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Home Settlement Morkul Stronghold
Location Clan Longhouse
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Clothier
Other Information
Faction(s) Morkul Clan

Ashgel is an Orc clothier who can be found in the Clan Longhouse at Morkul Stronghold.

Originally a follower of Malacath like most of the Morkul Clan, she was led to convert to Trinimac worship after High Priestess Solgra officiated marriage between Ashgel and her husband Balarkh. Although the clan chief isn't happy with it, his own daughter converted.


"Word of advice—if you mention Trinimac to Lothgud, he'll cut you off."


"All this fuss over a hammer. Old ideas, old traditions … what do they bring us but blood and rubble?"
Why do you say that?
"Ask any Orc why he does something. Code of Malacath this, Malacath commands that … but where is this code? Nowhere.
It means whatever we need it to mean."
What's your issue with the Code of Malacath?
"What's not to hate? Only the chief may marry. Only the chief's wives may remain in the clan—pah!
Trust me, the chief and his wives aren't the only ones "marrying," no matter what lewd name you put to the act."
So you don't worship Malacath?
"Malacath. Daedric Prince of Vengeance. Daedric Prince of Always Making The Same Mistake, more like.
No, I'm a follower of Trinimac, and I don't care who knows."
Why Trinimac?
"Simple. That priestess in Orsinium made me and Balarkh husband and wife.
She said if we were married in our hearts, we were married for real."

Your reply depends on whether you have met Solgra previously:

Have not met Solgra:
Previously met Solgra:
Priestess in Orsinium?
"High Priestesss Solgra? She's in Orsinium, spreading the word of Trinimac.
Chief Abzug wasn't too happy when we told him, but we just followed his daughter's example. She's worshiped Trinimac since she became King Kurog's forge-wife."
Do you mean Solgra?
"Yeah, she's the one.
Chief Abzug wasn't too happy when he heard, but there was nothing he could do about it. His own daughter converted once she married King Kurog."


  • Your character now will only tell the "not having met Solgra" dialogue, even if you have met her prior. ?