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Oblivion Mod:Stirk/Iallus Basilla

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Iallus Basilla
(RefID: xx01C475)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Stirk
House Basilla Lighthouse
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 8 Class Commoner
RefID xx01C475 BaseID xx0013BA
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Essential Until Julia Basilla's Bruises is complete
Iallus Basilla in Basilla Lighthouse

Iallus Basilla, an Imperial commoner, is the keeper of the Basilla Lighthouse at the western end of Stirk, where he lives with his daughter, Julia. Iallus has started to become forgetful, to the point where he even hits his daughter if he fails to recognize her. The other islanders have begun to notice Julia's bruises, and might appreciate somebody investigating.

Iallus wears a blue & green outfit and a pair of russet felt shoes. He also carries a pair of tan linens.

At the start of the game, Iallus sleeps from midnight to 6am and spends the rest of the day shuffling aimlessly around the lighthouse. If, as a result of the related quest, Iallus is taken to jail to be "treated", he will sleep from 11pm to 6am and then wander around his cell. If he is cured, however, he will leave his basement and venture into the ground floor and the lighthouse tower. He will be found in the former from 6am till 2pm and in the latter thereafter. At midnight he retires downstairs to sleep.

His mental instability is obvious from once you first meet him: he will give no signs of acknowledging your presence and once you force conversation with him he will shout: "What are we doing here? What am I doing here? Where are we anyway?" This will add the related quest to your journal. If the quest ends with Iallus being cured, he will be grateful and greet you instead with "Thank you for your part in this. I feel much more capable now, and I've resumed my normal role around the house."

Related Quests[edit]