Oblivion:Viranus Donton
Viranus Donton (RefID: 00066535) |
Home City | Chorrol | ||
House | Vilena Donton's House | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Level | PC-1 | Class | Knight |
RefID | 00066535 | BaseID | 0002D71F |
Other Information | |||
Health | 43 + (5+2.6)x(PC-2), PC=6-20 | ||
Magicka | 100 + 1.5x(PC-2) (max=250) | ||
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 5 |
Essential | Until Trolls of Forsaken Mine (Scripted Death) | ||
Follower | The Master's Son | ||
Faction(s) | Chorrol Citizen; Fighters Guild (Swordsman ![]() |
Viranus Donton is an Imperial knight and member of the Chorrol Fighters Guild. His mother, Vilena, is the Master of the guild. He had an older brother, Vitellus, who was recently killed in the line of duty. He is not as confident as his brother was, and you will be asked to offer him a boost in morale during The Master's Son quest.
He is always equipped with a complete set of steel armor except for the helmet, and wields a silver longsword. He carries his house key and a small amount of gold. He also knows a leveled set of knight spells. During his stay in Forsaken Mine he also carries his journal, which describes his many frustrations towards his overprotective mother and hints at a homosexual relationship with his friend Eduard. Incidentally, the diary will also be the beginning of the end of the Blackwood Company.
After the loss of Vitellus, Vilena understandably wants to keep her only remaining son alive and never allows him to participate in any contracts for the Fighters Guild. As a result, Viranus lives a completely isolated existence in his mother's house. He sleeps on the second floor every night between 2am and 8am. After waking up, he wanders around the ground floor until he sits down and enjoys a lonely two-hour lunch at noon. After four additional hours of doing absolutely nothing, he sits down once again at 6pm and takes his dinner for two hours. The evening is spent in a similar manner and when Vilena gets home at midnight, she goes straight to bed, leaving her only son to himself until his bedtime at 2am. He only gets out of the house at 10am on Sundas when he will spend two hours wandering around inside the Chapel of Stendarr.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Master's Son: The Fighters Guild has been hired to find Galtus Previa, and Viranus Donton needs a confidence boost.
- Trolls of Forsaken Mine: Viranus Donton and some Fighters Guild members were sent to eliminate trolls at Forsaken Mine, and now you must find them.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
The Master's Son[edit]
Modryn Oreyn is tired of the rising competition from the Blackwood Company and the many rumors about Vilena's lack of leadership, and decides to send both you and Viranus into the field, thus starting the quest The Master's Son:
- "I've got another job for you, slightly off the record. You'll be going on a mission with Viranus Donton. Yes -- the Guildmaster's son."
- Viranus Donton
- "You're to accompany him, and make sure he succeeds. He needs some time in the field, to get his confidence up, or he'll never become a good warrior. Vilena coddles the boy too much. Doesn't want him in the line of fire. Suppose it's no surprise after Vitellus."
- Confidence
- "His mother's been holding him back, protecting him. You'll go to Nonwyll Cavern with him. Galtus Previa was lost there, and you're to find him. And not a word of this to the Guildmaster! Go find him. He'll be in the Donton house, most likely. And bring him back in one piece!"
When you locate Viranus in the house he will greet you before expressing his initial inclination to discuss the issue with his mother, though he is easily swayed:
- "Greetings, guildmate. What can I do for you?"
- Viranus Donton
- "I'm Viranus Donton. What can I do for you?"
- Vitellus Donton
- "Yes, my older brother. He was lost on a mission. Vitellus died valiantly, as we all knew he would. He was the best of us. I'm sure our mother is very proud of him."
- Galtus Previa
- "A mission? Well... of course! I'm sure we can do this. You say this came from Oreyn himself? Well. Perhaps I should speak with Mother first...."
- No time. We've got to go.
- "Oh. I'm prepared, of course. I'm sure there's no need to speak to Mother at all. Let's go."
- Your mother is not to know about this.
- "But, she's the Guildmaster. Certainly, she'd.... No. You're right. If the order came from Oreyn, it's a valid one. We should be off immediately. I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't been given many contracts since my brother... since the accident. Let's go."
- "He must be in Nonwyll somewhere. Let's get there quickly."
Once inside Nonwyll Cavern, Viranus will greet you with: "We must find Galtus Previa. He must be here somewhere."
He will then follow you all the way through the cave, heroically fighting the many enemies along the way. Inside Nonwyll Chamber of the Titans, a scared Viranus will look at Galtus' dead body and will say:
- "We should get back to Oreyn and report what we have found."
- Galtus Previa
- "Dead. I can't believe it. So much death."
He will then follow you back to Chorrol, and even enter the Guild Hall to bring Modryn the sad news. He will be partially satisfied nonetheless: if you show him the and ask him if there's anything else he needs, he will dismiss you with:
- "That's all. For now. Good job, though. You got Viranus home safe, and I think it'll do him good. I'll pay him for the contract, and this for you."
Once the quest is completed, Viranus will exit the hall right away and return to his monotonous life in his mother's house.
Trolls of Forsaken Mine[edit]
When you start the quest Trolls of Forsaken Mine a concerned Modryn Oreyn will ask you to locate Viranus:
- "I've got another job for you. It's a sensitive one. I need you to find Viranus Donton."
- Viranus Donton
- "I sent him on a mission to Forsaken Mine. He and some others were supposed to clear the place of trolls. Haven't heard back from them in days. I want you to go check it out. I don't need to tell you how sensitive a matter this is. Get moving, and report back to me as soon as possible."
A sensitive matter indeed, as Modryn once again sent Viranus into the field behind Vilena Donton's back. Eventually, the whole thing explodes when you find Viranus dead in the depths of Forsaken Mine, along with several other Fighters Guild members and, mysteriously, a dead member of the Blackwood Company. Due to the bloodstains leading to his body, Viranus was attacked and wounded in the second large room of Forsaken Mine Lost Passages, then dragged himself through the tunnels to the southernmost room where he died next to his friend Eduard.
His diary reveals several truths about the insanity of the Blackwood Company, even the fact that they were responsible for his death. When you return to Modryn with the sad news, he will be shocked and hint at things to come:
- "Dead? Dead! What happened? A journal? Let me see that... Blackwood Company! Bastards! Rank amateurs! I don't like to think how Vilena is going to take this news. He was my responsibility. I'll be the one to tell her."
Viranus' death will have several consequences, most notably the demotion of Modryn Oreyn as well as your own. Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal will commiserate with you:
- "I've got news for you. Vilena wasn't happy when she heard about Viranus. No shock there. She expelled Oreyn from the guild. It's a damn shame. And you've been demoted to the rank of Defender. Hell, even I don't think you deserved that. But, it is what it is. Move on."
On the streets of Chorrol, the concerned townsfolk are busy talking about the overprotected son of the guildmaster:
- "Vilena Donton hasn't been very aggressive as head of the Fighters Guild. Maybe her son Viranus will show a bit more spunk."
- "The Fighters Guild is a family business. With Vitellus dead, Viranus is in line to succeed his mother."
Guild members will be similarly scathing:
- "Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday."
- "Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way."
- "With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy."
- "Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering."
- "I know Vilena's got Vitellus on her mind, but she'll spoil Viranus if she keeps him out of the real action."
After the events at Nonwyll Cavern, guild members will start to say:
- "Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons."
- "Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?"
- "Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess."
Ahead of the Forsaken Mine job, guild members will mention a contract involving Viranus and Blankenmarch:
- "I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows."
Following Viranus's death, the citizens of Chorrol will quickly begin to reflect on the tragic events and the future for the Fighters Guild:
- "Viranus, the Fighters Guild son-and-heir, is dead, and Vilena kicked Modryn Oreyn out of the guild. The Fighters Guild is falling apart."
- "Modryn Oreyn got kicked out, and Vilena Donton thinks only about her dead sons. The Fighters Guild is finished."
- "I bet the Blackwood Company had something to do with Viranus Donton's death."
- "With Modryn Oreyn gone, and Vilena Donton mourning her lost sons, who's left to lead the Fighters Guild?"
Guild members themselves will despair:
- "So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble."