Online:Chief Urzikh
Chief Urzikh | |||
Home Settlement | Mor Khazgur | ||
Race | Orc | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Daggerfall Covenant (formerly) |
Chief Urzikh is an Orc and the chief of the clan at Mor Khazgur.
Related Quests[edit]
- A Clan Divided: Help an Orc stronghold in crisis with the collapse of their mine.
Daughter of the Wolf: Check in with Solitude's survivors after the Harrowstorm.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
A Clan Divided[edit]
Approaching the mine entrance, you will hear Overseer Thulsgreg and Chief Urzikh arguing.
- Overseer Thulsgreg: "Damn it, Urzikh … chief! We can't risk letting those monsters out. Think about the rest of the clan!"
- Chief Urzikh: "We're Orcs, Thulsgreg. I'm not about to tuck tail while our kin fight for their lives."
Speak to her to find out what's going on:
- "This isn't your business, stranger. Mauloch's jawbone, how did you even get in here?
Ugh. Doesn't matter. I've got this insubordinate worm to deal with. My people are trapped in the mine and need help. If he doesn't fall in line, it's his funeral."
After speaking to Overseer Thulsgreg, you can talk to her before you leave:
- "If you have a plan, you should get to it. Every moment we spend talking is another moment my people are fighting for their lives.
Time is running out." - Why do you dislike Overseer Thulsgreg so much?
- "He's a bull-headed traditionalist who constantly drags his feet. He and his wife would rather eat dirt than admit what I've done has helped the clan.
Basically, he makes things more difficult. Trust me - being chief is difficult on the best of days." - So, his wife causes you trouble too?
- "More than he does. That's the problem with those two. They're so busy fretting over each other, they miss the big picture.
I don't have a spouse, you see? I'm married to the clan. The clan is my family, and I will do anything to protect my family."
After retrieving the key, she will say as you approach:
- Chief Urzikh: "Do you have the key? We're wasting valuable time."
- "Did you recover the key?"
- Yes, I have it.
- "Good. I don't know how you convinced her, but I don't care.
Now we can get inside and rescue my people. Maybe we'll even get lucky and find out how this tragedy occurred in the first place." - Overseer Thulsgreg and Mazog think your alchemy must have caused the collapse.
- "No surprise there.
The fact is, my stonemelt solution is completely safe. Mazog has never liked my methods, or my leadership. She worries like an Elf three times her age. If she or Thulsgreg had even a mouse's courage, they'd be thanking me." - Do you think Mazog might have something to do with the mine collapse?
- "No. No! She's insubordinate. Fretful. But she'd never put her kin in danger. Sabotage isn't in her nature—or Thulsgreg's.
Give me the key, we're wasting time." - Take it. I'll meet you inside.
Inside the mine, you'll find her questioning a survivor:
- Chief Urzikh: "You there! Are there other survivors? Where's foreman Mugha?"
- Yagut: "I haven't seen Mugha since the cave-in, chief. The rest are in hiding! The mines are completely overrun."
- Chief Urzikh: "All right. Search the tunnels! Let's find the others."
Before you look for the others, you can talk to her:
- "The collapse is farther down, but some of the survivors might be nearby. Thulsgreg and I will take one path, you take the other. Save as many as you can.
And keep an eye out for the foreman, Mugha. If anyone knows what happened, it would be him." - Any idea what's attacking the miners?
- "The Orcs who saw them said they looked like pale Goblins with eyes like moles. I've heard tales like this before. Hearthmother's stories to keep the little ones out of the mine. I guess some tall tales are true.
Come on. Let's find the survivors."
She and Thulsgreg will head down one passage looking for survivors and you will search the other. After finding a couple of miners and hearing their stories, you can catch up with Thulsgreg at the location of the cave-in. Zurgrol and Opgog will be digging at the rubble while Thulsgreg and Urzikh argue over what to do.
- Chief Urzikh "We'll never get to them in time at this rate! We need to dissolve the stone!"
- Overseer Thuslgreg: "Open your eyes, Urzikh. It's too unstable. We can't risk a larger collapse!"
Talk with the Chief about her plan, she wants you to make some Stonemelt Potion and use it to remove the block.
- "Thulsgreg mewls like a dog while our kin fight for their lives!
Attacking this stone with pick and spade is asinine. We have to make our way through with the stonemelt solution." - How do we do that?
- "Looks like these damned creatures scattered the ingredients all over the place. I'm not about to send these miners back into harm's way.
So, how about it, outsider? Can you track the ingredients down and bring them back?" - Sure, I can find the ingredients. How does this potion work?
- "Mixing the three reagents together creates a potent alchemical solvent. It's perfectly safe, but it does work quickly, so be prepared to move.
Just follow my instructions on the table over there. It contains a list of everything you need." - What happens if I make a mistake?
- "We'll lose precious time. So, don't make a mistake.
Don't fret, all right? The instructions are simple. That's why I'm having you prepare it instead of doing it myself. I need to show the clan that anyone can do this—even an outsider. No offense." - How did you learn about this stonemelt solution?
- "Just like anything else—in battle. I served the Covenant for a while, and I met a sapper who could collapse castle walls with potions.
Made me uncomfortable at first. Just like this lot. But then I started studying and realized its potential." - So, this started as a siege technique?
- "It did. But not everything used in war is fundamentally destructive. If I could just get my clan to understand the value of it ….
To be a chief is to be frustrated. All the time. I just hope we can all learn something here."
If you talk to her again, she will remind you about the recipe instructions.
- "The stonemelt mixing instructions are over there by the table. I'm trusting you to show everyone just how simple the process is."
Once you've found all the ingredients and created the solution:
- Chief Urzikh: "Perfect! Now, pour the solution onto the rocks blocking the entrance."
Talking to her before throwing the potion:
- "Good work! Throw the solution on the rocks, then step back and watch!"
Once you've applied the solution, there will be an immediate reaction as a cloud of green smoke emerges.
- Chief Urzikh "It's working, everyone stand back!"
- <The workers flee and the rocks glow red hot before disappearing.>
- Chief Urzikh "Well done! Can your shovels and pickaxes compete with that, Thulsgreg?"
- Overseer Thuslgreg: "Even a blind echatere finds a pumpkin once in a while. It was luck and nothing more … chief."
If you speak with her afterwards:
- "You see? Harmless.
Come on. We still haven't found Mugha, or some of the other miners. Let's move."
Once you head deeper into the cave, you'll find a large cavern with deep fissures in the floor:
- Chief Urzikh "Mauloch's jawbone … what happened in here?"
- Chief Urzikh "No time to mull it over. If anyone knows, it'll be Mugha. He was probably on the scaffolding managing the evacuation. Head up there and look for him."
- "I've never seen anything like this. That fissure …. Did the stonemelt really do all this? Doesn't matter. We have miners to save.
By my count, three Orcs are still missing—including the foreman, Mugha." - Do you think Mugha survived?
- "He's tough as an Orsinium anvil. He survived. I'm sure of it.
Like I said, he probably barked out orders from the scaffolding. Better vantage point up there. You search the top, and I'll look for the other miners below. And hey. One other thing." - What?
- "Make sure you find out what he knows about all this. I need the full story. I need to know who's to blame.
Even if it's me." - All right. I'll find Mugha and ask him what happened.
- "No telling what's crawling around in here. Fight well, all right? Go."
Before you leave, you can talk to her one more time:
- "Those geodes would almost be beautiful if monsters weren't using them to climb into my mine. What a disaster.
No time to lose. Get going."
Once you've found the rest of the missing Orcs, you'll meet her again on your way out of the mine, where a boulder is blocking the back exit:
- Chief Urzikh "Use the stonemelt solution on the boulders and get us out of here!"
- "You still have the stonemelt right? Use the rest of it to unblock the door!"
After you've used the stonemelt, before you exit the mine:
- "This clan doesn't abandon its own. We fight to the end."
Back down in the stronghold, you'll find everyone involved in the incident on the platform in front of the longhouse. It is time for the truth to come out and judgement.
- Overseer Thulsgreg: "Chief Urzikh, we don't need to do this in public."
- Chief Urzikh "I need to know … everyone needs to know what happened down there, Thulsgreg."
- <Chief Urzikh speaks louder so everyone can hear.>
- Chief Urzikh "This clan has suffered enough resentful whispers and bad blood. It's time to clear the air!"
Before talking to Thulsgreg:
- "Thulsgreg seems anxious to talk to you. Go on and speak with him. I need to hear the truth."
After you've talked to Thulsgreg and listened to his request you can present Urzikh with what you learnt.
- "The clan survives. Barely. We couldn't have done it without your help. I don't say this often … but, thank you.
Now, tell me. Did you find anything while you were down there? Anything that might explain how this all happened?" - Mazog altered the recipe to try and take the strain off the miners.
- "Damn it. I suspected as much, but I really hoped I was wrong.
She's given me no choice. I must invoke the Blood Price. Mazog's actions led to the death of her kin, and the near collapse of our stronghold. I will remove her tusks myself." - Thulsgreg thinks you're guilty as well. You forced this new method on the clan without listening.
- "Of course Thulsgreg blames me. He always blames me! I brought this clan—this family—back from the brink! I gave us a second chance! I … I pushed too hard.
This is what being a chief looks like. If our roles were reversed, what would you do?" - Tell me more about your two options.
- "Punishing Mazog will set an example, and it's what the clan expects. We follow the Code for a reason. But showing mercy might set us on a new path—one with less anger and distrust.
You're an ally to this clan now. What do you think?"- Mazog has to be punished. (Mazog has her tusks removed)
- "I'm inclined to agree.
Thulsgreg always argues in favor of tradition. The Code of Malacath demands repayment in blood. Without discipline and accountability, this stronghold falls apart. Thank you. Please, take this as a token of our friendship."
- "I'm inclined to agree.
- You should spare Mazog. (Mazog is spared)
- "You make a good point.
I need to show my clan that I don't just offer a new approach to mining. I offer a new approach to what life in the clan means. And that starts now—with mercy. Thank you. Please, take this as a token of our friendship."
- "You make a good point.
- Mazog has to be punished. (Mazog has her tusks removed)
- "Punishing Mazog will set an example, and it's what the clan expects. We follow the Code for a reason. But showing mercy might set us on a new path—one with less anger and distrust.
- Orcs died because of Mazog's choices. I'd take Mazog's tusks. (Mazog has her tusks removed)
- "I'm inclined to agree.
Thulsgreg always argues in favor of tradition. The Code of Malacath demands repayment in blood. Without discipline and accountability, this stronghold falls apart. Thank you. Please, take this as a token of our friendship."
- "I'm inclined to agree.
- I'd spare Mazog. You said yourself—you pushed too hard. She was only trying to help the clan. (Mazog is spared)
- "You make a good point.
I need to show my clan that I don't just offer a new approach to mining. I offer a new approach to what life in the clan means. And that starts now—with mercy. Thank you. Please, take this as a token of our friendship."
- "You make a good point.
If you can exit out of the conversation and try to talk to her again:
- "The clan awaits for me to render a verdict.
Have you given this predicament any more thought?" - Yes, I have.
- "Good. Then what do you recommend, clan-friend?"
- Mazog must be punished. (Mazog has her tusks removed)
- You should spare Mazog. (Mazog is spared)
If you choose to punish Mazog, the Chief will announce her decision:
- Chief Urzikh "Hear your chief! The evidence is clear. Mazog is to blame for the mine disaster. I will take the Blood Price!"
- Thulsgreg: "No …."
- Chief Urzikh "I'm sorry, Thulsgreg. Tradition demands it."
If you choose to spare Mazog, the Chief will instead proclaim:
- Chief Urzikh "Hear your chief! Mazog made a foolish mistake. But there has been enough bloodshed today."
- Overseer Thulsgreg "Thank you, Chief Urzikh. Thank you!"
- <He walks over to Mazog and unties her.>
- Chief Urzikh "As chief, I shoulder the blame as well. We Orcs are slow to forgive. But we will forgive!"
Daughter of the Wolf[edit]
She will also appear for the ceremony during Daughter of the Wolf if you completed her quest beforehand:
- "You have shown yourself to be a true warrior, not only at Mor Khazgur, but here, too.
My clan is eager to repay you and help these people. We know their suffering all too well."
Once the quest is complete, she can be asked about her future plans. If you come back to the stronghold later, she can be found in the longhouse where she is looking into the fire.
- What will you do about those creatures still stalking the mine?
- "Hmph. That will take time.
Our clan knows those tunnels better than anyone. We're in no condition to mount a full assault, but with planning and the right alchemical concoctions, we should be able to selectively cave in the shafts that are overrun." - You're going to lose a lot of your mine that way.
- "You're right. We will. But part of being an Orc is starting with less.
We'll find new deposits. Maybe stretch our operation to the hills east of the stronghold. The Nords won't like it, but you know what I say to that." - I don't know. What do you say to that?
- "Tough."