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Online:Antique Map of Western Skyrim

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ON-icon-furnishing-Antique Map of Western Skyrim.png
Antique Map of Western Skyrim
Category Library (Maps)
Quality Fine
Limit Type Traditional Furnishings
Bind Bind on Pickup
Unlocked By
Western Skyrim Pathfinder
Explore the regions of Western Skyrim with this masterful map. Elevations, waterways, and roads may be a tad out of date.
Antique Map of Western Skyrim


This antiquity furnishing can be obtained via the Antiquities system. First, you must obtain the following Antiquity lead:

Icon Lead Location Source(s) Difficulty Codex
ON-icon-furnishing-Blackwood Map.png Lead: Antique Map of Western Skyrim Western Skyrim Sold by Rogef the innkeeper in Solitude for 000010001,000 Gold. (Requires Western Skyrim Pathfinder) Simple Ugron gro-Thumog Reginus Buca Verita Numida
A map of Western Skyrim, eh? Damned odd to find an ancient map that leaves out the holds east of Morthal. The cartographer probably worked as a caravaner--marking trade routes near Solitude's sphere of influence. The map clearly depicts a settlement near present-day Karthald. No great surprise, there. Reachmen and Nords have fought over that stretch of territory since time out of memory. Apparently, the tower is far older than I suspected! The question remains, just how old is this map? Based on the age of the vellum, I'd date it at 1E 400s. That might explain the conspicuous absence of Whiterun. The cartographer sought to write the hated king, Olaf One-Eye, out of the history books!

Release Notes

Update 26 (Greymoor - June 2020)

  • Released


No player houses come with this furnishing.