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Online:A Mysterious Event

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Quick Summary: written by Talyyn, not checked

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Crash an exclusive Waking Flame event and find an Ambition.
Zone: Blackwood
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Quest Giver: Captain Rian Liore, Eveli Sharp-Arrow, Legionnaire Itan-Nei
Location(s): Gideon, Leyawiin, Salvitto Estate, Vandacia's Deadlands Keep
Previous Quest: A Hidden Vault
Next Quest: Weapons of Destruction
Reward: Percius Loche's Keepsake
Very High Leveled Gold
1 Skill Point
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP gain
ID: 6619
Attend the hottest party of season
Eveli Sharp-Arrow asked to meet with me at the governor's mansion in Gideon. It concerns our next step in finding the remaining Ambitions before Vandacia beats us to it.
With the twins safely under the protection of Keshu's Black Fin Legion, Eveli and I need to figure out how to find the other Ambitions before Vandacia and his cultists beat us to it.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Eveli Sharp-Arrow and read the Courier-Delivered Letter.
  2. Meet the letter's author at Amnis Manor.
  3. Investigate the house for clues relating to the Waking Flame.
  4. Travel to the Salvitto Estate to the north.
  5. Chase down the homeowner and interrogate him.
  6. Meet Eveli in Leyawiin and head to Armor and Fine Garments.
  7. Speak with Percius Loche and make a deal. (Choose One)
    • Pay for Outfits.
    • Gather Bluewhisper Moth Silk.
  8. Go to the Leyawiin Docks and board the Calamity.
  9. Speak with the guests and go to sleep.
  10. Disembark the ship and enter Vandacia's Deadlands Keep.
  11. (Optional)Talk to Lyranth before exploring the Keep.
  12. Talk to Sombren
  13. Find where the Prisoner Key is.
  14. Enter the audience chamber and watch the demonstration while creating a distraction.
  15. Free Sombren and head to the Entry Hall.
  16. Defeat Valkynaz Orran and escape the Keep back to Nirn.
  17. Bring Sombren to the Temple of Dibella in Gideon.
  18. Talk to Eveli in the Governor's Mansion.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You've got mail

Speak with Eveli to begin the quest, and she'll inform you that a nearby courier has a letter for you. Take it off the nearby table and tell Eveli what it says. It's unsigned, but it asks that you bring Eveli to nearby Amnis Manor in Gideon, right behind the Egg and Hammer Inn. You'll find good old Elam Drals just outside the manor: go on and have a chat with him, catch up a bit.

He's calling to inform you that he suspects the owner of this house, Matus Amnis, is a closet Dagonist and may be financially supporting the Waking Flame's activities. Word around the street is that some big event is happening soon, and Elam suspects Vandacia is involved. He won't help you in your investigation: he's got stuff to do, but he suggests you snoop around the manor behind him and see if you can't dig further into this event.

Good 'ol Elam

Enter the manor. Just to the left of the front door, you'll find a Letter to Matus Amnis asking if the noble has received his invitation to Vandacia's latest shindig. The letter points you towards the Salvitto Estate along the shore of Blackwood Lake: that's north of Gideon. Upstairs, you'll find the cover letter for said invitation on a table, but no invitation. Furthermore, his wardrobe is empty—Matus must have already left for the event. Talk to Eveli about your findings.

"I think that's everything we're going to find. Let's take another look at the evidence and see if we can figure out what's going on here."
That letter to Amnis suggests that Vandacia went to the Salvitto Estate.
"Right. Says that's located near Blackwood Lake. It also mentions some sort of event. And I think both Amnis and whoever sent this letter are part of the Order of the Waking Flame.
Actual Dagonists right here in Gideon! Can you imagine?"
This event sounds like Vandacia plans to reveal something special to his followers.
"I was thinking the same thing. Could he have found the other two Ambitions? And are they people, too? Cracked acorns, mysteries make my head hurt!
I'd much rather have a clear target so I can fill it full of arrows!"
We also found part of an invitation and noticed that his wardrobe was empty.
"Sounds like getting to the event requires a voyage and a special coin of some sort. Since we don't have a coin or an invitation, we should go to the Salvitto Estate next.
I think it's to the north of Gideon, near Blackwood Lake. I'll meet you there."
All right, I'll meet you there.
The Salvitto Estate

Meet Eveli at the Salvitto Estate to the north. The Hutan-Tzel Wayshrine is closest to the location: you'll head down the road west from there to find it. The estate is crawling with Waking Flame toadies. Gracian Salvitto is upstairs inside his manor, and it sounds like he's going to leave for a boat on his dock soon. Go on and pay him a visit. He'll try to run: even jumps out of a second story window. But his feeble little aristocrat legs are no match for you, and you catch him at the docks behind the manor. Have a little chat with him.

Not so fast!
"What do you want? Gems, gold, jewels? Whatever you want, it's yours. Just don't harm me!"
Councilor Vandacia. Where is he?
"All right, all right. Yes, Vandacia was here. Stopped by for a visit with his new charge. But he's long gone.
Perhaps if you hurry, you can still catch him."
His new charge?
"Well, prisoner, actually. He stopped by to show him off. Gave me a preview of his big event.
Please, I—I shouldn't be telling you any of this. It goes against our code!"
Tell me more about this event. Where is it and how do I get there?
No one outside the order is allowed … oh, all right! I can see there's no reasoning with you.
Take my invitation. And my coin. You'll need both to get on the ship. The Calamity. It's leaving from Leyawiin docks shortly.""

Gracian handily gives you his invitation to the event and the Waking Flame Coin, which you'll need to get into the event. Talk to Eveli.

"A ship at the Leyawiin docks? Where is Vandacia holding this event of his? And he's got a prisoner? It sounds like he found one of the Ambitions."
Salvitto gave us his invitation and this strange coin.
"Let me see that. What a strange coin. The symbol on it … it looks like the symbols in the book I'm carrying. Here, you better hang on to the coin.
At least we know how to get to Vandacia's event—wherever it is."
So you think we should get aboard that ship?
"Absolutely. Let's meet in Leyawiin. According to the invitation, the event requires formal attire, so we'll need to visit a tailor before we head to the docks.
I'll meet you by the big tree just inside the city gates after I deal with Salvitto."

Head on down to Leyawiin while Eveli takes care of Gracian Salvitto.



  • While Eveli is in the changing room putting on her outfit, her bow remains floating in the air near the curtain, until she comes back out. ?
  • After creating the diversion, Vandacia's pathing may break, and he will simply stand still, instead of fleeing like Lyranth states. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

A Mysterious Event
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should go to Gideon. I need to meet Eveli Sharp-Arrow at the governor's mansion.
Objective: Go to Gideon
I arrived at Gideon. I should talk to Eveli at the governor's mansion and find out what our next step is.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Latest start I should read the courier's letter and see if it can help us figure out our next move.
Objective: Examine the Courier's Letter
I read the letter. Now I should talk to Eveli and let her know what it said.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
The letter instructed us to go to Amnis Manor on the south side of Gideon. I should head there now.
Objective: Go to Amnis Manor
Elam Drals of the Dark Brotherhood was waiting for me at Amnis Manor when I arrived. It appears he sent the courier. I should speak to him.
Objective: Talk to Elam Drals
Elam Drals of the Dark Brotherhood thinks the owner of Amnis Manor is in league with Vandacia. I should enter the manor and look around.
Objective: Enter Amnis Manor
I need to search the manor for any clues connected to Vandacia or the Order of the Waking Flame.
Objective: Search the Manor: 0/3

Search For Clues

Hidden Objective: Examine Letter
Hidden Objective: Examine Invitation
Hidden Objective: Search Wardrobe
I found a letter, part of an invitation, and an empty wardrobe. I should talk to Eveli and figure out what all this tells us.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Since we don't know where the event is yet or how to get there, we need to follow up on the place where Vandacia may have recently visited. I need to go to the Salvitto Estate near Blackwood Lake.
Objective: Go to the Salvitto Estate
I arrived at the Salvitto Estate, but the place is crawling with Waking Flame cultists. I need to look around and see if we can figure out where Vandacia is or where his event is taking place.
Objective: Search the Salvitto Estate
We ran into Gracian Salvitto, but he turned and fled. I need to catch him before he gets away.
Objective: Pursue Gracian Salvitto
Hidden Objective: Pursue Gracian Salvitto
We caught up to Gracian Salvitto. Now we should speak to him.
Objective: Talk to Gracian Salvitto
I should consult with Eveli and discuss what we learned from Gracian Salvitto.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
I need to travel to Leyawiin. Eveli will deal with Salvitto and meet me there.
Objective: Go to Leyawiin
I arrived in Leyawiin. Now to talk to Eveli and see what we should do next.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
The invitation says we need formal attire to attend this mysterious event. Eveli suggested we visit Percius Loche, the tailor here in Leyawiin.
Objective: Talk to Percius Loche
The tailor Percius Loche can supply us with formal attire. I can either pay for the outfits with gold, or trade for them by gathering bluewhisper moth silk from their nests along the river north of Leyawiin.
Complete one: Pay the Tailor or Gather Bluewhisper Moth Silk: 0/3
(If you went and gathered the Bluewhisper Moth Silk)
I gathered bluewhisper moth silk. I should bring it to the tailor and trade it for the formal attire we need.
Objective: Give Silk to Tailor
I purchased outfits for myself and Eveli. I should select the formal attire I want to wear to the event while Eveli does the same.
Objective: Choose Formal Attire for the Event
Now that we selected our formal attire, I should talk to Eveli and see if she's ready to go.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
I should head to the Leyawiin docks and attempt to board the ship mentioned in the invitation, the Calamity.
Objective: Present Yourself at the Calamity
Now that we boarded the Calamity, I should talk to Eveli and see what she thinks of the accommodations.
Objective: Board the Calamity and Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
I need to find a berth to rest in while the Calamity completes its voyage to the location of Vandacia's special event. Before that, I could talk to the other passengers if I want.
Objective: Rest on the Calamity
Optional Step: Talk to Marz-Jekka
Optional Step: Talk to Tactitus Urthinius
The ship has arrived at its location. I should find Eveli and talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
It appears that the ship somehow brought us to Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion plane, the Deadlands. Apparently, Vandacia has a keep here. I need to get inside and see what's going on here.
Objective: Enter Vandacia's Keep
We made it into Vandacia's keep. I should talk to Eveli and discuss our next move.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
We need to search the keep and find out what Vandacia has brought his supporters here to see. If he has captured one of the remaining Ambitions, we need to set them free.
Optional Step: Talk to Lyranth
Objective: Search Vandacia's Keep
We found a prisoner chained up in the depths of the keep. I should talk to him and find out who he is and why he's here.
Objective: Talk to Sombren
I need to get the key to unlock Sombren's chains. It should be somewhere in Kynreeve Dezerog's chamber in the northwestern portion of the keep.
Objective: Find the Key
I acquired the key to set Sombren free from his chains. I should get back to him.
Objective: Return to Sombren
I got the key to unlock Sombren's chains, but Eveli is waiting for me in the hall. Something's wrong. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
The ceremony has already started! We need a diversion to rescue Sombren. I will need to place these reekers around the room and then signal Eveli.
Objective: Place the Reekers
Place Smoke Bombs
Hidden Objective: Place Reeker
I placed the reekers and Eveli fired her arrows. Now clouds of noxious fumes have sent the nobles into a panic. This is the perfect opportunity to set Sombren free.
Objective: Rescue Sombren
Lyranth says she can open a portal back to Nirn for us, but she can only do it in the entry hall. I need to follow Eveli and Sombren and get to that location.
Objective: Head for the Entry Hall
Vandacia sent a Dremora to recapture Sombren. I need to defeat this creature while Lyranth opens a portal for us.
Objective: Defeat Valkynaz Orran
Lyranth created a portal to transport us back to Nirn. I should enter the portal.
Objective: Escape the Deadlands
Lyranth's portal dropped us right outside of Gideon. I should talk to Sombren and make sure he's all right.
Objective: Talk to Sombren
Optional Step: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Governor Keshu has secured the twins in the Temple of Dibella in Gideon. I should take Sombren there so he can meet them.
Objective: Lead Sombren to the Temple of Dibella
Finishes quest☑ We found three of the Ambitions. I should meet Eveli at the governor's mansion and discuss our next steps.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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