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Oblivion talk:Planes of Oblivion

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Archive 1: Sep 2006 - Dec 2010

planes reset after 3 days[edit]

Would this be useful on the main page? I see a lot of people trying to get gates to open to a specific world when all they really need to do (if they don't care too much about the sigil stone) is save before a gate, wait til it is the one they want, and never take the sigil stone. After they rest for 3 days, all the enemies and loot in the oblivion gate are reset, yet the world will be gaurenteed to be the same. This is especially useful for people wanting the hatreds soul bow and arrows and I don't recall seeing this anywhere on the main page, although maybe some people will assume this is common knowledge (cell reset that is) — Unsigned comment by Dtmwerks (talkcontribs) on 9 March 2011

Non-Random Worlds[edit]

These worlds are very poorly documented. I'd like to create separate place pages for them similar to the random worlds. I'm posting here beforehand in case anyone has something to say. --Legoless 17:41, 16 July 2011 (UTC)

I completely agreeLucife Decon 04:37, 23 August 2011‎

they're not separate planes[edit]

The "planes of Oblivion" described in this article are actually all locations on a single plane (Mehrunes Dagon's Deadlands). the page should probably be renamed to reflect this.— Unsigned comment by The Beautiful Princess Ashley (talkcontribs) at 08:20 on 9 October 2017

You're partially right - most of the locations on this page are on Dagon's plane, however it also lists the locations on the Planes of Boethia and Peryite (Oblivion:Planes_of_Oblivion#Non-Random_Worlds). Annoyingly, these locations look exactly like the Deadlands, so its easy to miss. Technically the page name is appropriate, as it lists these other Planes, even though its a just few outliers. --Jimeee (talk) 09:23, 9 October 2017 (UTC)

The information on random gates is not accurate[edit]

1) Once you have nine gates open, additional gates will only open to OW-5. First one entrance and then the other, for as long as you keep opening gates. 2) It is possible to farm OW-2 for Hatreds weapons by opening all nine gates and then closing OW-2. The next gate will be always be OW-2. You can repeat the process as much as you want. I suppose this works for any OW, so you could farm OW-4 for spiddle sticks if you wanted. 3) The Hatreds weapons in OW-2 do not respawn after three days, and if you try to farm the Hatreds weapons this way, the game (my game with no patches and no mods) will glitch and the Hatreds weapons will not appear in any subsequent random OW-2 gates (the pods will be empty), so if you do take the weapons, also take the sigil stone and close the gate. I think there may be a three day grace period if you do decide to take the weapons, leave the world and then come back to close the gate, but it has been a long time since I tested that and I forget what happened, but I do not recall instantly glitching the worlds by leaving with the weapons if I came right back in to close the gate. Chicken Slayer (talk) 14:52, 13 June 2018 (UTC)

Full Maps for Planes of Oblivions?[edit]

Any available full maps for every Plane of Oblivion? Rider4ever38 (talk) 04:15, 12 October 2023 (UTC)

Update: I've already find the links.