Octin back to how he's supposed to be."