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Online:Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine

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An Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine

The Iron Orc Nirncrux Mines are five mines in Upper Craglorn. They consist of an open area guarded by three trolls, although large groups of Iron Orcs with Welwas, consisting of four waves, will begin to pour out of the mine entrance once you attack. Groups must hold off the attackers and kick the three barrels of kindle (also, defeating all enemies causes the barrels to kick themselves in) to collapse the mine and summon a Troll Colossus. Killing the troll leads to the end of the encounter.


Survive the event for a treasure chest that will appear near the mine entrance. The chest has a chance to drop the Torc Throat Guards antiquity lead for the Torc of Tonal Constancy. Also, a "Stable Nirncrux" seam can be activated to receive the Nirncrux Infusion buff for 1 hour, which increases your Physical Resistance by 6600 while in Craglorn.



There is one achievement associated with these locations:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Nirncrux Inspector.png Nirncrux Inspector 15 Discover and complete all five Iron Orc Nirncrux Mines in Craglorn.


  • Since Update 12, they have been categorized as Group Bosses, with each one having a unique name. Before then, they were listed under Group Events, each as an "Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine".
  • Prior to Update 12, these locations used ON-mapicon-Mine.pngMine map markers.
  • Enemies slain during these events (except for the first three trolls initially found at the site) don't grant experience or loot.
  • Unlike Anka-Ra Burial Sites and Magical Anomalies, if you die/fail the objective during an Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine event, you can resume and keep your progress if you revive at the location.
    • However, if you do so, the treasure chest won't appear at the end, but the location will still count as being cleared.


  • Initiating combat with the Troll Colossus into the mine entrance as it collapses can cause the troll to be partially stuck in the rubble, making it impossible to target it with direct attacks until backing away to lead it out in the open. Issue is more visible when companions are involved. ?