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Online:Catina Garrana

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Catina Garrana
Location Forsaken Citadel
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Catina Garrana

Catina Garrana is an Imperial standing by the bridge to the Forsaken Citadel. She reveals that she has been drawn to the ruined fort after experiencing unsettling dreams after her mother passed away and requests your aid.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Dreams of the Forsaken[edit]

"Oh! Sorry, I barely saw you there. Can I help you?
Wait. Where are my manners? Catina Garrana—daughter to Consul Honoria. Former consul, I should say. She passed recently. I'm rambling. Sorry. My head, it's just... I haven't been sleeping well."
You're clearly exhausted. Is everything all right?
"Honestly? No. Far from it. I find myself plagued by unsettling dreams.
Every night since my mother died, my mind returns to this place. I see a man scribbling a letter. I hold my mother's necklace out to him. His eyes turn to me, then I wake."
This place looks dangerous. Do you plan to go inside?
"I... I don't know. I just can't shake the feeling that my mother has unfinished business in the citadel. Something to do with her necklace and that man.
Perhaps you could take the necklace inside for me? It's the key to this mystery, I know it."
Fair enough. Give me the necklace. I'll help you sort out this mystery.

The quest will then be added to your journal and Catina will show her gratitude, plus you get the opportunity to ask some more questions.

"I can't tell you how grateful I am for your assistance.
A woman in my position can't afford to fall asleep at state dinners. And my mother... she should be resting peacefully in Aetherius, not calling out for help from beyond the grave."
What do you know about this place?
"It's an Imperial war college called the Topal Legionary Academy. Or it was, at any rate. Now the locals call it the Forsaken Citadel.
Some of the Empire's greatest tacticians studied and taught here—my mother among them.
What happened to it?
"The flu.
The Knahaten Flu held this region in a vise grip for years, killing Khajiit by the thousands. According to my mother, the commandant locked the academy gates and refused to let anyone in or out. But walls keep out soldiers, not plagues."
So the legionaries succumbed to the flu?
"Truthfully? No one knows. The gates never reopened, and mother refused to speak about it.
I can tell you this, though—someone or something still patrols those halls. People say you can hear groans and howls at all hours. The undead, I fear."
State dinners? Are you a diplomat of some kind?
"I am. Following in my mother's footsteps, I suppose. Or trying, at any rate.
As I said before, she served as a consul before she passed—tending to the concerns of Imperial citizens and breaking bread with the Khajiiti councilors in Senchal."
If your mother was a diplomat, why would she draw you to a military academy?
"She began her career as a legionary, believe it or not. She even taught here for a time. I suppose she just softened with age.
Honestly, my mother rarely spoke of the time she spent here. I always got the sense she preferred to leave it in the past."
Did she ever say anything about the necklace? About its significance?
"Only at the end.
She drifted in and out during her final days. In one of her last lucid moments, she placed the necklace in my hand and whispered, "forgive." I thought she was asking for my forgiveness. Now, I'm not so sure."
Tell me more about these dreams. Are they always the same?
"I can never recall the beginnings, but they always end the same.
I'm standing outside the citadel, just as we are now. Suddenly, I'm inside. I walk down a dank hallway that opens into a larger chamber. Then, I spot him at his writing desk. The man."
Can you describe him?
"Hmm. Weary? Troubled, certainly. Consumed by some secret resentment.
I approach to get a better look at him. His hand drifts to a stop. Without even thinking about it, I hold out my mother's necklace. Urging him to take it, I suppose."
But he doesn't.
"No. His eyes flick upward to look at me. Tired, reddening eyes. Much like mine, in fact. We stare at each other for a moment, then I wake in a cold sweat.
I know it sounds simple, but there's an anguish there I can't even begin to describe."

Once you have entered the Forbidden Citadel and done what has been requested of you by Jano Invel, Catina is waiting for you by the exit. She will greet you with:

"Thank the Eight, you're back! What did you discover? Is my mother's soul at rest?"
Yes, your mother found relief. The dreams should stop. She told me to tell you she loves you.
"What a relief, on both counts. Did you discover the cause of her distress? What troubled her?"
A man named Jano Invel needed your mother's help casting a spell. She left and the spell failed.
"And that spell became a curse—the curse that's afflicted the academy these twenty years. Of course.
But I don't understand. Why would mother leave this man in his hour of need? The woman I knew would never abandon a friend."
She feared what the spell would do to you. You rested in her womb at the time. Jano was your father.
"My father? But how?
I'll need some time. To process all this. I can't believe she bore the weight of this all these years. In any event, thank you for helping her. I hope the two of them find a way to reconcile in Aetherius. Her and my father."
Glad I could be of service.
"I should really get some sleep, but with all that's happened I don't know how I could manage it. Secrets from my mother's past, a father I never knew... It's a lot to take in.
In any event, thank you so much for all your efforts. Eight bless you."

The quest will be completed and the spirits of Jano and Honoria will appear and talk about Catina, who does not notice them. They will then disappear to Aetherius and you can speak to Catina one last time.

"I think I'll rest here a moment before I head back to Senchal. It's the first rest I've had in weeks.
It really is something, isn't it?"
What's something?
"The citadel. You don't see grand Imperial edifices like this outside of Cyrodiil very often.
Perhaps we can reclaim it. If we manage to rid it of undead, we might rebuild—learn its history. That would make my parents proud. I know it."

The Pride of Elsweyr[edit]

If you completed her quest before finishing the zone story's epilogue, she appears at the ceremony. Except for the first line, the remainder is from the previous quest (see Notes below):

"So strange that dreams can bring people and places together …"
Tell me more about these dreams. Are they always the same?
"I can never recall the beginnings, but they always end the same.
I'm standing outside the citadel, just as we are now. Suddenly, I'm inside. I walk down a dank hallway that opens into a larger chamber. Then, I spot him at his writing desk. The man."
Can you describe him?
"Hmm. Weary? Troubled, certainly. Consumed by some secret resentment.
I approach to get a better look at him. His hand drifts to a stop. Without even thinking about it, I hold out my mother's necklace. Urging him to take it, I suppose."
But he doesn't.
"No. His eyes flick upward to look at me. Tired, reddening eyes. Much like mine, in fact. We stare at each other for a moment, then I wake in a cold sweat.
I know it sounds simple, but there's an anguish there I can't even begin to describe."


  • At release, Catina was originally to have unique dialogue at the epilogue ceremony, however the voice acting was from lines from Dreams of the Forsaken while the subtitles were shown as below. It appears the subtitles have been changed to match the voice acting rather than creating new voice audio:
"So strange that dreams can bring people and places together …"
Have you finished investigating the academy?
"Not even close! I could spend three lifetimes there and …. Anyway, its library belongs to Tamriel, not the ghosts of the past.
I plan to arrange an expedition. A proper one. Perhaps Queen Khamira will serve as a patron …."