Online:A King-Sized Problem
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Quick Summary: written by Unk, checked by Solomon1972
Quest Stages: not written |
King Kurog has given me a standing invitation to drink with him at the King's Cornerclub in Orsinium. I seemed to have impressed him, and he obviously needs someone to handle the more delicate problems facing his kingdom.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to King Kurog.
- Find a way into the temple.
- Get the key to the Rectory.
- Save the priests and the High Priestess.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
When you return to Orsinium after defeating the briarhearts at Frostbreak Fortress, you may be approached by Talviah Aliaria, who will tell you to go see King Kurog at the King's Cornerclub, or you may run into the king yourself at the club. Kurog asks you to help him pacify the Orc chiefs. Then his shield-wives and his mother enter, informing him of an attack on the temple in Orsinium. Forge-Mother Alga asks you to investigate.
The conversation then continues.
- Is violence your solution to every problem?
- "It's a good thing I like you, because the last person who asked me these sorts of questions had the curiosity beaten out of him!
But I don't want to fight with you. That's not why I called you here. Are you ready to listen?" - All right, what can I do for King Kurog?
- "You helped Chief Bazrag. You fought at my side as we defeated Ice-Heart and his Winterborn warriors. In short, you impressed me.
People who impress me either turn out to be a help or a hindrance to my plans. Do you understand what I'm saying?" - Not exactly.
- "Let me speak plainly. You could pose a threat to me, but I prefer to consider you an ally. Share a few drinks. Like we're doing now.
I could use someone like you. Someone to deal with problems that require a more personal touch." - What kinds of problems are we talking about?
- "Clan chief problems. There are still stubborn chiefs out there who don't agree with my vision. Who don't want to see our people united. They're stuck in the old ways. Ways that have failed our people time and time again.
It's time to change that." - You want me to talk to the clan chiefs?
- "You made an impression on Bazrag. Whether he likes it or not, he owes you for helping the clans.
The other chiefs respect Bazrag. We can use this whole situation to our advantage. Get them to listen to matters they would normally refuse to hear." - So what do you want me to do?
- "For now, nothing. Relax, have a drink. Enjoy all the pleasantries that Roxanne and her fine establishment have to offer. But when I need you, I expect you to be ready and willing to get the job done.
Oh for—what are those two doing here?"
Turn around and you'll discover two of Kurog's Shield-Wives have joined the two of you:
- King Kurog: "Damn it! You two always show up and ruin my fun."
- Shield-Wife Razbela: "Oh, I have not even begun to ruin your fun, my king. But let's leave the pleasantries for later. We have an urgent situation to report."
- King Kurog: "I can never tell when you're joking. Fine. What's so important?"
- Shield-Wife Oshgana: "The Trinimac temple has been attacked, my beloved. Malacath devotees have barricaded the doors and taken the priests as hostages."
- King Kurog: "These fanatics dare to attack my city? My people? I'll deal with them personally!"
Just then, the king's mother enters the place:
- Forge-Mother Alga: "You will do no such thing, my son. After what happened in the throne room, this is undoubtedly a trap."
- King Kurog: "I won't sit by while they attack my city!"
- Forge-Mother Alga: "This problem requires a personal solution, and I have a perfect idea. Outsider, let us talk."
If you speak to him before speaking to Alga, he'll say:
- "Best not to keep my mother waiting.
Go. Speak to her. Let's see if her plan sounds better than mine."
After hearing Alga's plan, he'll say:
- "It pains me to admit it, but mother is right. Again. I do have a bit of a temper, but I'm working on that.
Anyway, I'll sit this one out and let you handle it. Regardless of what happens, you will have my full support."
At the temple, you'll find a flustered Captain Zugnor attempting to keep order. He won't appreciate your offer to help, even if you intimidate him, but he will eventually tell you to look for a rear entrance to the temple. Arrive outside the Temple of Ire and you'll find several soldiers and the captain trying to keep the situation under control:
- Captain Zugnor: "Everyone! Clear the streets and go home! Let the king's soldiers deal with this!"
Approach him:
- "Back away, citizen! We have enough to deal with as it is.
My soldiers can't do their job with all you civilians getting under foot." - I'm here to help rescue the hostages.
- "Just because you carry a weapon doesn't mean you know how to use it. And as you can see, I already have more amateur warriors volunteering to help than I can handle.
Why don't you just stand back and leave this to the professionals?" - At least tell me what you know about the situation.
- "By the king's arse, you're annoying! I should toss you in a cell, but I'm a little busy at the moment.
All right, listen. A group approached the temple. I didn't think anything of it until they drew their weapons and rushed inside." - Any other way inside besides the locked door?
- "Look, I just got back from a tour in Daggerfall and I'm still trying to figure this city out. It's a damn maze!
I heard there might be a way back in, but the soldiers I sent to look for it haven't reported in yet."
- "By the king's arse, you're annoying! I should toss you in a cell, but I'm a little busy at the moment.
- [Intimidate] The king sent me. If you don't want him mad at you, I'd suggest you let me help.
- "Right. And I'm High-King Emeric's long-lost brother!
I know what you're trying to do. You're playing a dangerous game, outsider. I hope you realize that." - Forge-Mother Alga will verify my story.
- "Very well, I'll check with the forge-mother. But if you've lied to me, I'll hunt you down, toss you in a cell, and throw away the key!
We think there's a back entrance up the stairs near the Mages Guild. I sent soldiers to find it."
- "Right. And I'm High-King Emeric's long-lost brother!
If you have completed the main quest, you can also say:
- I defeated Molag Bal. I think I can handle this.
- "Right. I think I heard about you. Probably a load of horker dung, but what do I know?
Still, if even half the stories about you are true, I'd be glad to have your help." - How can I get inside the temple?
- "I think there's a back entrance up the stairs near the Mages Guild. I sent some soldiers to investigate but they haven't reported in yet.
If they haven't barred that door, too, you have a chance. Just don't get the hostages killed, all right?"
- "Right. I think I heard about you. Probably a load of horker dung, but what do I know?
Nearby, you'll find Eveli Sharp-Arrow. She believes two shifty-looking characters in the street are involved with the shenanigans in the temple. If you take Eveli's offer for help, an Orc named Grumth will lead you to the back area of the temple, where you will be ambushed. If you refuse to let her shoot someone, you can make your way there yourself by passing around the far south side of the Mages Guild. When you get there, you'll be ambushed anyway. You will eventually find Priest Rooghub outside who can direct you and give you a key to the back door and warn you to stay out of the light of the torch-bearers inside if you want to keep the priests from being slaughtered. There is no indication if you have already failed, so keep an eye out for nearby players that may interfere.
Inside, sneaking will allow you to avoid the torch-bearers, but you'll need to keep an eye out for others, so you don't start a fight that will draw the torch-bearers' attention. Downstairs you'll find a secluded area where the Rectory key is stored, guarded by Grand Fanatic Shurkol. After defeating him and taking the key, head to the Rectory. Once inside, defeat the fanatics in the room. The you should talk to Priest Uugus.
- Priest Uugus: "Thank you for helping us. I … I thought they were going to kill us."
- "I don't know how to thank you. These fanatics, they beat us, threatened us. They told us that they were going to kill us as soon as the king or his soldiers showed up.
But you got in without alerting them. You saved us. The others though …." - Tell me about the others.
- "High Priestess Solgra and our brothers and sisters in Trinimac.
The fanatics gathered us up and forced us in here. But Solgra, she isn't one to put up with such nonsense. She put a blade into one of them and ran into the back to help the others." - Where can I find Solgra and the others?
- "I have the key. I'll open the door for you.
Find the others, please. I don't know what Solgra planned to do, but she had that look in her eyes when the fanatics started hurting our people." - Priest Uugus: "Solgra and the others should be somewhere through this door."
After he opens the door, he'll tell you:
- Priest Uugus: "I'll find a way to open the main temple doors and let the soldiers in. Good luck."
Go through the door, defeating the fanatics along the way. You'll keep hearing Solgra and her captors. She's guarded by Mazogug the Bold, whom you need to defeat. After talking to Solgra, she will direct you to speak to Forge-Mother Alga, who will be waiting for you inside the Temple. Speaking with her finishes the quest.
- If you have already defeated Molag Bal as part of the main story, you are given a third dialogue option to convince Captain Zugnor to let you help. He will say that if even half the stories about you are true, he'd be glad to have your help.
- While the hint after talking with the guard says that Eveli calls out to you at the temple, no such thing occurs. She will simply stand nearby but will not audibly call for you to come to her.
- This hint, while stated as such to progress the quest, is more of an optional step as the temple can be accessed without having to speak with Eveli.
- If a torch bearer is alerted and manages to reach the rectory in time, Priest Gothag, Hothmuk, Harfza and Zazsha are slain.
- The Rectory, unlike the main temple area, is an instanced location.
- One of the priests in the rectory lacks a nameplate. When he relocates to the main temple area after the fanatics are defeated, he is still unnamed, unlike everyone else.
- The chest containing the rectory key can be difficult to interact with due to the interaction prompt overlapping with that of the lootable desk the chest is placed on. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
A King-Sized Problem | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should go to the King's Cornerclub in Orsinium and report to King Kurog, as requested.
Objective: Talk to King Kurog
King Kurog wants to speak to me about problems that require a personal approach.
Objective: Talk to King Kurog
King Kurog's shield-wives entered the tavern to give him a report concerning an attack inside the city. I should listen to what they have to say.
Objective: Listen to the Shield-Wives' Report
Forge-Mother Alga thinks the attack on the Trinimac temple might be a trap. She wants to discuss a different approach to this problem. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Forge-Mother Alga
Fanatics have taken control of the Trinimac temple in Orsinium and are holding hostages. Forge-Mother Alga thinks it's a trap for King Kurog. She asked me to go to the temple in his place and rescue the hostages.
Objective: Go to the Temple
I see that King Kurog's soldiers have taken up a position outside the temple. I should talk to the captain and see what the situation is.
Objective: Talk to Captain Zugnor
The fanatics have barred the temple's main entrance from the inside. I need to find another way to get inside. The captain suggested their [sic] might be a back entrance. I should search around for that.
Objective Hint: Eveli is calling me over near the temple. She might know something that could help me gain access to the temple.
Objective Hint: Talk to Eveli
Objective: Find a Way Into the Temple
Now that I'm inside the Temple of Ire, I need to avoid the torch-bearer patrols and acquire the key to unlock the rectory where the fanatics are holding the captured priests. The key may be in their commander's possession.
Objective: Get the Key to the Rectory
Optional Step: Avoid Torch Bearers to Keep Priests Alive
I have the key that unlocks the door to the rectory. Now I need to get inside and set the captured priests free.
Objective: Enter the Temple Rectory.
Optional Step: Avoid Torch bearers to Keep Priests Alive
Inside the rectory, I found the captured priests. I need to save Priest Uugus so I can ask him about High Priestess Solgra.
Objective: Save Priest Uugus
High Priestess Solgra went to defend the temple sanctuary. I need to find her and make sure the fanatics don't hurt her.
Objective: Find High Priestess Solgra
I found High Priestess Solgra, but one of the fanatics has threatened to kill her. I need to save her.
Objective: Rescue High Priestess Solgra
I rescued High Priestess Solgra. I should talk to her and see what she can tell me about the attack on the temple.
Objective: Talk to High Priestess Solgra
High Priestess Solgra suspects Chief Bazrag is behind the attack on the temple. I need to get the news to the forge-mother as soon as possible.
Objective: Talk to Forge-Mother Alga
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.